forum "You with the dark curls..." "You with the water colored eyes..." (Closed - OxO) (MATURE)
Started by @bleeding_hearts

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…You who bares all your teeth in every smile…
This song has been ROTTING my brain for the past- idk. Three days?? For those who don't know the song, this is it here. I kinda want to do a roleplay that's incredibly angsty.

If you want the basics of the song, so you don't have to listen. The song is about conflicting emotions, especially towards ones lover. I personally take it as falling out of love, possible cheating, or just general lack of love in the relationship and I wanted to base an rp around that.

I'll explain more in the general premise.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT FOR YOUNGLINGS (tbh none of my rps are) Themes such as: Suicide, Abuse (mentally, physically, etc etc), Death, Blood, Gore, so on so forth. Just overall it's like- a lot and I'd rather not upset someone. This will most likely have sexual themes (this of course will be taken to DM's to respect andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s Rules, or just completely skipped over, depending on your comfort level) as well so I would be aware of that. SO.

~General Premise~

So. This can take multiple routes.

  1. Character A has been cheated on, left in complete ruins, and has no one to turn to except for Character B. Character B can have just as an angsty story, or they're looking after Character A. But they slowly fall in love.

  2. Character A and Character B have been broken up with each other for a long time. One of the characters was found cheating (we'll say B just for clarity but this can be changed) /there was a rumor of the character cheating. They reconnect years later, and the Character B wants to make it up to Character A. It's totally up to whether or not the two characters become friends again.

  3. This one is more of an arranged type thing. Character A is royalty, supposed to marry Character C (again, one of my ocs) for an alliance/promised at birth/prophecy. But they have fallen in love with Character B (who can be ranging from a servant, knight, pirate, wanted etc).

  4. We make up a new scenario with similar lines.

~General Rules~

  • Moderately long responses please! I prefer detailed answers. If your response takes you a few days, that's fine. I like detailed, long replies. They don't have to be perfect, but I do like longer responses, it feels like there's more to develop and whatnot.

  • On that note, I would like to point out that I prioritize willingness to learn, so as long as you have well thought out answers and not something like "She sniffled." As your response, we should be okay. Sometimes writing block hits, sometimes we don't know where to continue, and that's okay.

  • Literature, preferably experienced. I won't hold it to anyone if their grammar isn't perfect. But I would like the responses to make sense, and I would like someone who flows well with my writing style. That being said, If I deny your rp style it is nothing against you. I hope that is understandable.

  • LGBTQIA+ is always, and will always be welcome. Your character can be anywhere on the spectrum. Any sexuality, any gender, etc. This is a safe place. In fact I'd rather the rp be queer lmao.

  • This roleplay is MATURE. Anything explicit will be moved to DM's or a Fade to Black situation to respect andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules. Relationships in this story are totally fine (I'm actually kind of aching for a romance ngl).

  • There will be triggering topics (as I have listed above, and there will be more) Violence, death, questionable choices, threatening situations, blood, gore, so on so forth, will be present. Please for the love of god, tell me your triggers so that we can avoid those moments. I will either give a heads up if something is mentioned OR we can completely skip over those moments. This is supposed to be enjoyable for the both of us.

  • Swearing? I don't give a fuck. Just don't use slurs. I will no longer reply, or roleplay with you.

  • Your character can be an asshole, but you cannot be an asshole. Be a decent human being please.

  • I'll post a character template if that's wanted.


(Sick!! I'm actually grocery shopping at the moment lolol, but I'll get back to you asap about prompt and my character ideas!!)


I'm back! I just wanted to add that this song has been living rent-free in my head, also, and I'm absolutely living for it. I've also seen so many storyboards, animatics, and animations that use this audio, which makes me really want to write about it! I have a couple of loose ideas for my character, but before that, I def wanna pin a plot!

Out of the mentioned prompts, I will admit that the word "wanted" caught my attention the most. I'm also a sucker for the escaping-an-arranged-marriage trope in general, and I think two characters having to depend on each other in a time of stress could provide a lot of material to work with, both cute and angsty. Perhaps Character A regrets running away with Character B at times, maybe B isn't all they promised to be, but they have no choice but to make it work now. And maybe sometimes they're reminded why they fell in love with each other in the most absurd of moments, little things that made them fall… And maybe I'm a little bit influenced by a storyboarder I really love, because of this particular short I saw.

All that said, I'm very much open to the other alternatives! I'm just stream-of-consciousness…ing right now!


Maybe your character has been hired to kill mine, but instead my character misunderstands and is just like, "You get me the fuck out of here and away from this marriage and I'll pay you whatever you want." Or something along those lines.


Sorry I'm late! Had to work a ten-hour shift yesterday and I'm exhausted T.T

I'm glad to hear you like the ideas!! And I'm absolutely down to play an assassin/merc-style character. It actually fits super well with the character design I have in mind. That just leaves us with the setting… Are we thinking urban modern? Medieval-style? Fantasy? Realistic?

Personally, I'm of the impression that one can never go wrong with a bit of fantasy sprinkled in, but I'm happy playing plain old humans, too. And all I know for certain is my character will definitely use archaic weapons because I find them infinitely more entertaining to write than modern weapons XD


No worries, my college semester just started for me so I've been busy as well!

As for setting, honestly I was thinking slightly medieval with some fantasy? I think Fantasy is my strongest playing card if I'm going to be honest XD


That sounds great to me! I definitely have a preference for fantasy and supernatural-style plots, myself. If it's alright with you, I was considering giving my character magic! Nothing overpowered, but it would be a big part of them lore-wise ^^


Sick! I have most of a character template filled out, but I have a few more revisions to make when I get home from my shift (which won't be until after 11pm est, heads up). Did you have a specific template you'd like me to use?


Character Name: Davi (Dah-vee)
Age: Twenty
Gender: Male, he/him
Power (if applicable): Davi is a blood mage. It’s an incredibly rare, versatile power that one has to be born with, as opposed to other forms of magic that can be learned. (I've left this intentionally vague for now 'cause I think it'd be fun to reveal as we go, but I can fill it out more if you'd prefer!)
Personality: It takes a very patient person to get along with Davi. He’s selfish, arrogant, quick-tempered, and lazy… He’s also passionate, clever, humorous, and very, very resilient in both will and body. Generally speaking, though he has empathy, he rarely acts on it. He’s not blind to how his actions may hurt others, but they take a far lower priority than his own self-interest. He’ll help you if you help him—a back-scratching kind of deal. Davi greatly appreciates those with a good sense of humor.
(AKA the kind of guy people might look at and think, ‘I can fix him!’ about. No, you can’t… But maybe he can be inspired to change himself?)
Appearance: Image
Backstory: He's tight-lipped about his history aside from a few vague details, like the fact that he grew up in a citrus orchard with his aunt. Where he learned magic from and why he's a wanted man are topics that never seem to come up in conversation.
Same Energy As: You know, weirdly enough, he gives me Diego vibes from Ice Age. Just a lazier and more emotionally-constipated version. It wasn't planned, but it happened. Example.
Theme Song: I'm torn between two, aside from the obvious title that influenced his creation. The first is Flip by Glass Animals (actually high-key relevant to his past), and the second is Pools from the same album (which is more how I imagine he would take to falling in love and his conflicting emotions because of it).
Fun Facts:

  • If he had a smell, it'd be a mix of tangerines, smoke, and iron.
  • If he ever avoids eye contact, it's usually a sign that he's grappling with emotions.
  • His primary weapon is a one-handed sword. It's an uncommon blade, about the length of his forearm and curved. It's a wicked design meant for deep cuts, though Davi's is made further unique by the dull blade and the scratch across the length of it.
  • A talented liar.
  • Weirdly philisophical. Or maybe he's just cynical.

This took longer than I thought it would, but he's here! Let me know if there's anything I need to modify ^^


Name: Xian Jingyi
Name Meaning:
Xian - Immortal, transcendent
Jingyi - Quiet, still, gentle
Aliases: Jiji
Nicknames: Hu zi, by his older sister.
Age: 22
Biologically: Cismale
Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Orientation: Bisexual, preference for men.
Status: Of Royal Lineage.
Relationship Status: Currently engaged to a man he does not like.
Kingdom: Xian Fang Empire
Title: Prince - First son of the King.
Species: Unknown, appears human but the royal family has underlying abilities passed down from generation to generation.
Appearance: General - But here are some notes real quick. It should be noted that all accessories are silver, due to purple, black, and silver, being the colors of his empire. His hair is notably longer, it reaches down to his mid thighs when completely down. His hair is usually tied up with a simple purple ribbon, on more important occasions, he is wearing the style in the image. He has many scars along his body.
Distinguishing Features: On his back there is a snake tattooed along his spine.
Usual Clothing Style: A simple deep purple outer robe that reaches slightly past his knees and has long flowing sleeves, decorated with a black corset, with silver designs sewn into the fabric. He wears black pants underneath, and knee high boots with a slight heel. The sleeves are bunched into silver gauntlets so that his hands are free. His fingertips are covered in intricately designed finger claws (note, these can do damage and it is most common for royalty to wear them).
Color Palette
Personality: Jingyi fits into his name rather well. He appears quiet, still, and gentle. He appears to be a kind, gentle ruler. Perhaps that's why he was given to a man who is known to be much more aggressive. Perhaps his parents worried that he would be unable to defend himself. That- is simply untrue. Jingyi is incredibly bright, thinks quickly on his feet, and has incredibly fast reflexes. He's smart, dedicated, and extremely tired of being looked down on. He is someone that has been underestimated his entire life, and he is tired of feeling that way. He trained by himself, he dedicated himself to becoming stronger, and he's incredibly volatile. He has the patience of a god, but don't take that for granted in the slightest. Jingyi is someone who assesses others constantly, like a snake circling prey. That patience is always him watching, adjusting, making plans. Don't get me wrong, he's a good dude- just slightly complicated.
Powers: He is believed to be the first of his blood to be born without powers. (Note: This is untrue) Jingyi has powers, however he is a late bloomer. He was so used to being treated weak that when he gained his abilities he kept them under wrap so that it's a trick he has up his sleeve.

  • Immortality: The Xian Empire's royal family has the blessing of immortality. Thus the name. However, it's just that they age fairly slowly. They can die by a normal weapon (note, all poisons do not affect them), but can live 5x longer than the average human (Think elves). When marrying into the royal family, those who are bound by blood also become "immortal". - It must be noted that the blood is given consensually.
  • Jingyi has two gifts specifically.
  • Born with immunity. Jingyi can resist a majority of magic and curses, thus immunity.
  • Late blooming gift, Jingyi can heal others and himself. It comes at the cost of taking the wound upon his own body for a short amount of time (small wounds can take only about 30 seconds to heal, the larger the injury, the longer the heal time). As for healing himself, his body has accelerated healing. The same amount of time applies to his.

Weapons: Jingyi carries two scythes that connect by a chain. There is a handle in the middle of the chain that can detach so that he can use both hands.
Companions: A small black snake, that can expand to 10x her size. Her name is Liu. Usually she is seen wrapped around his wrist or neck.
History: Doesn't like to talk about it much, good luck getting it out of him.


I am so sorry that took so long lmao. But here he is! I was trying to decide which one of my more 'royal' characters I should use, and ended up settling on him since I haven't really focused on him all that much. Gives me a chance to expand on him!