forum Does my magic system make sense?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 93 followers

Deleted user

So for my story I've created three types of magic: Elemental Magic, Dark Magic, and God Magic.

Dark Magic
Dark magic is a form of magic where energy is drawn from a living object. It is difficult to master, and is performed by Warlocks.
It is an offensive magic. It can only be used to hurt, and not heal.
You cannot completely drain anything of its life energy
You cannot absorb any life energy that you take
If you practice dark magic, you cannot practice any other form of magic
God Magic
Magic that is used by gods to create and protect their universes
You cannot destroy what you create
You cannot leave your universe unless it is being protected by another god
You cannot kill anything other than a god
The amount of magic you have is finite. You can only obtain more by jumping dimensions. The void between two dimensions is basically a god magic jackpot, so travelling in it is basically a recharge.
You can shift into any form that exists in the universe that you’re in, but you may not alter the form with magic at all. You get what you get.
Elemental Magic
Magic that moves/influences movement of certain elements (not the classic elements like water, fire, earth, air etc. I’m referring to the periodic table.)
You may only influence one element at a time
You may only influence elements for a total of 15 seconds at a time
You may only influence a cluster of the same element that's mass is less than or equal to yours

Junipergins Beta Tester

What you have so far seems to make sense. I have a couple follow up questions:

  • How do users in the elemental magic type learn or access their powers? Are they born with the power or is it something they must learn?
  • Are there any limitations to the gods who use god magic?

Deleted user

You learn elemental magic. Gods don't really have limitations other than the fact that they can bend the rules of physics, but not completely disregard them.


Is the only point of Dark magic to hurt people? What happens to the life force drained by Warlocks? Can anyone absob that life force or does it just disapeer? What motivates people to turn to dark magic (doesn't seem like you can gain much from it, I would see the appeal if you could absorb life force to become immortal, but I don't see the point of it)

Deleted user

The life energy is converted into other things and used to cast spells. It can be extremely powerful when used correctly.

Junipergins Beta Tester

Can we assume that those who use Dark Magic in your story will be villains and those who use Elemental Magic will be the good guys? If so, what would a battle between the two look like? What would be the advantages or disadvantages each type be?

Deleted user

Well, people who use dark magic (warlocks) are basically like drug lords.