forum You think you scare me just because you're Fae?
Started by @Fenrir

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I love the idea of an egotistical Fae who thinks he's better than everyone and is a real nuisance to everyone, falling for a village girl who won't put up with his shit. Was also thinking he works for the Queen of Far that's outlawed humans using magic. kinda want to do a full-on story starting from the beginning of their love story until the end. If you have any suggestions, please let me know! also, I'd like to be the female character.

Character A is an egotistical fae who works for the Fae Queen as her most loyal captain of the guard. Trained to dispatch any and all disturbances in the kingdom and enforce any will of his queen.

Character B is a village citizen, born with magic but unable to use it legally while in the Fae kingdom. Their family was long ago slaughtered under the Fae Queen's orders since they too had magic. To salvage what little memory of their can't, B keeps open a healer hut at the far end of the kingdom, disguised as a florist shop.


  • no smut
  • paragraphs only, no one or two lines
  • proper grammar and spelling
  • you choose the character first
  • lgbtq+ is always welcome, let me know what pairing you'd like


(I wouldn't mind if we had two rows together! You can join if you'd like, I'd love to have you!)


(yes really :D there's probably different interpretations of faes but I'm basically thinking of someone whose Superior to humans in every way, stronger, faster, they often have magical abilities. Free of most if not all flaws, at least in appearance. Most can be shape shifters into animal forms that are equally as powerful as they're normal form. Most are immortal as well or at least live longer lives than a typical him one. Basically take your typical fairy, and make them godsfof the earth if that makes sense. )


(yes of course! Quick questions before I put up a template, though. 1)what pairing would you like if you're alright with LGBTQ and 2) which character would you like to be?)

@rui group

1) Ummmm I prefer gay relationships but if you want to do a straight one or anything else I'm fine with that too 2) I don't care whichever one you want to be is fine


Oki I think imma do m/m since that's what I primarily write, and mind if I okay the village person?
Here's a template!

Name (nickname) -
Age -
Sexuality -
Status and occupation -
Appearance -
Bit of a backstory -
Family if any -
Personality -
Likes/dislikes -
Other -


(I don't mind at all!)
Name (nickname) - Abrose (Rose) Nightingale
Age - 22
Sexuality - gay
Status - village commoner, unmarried (shown by a silver circlet at his brow)
occupation - Abrise runs his family's Floristry shop as well as hiding an apothecary
Appearance - Abrose stands around 5'6 ish. He has unaturally bright red hair, paired with striking green eyes and fairly pale skin, spotted all over with freckles and darker patches of skin. Some say he embodies a summers day or a warm hearth just on appearances alone. His usual attire consists of flowy cotton blouses that allow him to move and some sort of tighter fitting trouser.
Bit of a backstory - Abrose was young when he lost his mother and sister due to the Queen's orders to dispatch any magic welders. While theirs had been minimal, only healing and simple spells, they still had been killed. Abrose had managed to hide away in the woods for that time until it was safe to return to his home. Since then, Abrose had been working as a florist to keep his family memory alive as well as a secret apothecary owner to keep the memory of magic alive.
Family if any - Evangeline his sister (deceased) and Georgina his mother (deceased)
Personality - Abrose is usually very happy go lucky most if the time. He genuinely loves both his jobs despite his fear of the queen finding him out. He can have a short temper, especially with people he can't tolerate (mostly royals and anyone of high standing.) He's honest but kind, wanting the best for most people
Likes - loves chocolate, mightiness since its when he can practice his inherited magic. Loves gathering herbs for the apothecary.
Dislikes - the heat, the mention of death, especially in association to magic welders. The royals, save for a few nobles he has as friends
Other - nope

@rui group

Name - Easton Silas
Age - 23
Status and occupation - Captain of the Guard, unmarried
Appearance - Picture 1, Picture 2, and TattooThat he has on his back
Bit of a backstory - His family is quite wealthy and has a big house. He only sees them sometimes and if he does they don't talk. They aren't as close as a family as they appear to be everywhere else. He doesn't hate anyone in the family they all hate him because of his position. The fact that he hasn't married yet puts a lot of pressure on him as well. So he feels like he has this name to live up to when in reality, he just wants to live his life with no concerns.
Family if any - Mother: Alisa, Father: Richard, Older Brother: Jade
Personality - He's very stuck up and thinks he is on a higher level than everyone else. He often roams around carefree. He doesn't really like to stay in one place for a long time. Since he's the captain he doesn't really have a lot of free time which makes him anxious angry. He thinks of himself as a dominant figure because he's tall, even though his build is normal he is very strong. He doesn't look like it but if you threw a truck at him he would probably catch it with ease.
Likes/dislikes - Likes: Icecream (Specifically Mint chocolate chip), books, sleeping, eating food (Like an unnatural amount of food), and his job. Dislikes: Vegetables, anything plant-based, and nature. He just like being in the comfort of his own bed.
Other - nope


(I love him! Here's a starter!)
Abrose took a deep breath and again congratulated the couple for their marriage. He found it unconventional to hire a florist for a tavern surprise wedding but Abrose wouldn't dare turn them down. He waved to the bride and glanced up at the sky. Shoot, already night time. But he couldn't stay another moment in that tavern. While he adored the couple, long time friends of Abrose, he dispised taverns or any place that included a bunch of drunk people so he ventured into night, his basket now instead of filled with his tarot cards and food from the wedding. He casually pulled a card from his loose deck and tapped the card against his lips, a smile spreading across his features. The moon. A sign of mystery, romance, wisdom and just a hint of darkness, enough to be intriguing. He bowed his head in respect and muttered a thank you to the sky for granting a clear and what he hoped to be a safe walk home.

@rui group

Easton had been at the wedding his close friend had. He stayed for some drinks here and there, but he never drank too much. He was still on duty after all. Onc he had his share fair of fun he decided to escape from the party and take a late-night stroll. Easton took off the locket he had around his neck spinning it in circles as he walked. It was a locket of him and his family, but he never really thought of it as important. He wasn't really sure where he was going, but he knew he just didn't want to stay at the party. After a while of walking, he spotted a boy and hit behind a tree. He didn't know why he was hiding but he was. He says pull cards out. What is he doing out here at night? He decided to come from the tree and walked in front of him. "What are you doing out here huh? Wait…" He squinted. "Are you that florist at the wedding? I've never seen you before so he must have hired you. It's not like someone like you could be friends with someone like him." He scoffed.


Abrose slowed to a Stop as a shadow emerged from the shadows. Safe walk home indeed. He knew he wouldn't be able to fight off much, not with his scrawny size and shorter stature, so he mainly relied on the dagger he usually kept on his person, usually in his cloak pocket. As the figure for closer, Abrose realized that his dagger would do nothing against the Fae make approaching him. He swallowed a lump rising in his throat but stood his ground as the Fae came to a stop in front of him. He couldn't sense his magic, no way possible. Not after so long of not using it. He averted his gaze and furrowed his brow. "Y-yes, I am." He scowled, hating how much his voice trembled in the presence of this man. He raised his eyes to meet his, narrowing them slightly. "Somone like me?" He echoed in disbelief. "I've been friends with both the bride and groom for years now, if you must know and am honored they invited me. I'm surprised they invited you." He shot back, glaring at the Fae make and brushing past him. He didn't even care that the other could potentially kill, he just wanted to leave his scrutinizing gaze. "If you'll excuse me, I've had a very long day and would like to get home." Hesaluted before promptly turning on his heal and heading down the dirt road

@rui group

Easton chuckled loudly. He quickly ran which almost made him appear in front of the boy, almost looking like he teleported. "You're quite feisty, what is your name? I'll see if he's ever mentioned you. I have a feeling he never mentioned a human…" he flicked at his shoulder. "Like you." Eaton sighed. "The only thing I remember him talking about was human florist he hired to work at his wedding. Not enjoy, but to work. You might've only been invited because you had to be. Who knows." He shrugged. Easton placed his hands on the back of his head. "Now I would hate to get my suit dirty because I had to deal with you. So tell me are you really a florist. I mean, there has got to be more to you right?" He started to circle Abrose with a grin. You're the type to help people aren't you. It's pretty obvious. No matter how light the cut is, you want to heal it. Kiss me if I'm wrong, but you definitely use magic right. I think I heard him mention that too." He gave a menacing smirk. "I really hope I won't have to do my job so don't make the wrong and slip up." He touched his shoulder. "Got that?"


Abrose stopped abruptly to prevent himself from crashing into the Fae. "My name is none of your concern. Especially not to throw around by your mouth." Abrose growled, taking a cautious step back and tightening his grip on his pathetic dagger. "Cas hired me only because he knew I most likly wouldn't have stayed that long voluntarily. If it weren't obvious I'm not much of a social person. My job and who I hang out with does not concern you, whether those who choose to share their presence with me are Fae or human." He scanned the trail, growing worried. The darker it got, the more dangerous the road home got, especially since his house was on the edge of the village. He stiffened as the Fae started circling him as if they were predator and prey. "Yes." He breathed, thanking the gods that his voice was at the very least even. "I am. I run my family's store." He tilted his head up and gulped a deep breath of cool night air. "Of course I'd help anyone hurt, wouldn't you? Or are you so cruel that you'd let someone suffer?" He retorted, glancing over his shoulder as he pinned the Fae with a glare, his red hair catching the light of the moon, turning it a bright copper. He quickly turned away at the mention of magic and Cas. Of course Cas would mention that. Not out of malice or to hurt Abrise but out of proudness and a want to bring those who needed help to Abrose. Abrose ground his teeth and shifted out of the Fae's touch, finally showing his dagger and keeping it between them. "He must have confused me with some other florist." He lied, slowly taking a step back. "I know nothing of magic, not of magic weilders. I mean no trouble. I simply wish to get home without a problem. Since you're out here too, I'm sure you wish similarly." He reasoned as he kept taking steps backwards as he kept an eye on the Fae predator in front of him

@rui group

"Depending on who they are, yeah, I might let them suffer. It's my job too anyway and I enjoy my job quite a bit." He raised his hands up jokingly. "Ooo what a glare, I'm so scared. Hey would you look at that, it rhymed." Easton looked at the dagger then to Abrose and then at the dagger. "Are you serious?" He started to cry laughing. "Don't tell me you're actually serious." He pointed the dagger holding his stomach. "That isn't a dagger, honey that's a knife." He did his best to hold in a laugh. "Man, you are really funny. Listen, I'm much stronger than you, hun." Easton snatched the dagger and looked at it. "Pretty nice quality if you ask me." He looked back with a deep chuckle. "I'm joking this is horrible." he crushed it in his hands, dropping it on the ground. "Aw, you're scared I'm gonna hurt you?" Easton stuck his lip out pouting like a baby before smirking. "See, it's my job to hurt people like you, but only when they do magic, so you got lucky. Just don't use magic and I won't." He noticed his flinch and decided to act on it. "So are a magic-user. See one thing you should work on if your lying because it's terrible. Anyway with eyes could tell when you lie." He gasped. "Wait, wait don't tell me that tiny shop is actually used to heal people, isn't it. Oh, that's just perfect. I'll drop by whenever I get hurt." He ruffled Abros's hair. "Don't worry about your name I can just check in the records. That's not the reason I'm out here darling. I'm out here because I was bored and need something fun to do and you sure made me laugh tonight. You're very entertaining…for a human."


Abrose gasped and jumped back as the Fae make snatched his dagger away, examined it, then promptly cushed the hilt in his hand, leaving only a bend blade that dropped to the ground. Gods above if that's what he could do to steel, Abrise didn't wan to imagine what he could do to human bones. His heart nearly stopped when the Fae claimed him.of having magic. Damn him, damn Cas for his large mouth and worst of all damn this fae for effectively toying with abrose. Abrose had failed to acknowledge the Fae's hightened senses, he must have scented the lingerinherb smell on Abrose. "Don't you dare." He grated out, trying to keep his emotions in check. No matter how much he wanted to run, to strangle the Fae, the co sequence of those actions would surely have him.straight in front of an execution block by morning. "You're not welcome anywhere near my home, especially after tonight. And I don't are what you do with my name. It's been through far worse than your lips." He managed to get a good smdistance between them before he finally lifted his head infefiance. "I'm glad I was some form of entertainment for you, Fae male. I hope to never ever see you again." He bowed mockingly and turned away, gripping his cloak, searching for the dagger that wasn't there anymore. He prayed that no one else was awaiting a defenseless human at this time into he dirt road home, because he sure as hell was in no position to put up another fight.

@rui group

Easton just smirked and waved. "Have a nice night!" He yelled. I thought anyone was welcome in your little shop. I'll come by when I need a heal. Easton walked back to the party enjoying himself. He kept thinking about the human, though he didn't exactly know why. He sipped his champagne with a grin the entire night. From then on he was in a better mood than before. The next day he decided to go annoyed his little human again, so he went into town looking around. He picked up an apple biting into it then throwing it on the ground. He picked at his teeth flinging it somewhere. He spotted a florist shop and walked in. His nose twitched and his mouth curved into a frown. "Damn this place stinks." Eaton hates anything related to nature. The smell was bad, the feeling of plants was uncomfortable, and just looking at them made him sick. He waited by the counter tapping against it. "I hate waiting…" he sighed.


Thankfully, the dirt roads that Abrise to took to his home was empty and calm. By the time he reached his doors, Abrose had only a fraction of the energy to put his basket away, clean his little shop and home, and collapse into bed, immediatly falling asleep. The next morning, Abrose woke up very early in the morning to tend to his garden in the back without the interuption of his usual morning clientele. After that, he decided to prepare some of his limited stock ingredients and remedies, knowing they took a while to prepare and needed attention to detail. While crushing some fried flowers, he heard his little front door bell ring, signaling a customer. He tilted his head curiously, finding it early for anyone to come by now. He hoped it just wasn't an emergency. "Just a moment!" He called, setting aside his work for a moment and dusting himself off as he stood from his little desk. He strode through the small hall that connected the main portion of the small house to the shop portion. Still dusting himself off, he greeted the customer warmly, "good morning, forgive me for the wait, I hadn't expected anyone for another hour. How may I -" he stopped short as he looked up and processed the fact that the male was there. "You better be a few breaths away from death to dare show up here." He managed out through gritted teeth. Abrose crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorframe. "What do you want?"

@rui group

Easton gave a big grin. "Oh, but you were so nice just now. It was so cute." Easton tapped Abrose's nose. "Besides if you killed me you would get an execution." He yawned. "So what exactly do you do when you're not healing people. Like do you actually work here, this place stinks. Like really, I hate plants. I can't believe you actually work here." he walked around the shop picking up one of the flowers but soon throwing it back in the big with a disgusted face. "Honestly…" He looked back to Abrose. "You look cute leaning like that." He chuckled. "Of course, I'm not one to fall in love with your kind so don't hope for anything okay?" Easton gave a big huff and sat on the counter. "You can keep doing your job, I'm just here to spectate. Rather I'm to watch you slip up." He flicked one of the flowers on the desk away from him almost gagging.


Abrose smacked the males hand away from his face and narrowed his green eyes. "Not if they can't find proof that I liked you or a body." He purred back with a smirk. Of course Abrose never killed anything or anyone. He wouldn't even know the first thing about murder. But hiding had always been his specialty. Hiding and attracting death to his door. He sighed heavily and shoved off of the door, keeping his hands preocupied with watering the plants instead if slapping the Fae silly. "As I said before, I run my family's shop. That's all you need to know. If you don't like it, you're more then welcome to leave some of us actually prefer the company of plants more than the company of others." He gave the Fae a pointed look before returning to the counter. "Oh my hopes were incredibly low even before I met you, faeling." He rolled his eyes and took a step back. "I'm not some animal you can see perform at a circus. I have actual work to do, unlike you who seems to have all the time in the world." He bared his teeth and gathered the small flowers on the desk, away from his visitor. "Now if you really don't have a problem I can help you with, I'd ask that you leave, you're deferring some of my morning customers." He nodded his head to the door, three people waiting outside eyeing the Fae. He nudged him off the counter and towards a side door. "I can't afford to mess up. Not for the people who depend on me." He stated, turning back to the shop once the Fae was closer to the door and letting the customers in, apologising for his delay and guiding them towards the back room

@rui group

"I'm just so scared." Easton decided to sit in the corner, lurking in the darkness. "May I come to the back too. I think I got a paper cut. It needs healing. Besides, I thought you said you would help anyone in need, and you wouldn't let anyone suffer. hm?" Easton joked. "Although, it would be a shame if your store shut down because you were being illegal. Then again I don't have any evidence of you using magic, so I supposed I should get out of your hair. "Don't worry, you'll be seeing me a lot more often. Oh, your name is Abrose right? I looked it up last night in the records. Cute name for such a feisty person." Easton stood up dusting off his pants. He walked over to Abrose moving his head up by his thumb and pointer finger. "Have a wonderful day little human." he took wide strides out of the store.


"anyone but you." Abrose said over his shoulder as he approached the threshold. He paused and took a steadying breath. He didn't need the lingering annoyance when working with his customers. "I don't need a store to help people. And if assisting those who need is illegal, then I guess I've been breaking the law for years now. That can't look good on you, captain." He watched as the Fae approached him, forcing himself not to flinch as he was forced to look up at the other. "The next we meet will be too soon. Far too soon." He watched as the Fae left, finally relieved once the door clicked shut. He went to the back room and smiled softly at the three he had ushered there, a woman, and two men. He gently took the woman's hand and knelt down beside her. "You must be so happy." Abrose said, glancing up at her husband and her brother. She smiled and nodded back, a beautiful smile he saw rarely. "Very, but this little one has been a pest at nights." She lightly caressed her stomach and sighed happily. "Think you have anything for pregnancy pains?"
Abrose chuckled lightly and nodded. "Fresh batch of tea just made before you came." He winked and walked to his little desk where he had been crushing leaves in a mortar and pestle. He carefully filled a linen tea back and added it to a basket along with lavender, a homemade salve or aches and pains and a special bottle. "This should help." He said softly, handing everything to her husband.
"And what can help you, rose?" She whispered, meeting his eyes and brows turned upwards. "He'll come back." He nodded tot he doorway, towards where the Captain had showed up. Abrose shrugged, " he can't do anything without proof save for taunt and talk. I've been careful."
The woman shook her head and took his hand in hers. "You deserve better." Abrose gave the woman a small smile and sigh. "What's better than this, hm? I love what I do and would give my life for it, just as my mother and sister had done."