forum Need ideas on one of the kingdoms in the Dragon universe
Started by RedDragonCats17

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I never created a discussion board before, but I did completely forget about this place, so this is an option.

I need ideas on a kingdom that I have in my Dragon universe. The kingdom is named Juinkop, and it's a place similar to feudal Japan and ancient China. I.E, samurai, ninja, Shaolin monks, you name it. It's the place where martial arts originated.

Now there are certain martial arts that don't come from Japan or China, like Taekwondo, Capoeira, and Varma kalai. I currently have a China part and a Japan part for this kingdom.

How can I create alternate versions of these martial arts, or how can I expand the kingdom itself?


The reason that some of these martial arts exist is that people learn the original styles and then put their own unique twist on them, whether it be with certain moves, stances, or positions. I'd have either small sects within the kingdom or places outside the kingdom where you have Juninkop-ese living somewhere else and teaching the traditional arts with people around them doing it the "wrong" way and subsequently pioneering their own styles.


So small sections outside of the kingdom. Like in the other 2 kingdoms for example?

Zenamansu, a country, has 3 kingdoms: Senkanuso, the kingdom of peace, Ryumosu, originally the kingdom of power but now the kingdom of fun, this is wear technology and firearms originate, and Juinkop, the kingdom of courage, this is wear martial arts originate, and this is wear samurai, ninja, and Shaolin monks live at.


Aw, man! You almost had the trifecta with power and courage! All you need is wisdom, and you've got the Triforce!


Senkanuso is well known for it's wisdom, as the king has stopped wars by simply using words and conferences. I was planning on making a trivia that Zenamansu that it's kinda like the Triforce, except that Ryumosu is no longer the kingdom of power.