forum "You don't understand, its simple really-" (OXO, very dark, CLOSED)
Started by @CaseyJ group

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@CaseyJ group

He was silent for a moment, watching the others hands. "I have the urge to stab you. to slit you open and watch you bleed. But I'm not… why?"

@RhysTheFirebird group

Az tenses, his gaze flicking up, “Because I’m the only one who’s noticed you in a long time, and you want the attention more than you want to see me bleed.”

@CaseyJ group

Tyler nodded, holding his arm to his chest. He was very unstable in that moment. Splitting between his two persona's, Tyler the coffee shop worker, and Trickster the psychotic serial killer.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Az smiles and walks back up the slight slope, towards the god-awful truck that sat there. He sighs and walks up to Jackie, “Open the fucking door. I need to get my bag.”

Jackie looks up, “Fucking hell, Carmen, don’t walk up on me like that.” He unlocks the truck shaking his head.

Carmen glares at him and then opens the truck door with a jerk of his arm. Reaching in, he grabs his bag and then unzips it, pulling out the spare shirt. It was a red and black Korn shirt. “Sorry, it’s all I have.” He tosses it to him and then digs more into his bag, pulling out anti-septic and a rag.

“Let me see your arm.”

@CaseyJ group

Tyler quickly put the shirt on, holding out his arm to Carmen, ignoring the other male, whom the Trickster side of him was plotting to kill.

@RhysTheFirebird group

“Whatever. . .” He mutters, cleaning the cut and then reaching into his bag, pulling out a small roll of bandages. He wraps his arm, quiet. “If you’re bleeding everywhere, people will stay away from you. If you want people to notice you, then. . .well, don’t be a sore thumb. These people will tear you to shreds if you’re different than them.”

“Carmen, get the fuck outta my truck!” Jackies voice rises aboute the den of the music and the man appears in the drivers side door, “I don’t want you just chillin’ in here. You k now how I feel about that.”

Az’s hands speed up, tying the bandage and putting his stuff back in his bath. “R-Right. . . Sorry, Jackie.” He zips his bag closed and closes the truck door, silent.

@CaseyJ group

Tyler was silent. Then Trickster spoke, the voices were different, Tyler being more soft spoken and timid, Trickster being louder and more eccentric. "Can I play with that one? He seems like lots of fun to make scream"