@Mojack group
Had a small idea that took inspiration from dating simulators, so I decided to make a RP about it.
In this RP, you play a character who has ended up on the wrong side of the law. According to most people, anyways. You also have superpowers. Like most people in this world. Although most powers rank up on the minor scale of things, you like to consider yourself above minor powers, but you have to acknowledge by far, you aren’t the strongest in this world.
You’re a criminal - but you’re not a major one. Also debatable if you’re truly evil - you might have some good ideas, you might have strong morals.
One thing leads to another, and soon, you end up in a case far bigger than yourself. In fact, you soon end up entangled with some of the world’s famous and/or strongest heroes. Actually, vigilantes may be a better word to describe some of them.
Someone is planning to destroy the world. Again. Except this time, it’s a little more serious. And this time, you’re involved in it - whether you like it or not.
Basically - your character, a criminal meets up with a group of people who are attempting to solve a case. They’re almost detectives, actually. Conquering one of their biggest cases yet. Now, I should mention: you can also romance them. Or be friends. Or enemies.
But Mojack, this is a one on one! Who’s going to play the group?
Well, I will. I’ll be playing a group of characters, some more questionable than others. They’ll all have their backgrounds, their personalities, their relationships with other characters, their abilities, etc. Due to that, there won’t be a super big template for this RP, since I’ll be having quite a few characters.
Some things to take note of:
- my characters will have their own relationships with each other, of varying degrees. Some will dislike one another, others may like, and you might find the occasional hookup.
- you can romance multiple characters at once, but whether the specific characters may be fine with that depends. There will be some poly characters, but I will not outright state who. It’ll be a find out in rp type deal.
- characters can die. Not right at the beginning, of course. But they can die.
- not every character will be available to romance, depending on who you are as a character. I mean this more sexuality wise.
- Can i romance the robot? hell yeah.
- Can i romance the Eldritch entity taking a human form? hell yeah.
- Can i romance the girl who can read my thoughts before I even act them out? this relationship may be complicated…but yeah
- All people with powers heal faster than people who don’t have them, but some powered people might heal better than others.
- Most of the world has powers - it’s considered odd to be born without them. Still, most people are in the minor range of powers - in which case, they can’t really blow up buildings or take down someone effortlessly with them.
And the rules:
- Do not autohit, but don’t dodge everything either. Play to your strengths, but remember your weaknesses.
- This will probably be a mature RP in terms of violence n blood. Though there’s a time and place for those two.
- And as always, swear to your heart’s desire!
- Ask questions as needed. I’ll be pleased to answer.
- Response time may vary, from same day to several days later. Please keep that in mind!
- Absolutely no one liners.
I’ll swing you into the sun if you do one even though you’ve read this rule - Please try to have good grammar/punctuation!
- Say the sexytimes somehow happen in this, it’ll probably be a fade to black sort of thing. Sorry. I’m not good at writing that stuff, nor am I extremely fond of reading it.
- If you have any ideas for this..let me know.
- This list may change (most likely won’t, but I always mention this just in case).
Ask before joining! If I do not recall your style, I will ask for a sample.
Aliases: (If any)
Age: (21-28)
Brief introduction: (brief introduction can be written by yourself or from the perspective of your character. It doesn’t have to be extremely long - secrets are welcome. For reference, head on over to my characters - aka, the cast)
And now.. our lovely cast of characters.
Aliases: Echo
Gender/pronouns: Trans male, he/him.
Sexuality: Homosexual.
Age: 22
Brief introduction: Echo is one of the newest members to the team, but by far, has proven himself to be a very important part of it. Echo may not offer much in a physical fight, but in a battle of brains - Echo is the backbone of it all, the masterful genius. He’s softspoken, a little distant, but can be extremely ruthless in battle.
Powers: Teleportation/portal creation (limited to the planet he’s currently on, cannot teleport from planet to planet); genius intellect
Name: “There’s a huge problem with me telling you my real name - it’s unpronounceable in your tongue. That’s kind of the problem there, isn’t it? Oh, and I can’t write it down, either. I guess you can just call me Kennedy. Kennedy Bones.”
Aliases: “Just call me Bones when we’re..y’know, on the job.”
Gender/pronouns: Agender (any pronouns, commonly uses she/her)
Sexuality: Asexual panromantic
Age: ???
Brief introduction: “Hiya! My name’s Bones. I’m kind of new to this introduction stuff..sorry if I mess up. I’m also new to this planet. It’s really neat here - how many powered people there are! I didn’t even realize humans could have those things. Anyways..”
Powers: Dimension hopping (as long as he knows where to go, she’s capable of doing it fluidly, as it comes naturally). Shapeshifting and voice mimicking.
Aliases: Shadowstalker, Stalker
Gender/pronouns: Cismale, he/him
Sexuality: Bisexual (female lean)
Age: 27
Brief introduction: Radisa lives a complicated life. It gets more complicated when you realize he doesn’t remember a good portion of it. Memory wiping, you know? Although one of the older members on the team by age, he’s a relatively recent addition. He’s also become more inactive as of late - probably because he has children. It ain’t easy being a single father.
Powers: Possesses the ability to hide in the shadows, becoming nearly undetectable - can also shapeshift into a shadowy monster.
Name: “No chance of you getting my name!”
Aliases: Thrillseeker
Gender/pronouns: Demiboy (he/they)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 21
Brief introduction: Thrillseeker just turned twenty one, making him one of the youngest members on the team. They live up to their alias - seeking thrills, he’s a big risk taker. They’re incredibly unpredictable, but also loyal and protective of their friends. Notably, he’s made a close friend of Bones.
Powers: Immunity to fire; pyrokinesis.
Name: Simone Alard
Aliases: Sight Seer
Gender/pronouns: Transwoman (she/her)
Sexuality: Asexual biromantic
Age: 24
Brief introduction: “My powers are not a thing I can turn off. Growing up, people considered me a wonder child. I was gifted, in their eyes. I may have been, even without my abilities - but they were what truly enabled my success in education.” Simone is a distant and reserved person. Her abilities have made her that way - she remains hesitant to form longing connections with others, loosely associating herself with the team.
Powers: Clairvoyant: she can see things before they happen. She is also capable of transporting herself through non living objects.
Name: KR-15
Aliases: N/A
Gender/pronouns: Programmed male. He/him.
Sexuality: Undecided.
Age: 23
Brief introduction: For a robot, KR-15 has quite the personality, although he may not understand human customs and social behaviours at times, and could come off as blunt or hurtful. He doesn’t really do it on purpose.
Powers: He’s a robot. What else?
Name: Kr'Yerixtl Rotai ”Please..just call me Oli, okay?”
Aliases: Acid
Gender/pronouns: …complicated. Uses he/him pronouns, as of now.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 22
Brief introduction: Oli is one of the many aliens hiding out on Earth - although the existence of aliens is known, so learning about him shouldn’t surprise you…that much, anyways. As long as you don’t learn too much about his species, you should be fine. One of the newest members of the team. He’s a sly one - be careful.
Powers: To an extent, can hide true form via shifting into a human. Although..hasn’t perfected human form. Alien abilities - includes acid spit, regrowth of limbs, and more. Not instant regrowth, though.