forum Wolf RP with @(RIP-Algernon-Kylee’s-Cat-Criss-Angel-Cought-A-Cold-And-Now-She-Is-Sneezing-Poor-Little-Cat) etc...
Started by Deleted user

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Azar rolled her eyes again before crouching and stalking into a bush a group of bunnies ahead. She was hunting even though she wasn't supposed to but she likes following her own rules.


"he saw the prey and smiled "I'll let you handle this one." He flew to a near by cliff, watching silently as Azar hunted


"At least he's out of sight" she mumbled before stalking closer in the tall grass making sure her red and black coat wasn't super visible


Coming to a stop she crouched lower before lunging with a large growlish bark as she quickly snatched a brownish bunny by the scruff. She killed it and sat down with a snort


Arrow cocked his head and jumped bown from the cliff, landing near the bushes trying to think through on how to catch his next meal


Azar didn’t pay attention to harrow and just kept nibbling and chewing on the bunny avoiding eating the hare(puns)


She finished both after a few minutes and sat up with a huff and shook her fur seeming more calmed down than she was earlier


He turned to leave, knowing she probably didn't want anything to do with him.
"I'll see you around Azar." He said a sad smile as he walked off towards the woods


Getting up Azar padded back to camp and onto ‘her’ rock. Laying down she snorted her ears swiveling around.