forum A new magic system for a suer hero D&D based off of fate
Started by @Zackattack

people_alt 79 followers


I want to include magic as it can be a potent tool for heroes. So i figured id come up with my own system.

Spells can be powered up up to your maximum magical level (your power level, ie level 3 magic will allow a spell 3 times stronger then usual)

Casting spells drains energy, gifted individuals may have a larger mana well then most, but most draw power from there stamina.

After casting more spells then your consitution modifier, you must make a cont save every time you attempt to cast a spell.
The DC starts at 10, and increases by 1 for each spell you cast past your cont modifier. Spells cast at higher levels increase the DC save by the amount of levels past the first for that DC save only.

Failing a Save casts the spell at a weaker level (if you failed by an amount that would still be caste able at a lower level).
The Base DC save required after failing is increased by the amount you failed by, and does not decrease until after a long rest, even if you spend you action meditating/channeling/drawing energy from the cosmos (reduces the DC save by up to cont save + 1d4, but will not go lower then its base, which is normally 10)

magic wont be like regular d&d most things if they hit will simply dmg or apply a status effect. There power will increase based on your base strength and the power levels you funnel into it.