forum Works of Art (Romance oxo) (Open)
Started by @KoriEqualsKJ

people_alt 93 followers


An employee of an art museum leads the same tour through the Greek art section every day. A cute art enthusiast takes the tour. They were so invested in the explanations of the pieces, it seemed that was the only thing in the room. They kept coming back like clockwork, and one day, they stayed after to talk to the employee. This becomes commonplace, and they both seem to realize there’s more art here than what’s on the wall~

Please be appropriate
LGBTQ+ is allowed
Please don't ignore anyone who's trying to interact w/ you in or out of RP.
Generally, just be kind. I reserve the right to deny requests to join and to boot people who are being hateful or mean. Three strikes and you’re out. Your character can be an ass, but you may not

Name: Jazmine Navarrette
Description: 5’6 with pale skin, freckles, and hazel eyes. Waist-length ginger hair, generally put in two braids, and a slight yet curvy frame.
Nickname: Jazz
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Hazel
Age: 17
Personality: Jazz is a girl-next-door type. Very sweet, wholesome, and basic. She’s hardworking and bubbly, which makes her job at the museum very easy. She’s well-liked by the old people who both worked and came into the place. Super generous with her friends and protective of her loved ones.
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual

Eye Color:


Ooo, may I join?? This looks fun and like an opportunity to flex my art degree! Not art history tragically, I actually specialize in animation and music theory but Oh Well.


Absolutely! Just go ahead and fill out the sheet, and you can do the starter if you'd like, if not, just lemme know