forum "You don't understand, its simple really-" (OXO, very dark, CLOSED)
Started by @CaseyJ group

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@CaseyJ group

"use your words Az, I am trying to make a plan to keep us, namely Ty out from behind bars. I am being mature for once" Trickster rolled his eyes.

@CaseyJ group

Trickster pulls out his knife, watching Az leave, "I knew he was hiding something" he mutteres to himself, "i should never have let him stop me"

@RhysTheFirebird group

(Nooo, don’t kill anyone XDDD)

Az sighs, “Lets kick some ass. . .” Cover blown, Az knew he could do what he wanted, and well, Trick was right, Micheal was a dick and he could finally rub it in the guys face.

@CaseyJ group

Trickster chooses to ignore Ty and heads to where Micheal lives, something he figured out a while back, with his knife in hand.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Az unlocks the door, “Micheal! I’m back.”

Micheal looks up from the couch, “Finally. I’m waiting for-“

“I’m dine. We’re done.”

Micheal only stares at him.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Az glares, “I can do whatever I want. Yo an’t keep e under your thumb.”

Micheal laughs, standing, “Is this about that coffee boy?” He asks, his tone filled with derision as he walks closer to Az.

Az huffs, “You get to see other people, but I don’t?”

“That’s how this works, baby. You’re mine.”

Az scowls, “I am no ones.”

@CaseyJ group

Trickster grips the knife tighter, az could deny it all day but az was his, and his alone, and he was going to make sure of it.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Micheal moves forward, gripping his chin, “Mine. Don’t argue. You know better.”

Az stares at him, pushing him away, “Whatever. Don’t touch me. We’re done. I don’t belong to you, or anyone.”

Micheal snorts, “Tell yourself that all you want, but you’re mine, baby.”

@CaseyJ group

Trickster didnt want Az to see him kill Micheal, az wouldnt be happy with him, so he was stuck waiting behind the door listening to Micheal claim that Az was his, his knuckles white from how tight he was holding the knife.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Az growls, shoving him away and turns on his heel, storming to the door.

Micheal grabs Az’s wrist, “You’re not going anywhere, baby. You’re staying.”

Az kicks him in the gut and storms from the apartment, shaking his head. He darts down the stairs and heads outside.

@CaseyJ group

As soon as trickster hears the door slam he literally kicks open the bedroom door, "dont lay your hands on anything thats mine again" he glares, holding out his knife