forum House arrangement
Started by @sharkfinn_ey

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After you so kindly helped me out, I figure I should return the favor! I'm no architect, but I did take a class in sophomore year, so we should be good.

I enjoy the accents and small flourishes that each bedroom has, it gives more life to your characters!
Having a large attic for the cats is cool, but is it… cool? By that I mean that houses generally have attics and crawl spaces up top so that air can pass through. This keeps the house cool in summer and warm in the winter time. Having a bunch of cats and cat entertainment objects in a place that can get extremely hot and dry isn't the best for them, and I have had my own cat try to jump out of a second-story window when I was putting my air conditioner in.

On a similar note, how is the house powered and heated? Oil? Propane? Solar? There are a variety of options, and it would help keep appliances (like air conditioners for the attic) running if need be.

Glass isn't usually the best option for things like training rooms, as my dad can testify to the fact that being forced out of a closed window isn't pleasant (he was roughhousing with his brother when they were younger, and he ended up needing stitches in his hand). There's also the chance of peeping Toms, which is why I always think those commercials with the hipster in his modern house with a lot of glass in the woods are weird.

Concrete roofs are extremely strong and reduce the risk of fungi, water, wind, and fire damage, but they are HEAVY. If the rest of this house is made of wood, I suspect that there would need to be a lot more structural modifications to it. You could also have the rest of the house be made of concrete and have siding and wood walls, but concrete roofing would not work with the glass portions.

How is one of the walls in the training room decorated with throwing knives? Are they on racks? Latticed like the armory at Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia? Jammed in there because they didn't feel like driving for four-plus hours to simply get a rack?

What's the bathroom like? Clean? Messy? Filled with products for a certain someone's hair (could be anybody, I don't judge)? Is there a plunger always on standby? A nice shower curtain? A shower in general? How big's the bathtub? Is there one?

Why do they hate sitting around the table? I've got a few lapdesks in my house (think a plastic surface on top of a bean bag) and some small folding tables. Do they use those? Place the food on their laps at the risk of spilling their food?

What's in the refrigerator? The pantry? What snacks do they have and what can they not live without? Any secret stashes of food? Biscoff cookies (those gingerbread cookies you get on airplanes)?

Where does the water come from? I'm assuming they need it for the plants, but it there's a dishwasher, sink, etc., won't they need some sort of plumbing? I'm assuming they're on a well and get the water from there, but what happens if it runs out? Do they think about it?

I know this is a very long list, but these are things I think about when worldbuilding, Good luck to you!


Thank you so so much for your criticism! There are a lot of things I didn't think about haha.
The attic is rather high and I thought that because of that it wouldn't get that hot in there, since there's a sea climate, which is always rather nice weather, nothing too hot.
I think I'll have the house powered by clean wind-energy, since they're at sea and the winds are always strong there. There'll probably be a back-up sun/solar-energy.

Funny enough (or not funny at all actually) the same thing happened to my dad and a glass door, so you're right about the glass training room (though it does look cool xd).
The house is made of white concrete, so they concrete roof isn't a problem. There are just a lot of wooden accents.
I'll make the training room of concrete as well, because things do get rough sometimes.
To describe the throwing knives the best I can; there are like nails put in the wall and the knives are hanged on those (as there's a small hole in the handle).
Their bathroom is rather clean and organized, they all use the same soap, though Jaden may buy a couple and use those at the same time.
There's a bath with a shower in it, just big enough for one person and a shower curtain with clouds on it.

They feel like sitting around a table isn't cozy, so they sit with their meals on their lap, or now you mention it, lapdesks are a great option too!! Thanks haha

Hailey simply can't live without chocolate, and she and Jaden have a hard time living without mac 'n cheese, so that's always present.
Usually there's a lot of fruit and vegetables, a lot of rice and pasta. They make their own bread, because Lincoln hates store-bought. He makes it using a breadmachine.
There's an old plumbing system, but a well too. This isn't something I thought about so thanks again!
I hope this cleared things up a bit haha