forum "You don't understand, its simple really-" (OXO, very dark, CLOSED)
Started by @CaseyJ group

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@RhysTheFirebird group

“Well, most people are dicks.” He mutters, looking at him.

Micheal walks up, scowling, “Carmen.” He snaps sharply.
“What the hell are you doing?”

Az jumps and looks up.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Az’s hand flashes out, grabbing the other’s wrist tightly, “Micheal. I was just sitting with my friend, Tyler. He was at the party last night, remember? He makes my coffee every morning.”

Micheal raises an eyebrow, “And his arms are around your neck. . . Why?”

@CaseyJ group

"Because I have mental issues and cant function properly and im way to clingy to anyone who doesnt shove me away" Trickster deadpanned

@RhysTheFirebird group

Az stands, grabbing Trickster’s wrist, “Ty, no. . . Calm down. . .” He murmurs.

Micheal rolls his eyes, sighing. “Hurry up. I don’t have all day, Carmen.”

@CaseyJ group

Trickster switched which hand was holding the knife to the hand out of Carmen's reach. "Dont tell me to calm down, im perfectly calm"

@RhysTheFirebird group

Az flinches slightly, moving to standing in front of the other, lightly gripping both wrists and looking at him, “Fine. Don’t be in insane maniac for a moment. Leave Micheal alone. . .” He whispers.

Micheal scowls, crossing his arms.

@CaseyJ group

"Tell him to leave you alone, he seems like the kind of person to knock others around, I just want to make things fair~" he grinned.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Az sighs, tipping his heads forward against the other’s chest for a moment before pulling back, “It’s fine. I don’t mind it.” He murmurs.

Micheal taps his foot impatiently.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Az nods and turns to Micheal, “I’ll be home later. Go on to the party without me.”

Micheal sighs heavily, “Fine. Be home by eleven.” He snaps, turning and walking away.