"Everyone shut up or I might just lose it, and we all know what happens when I do."
Name: Graham Conlon
Gender: Male
Sexuality: "Uhm, I'm straight." "Sort of . . ."
DOB: January 12
Star sign: "I'm a Capricorn, sadly, just because I was born one doesn't mean I behave like one."
Oh my god, I'm surrounded by idiot sandwiches.
Looks: https://lemanagement.dk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/benjamin-orlando-43726.jpg
Personality: "Personality-wise, well uhm I'm me." . . . "Oh, that's not a good enough answer, well uhm rude, but okay. When I'm not plotting to destroy the world with a new element that I've created -well sort of, working on it-." He gets rudely interrupted by one of his friends -minions, sorry, don't know where that friend thing came from-."NO DREW THE FREEZE GUN GOES INTO THE THE CAR, NOT THE FREEZER. Excuse me for a second." He steps out of the room and after a few minutes and few loud thuds comes back in,"So sorry, now where was I? My personality, ah yes. Well, I enjoy sitting around and watching National Geographic, or reading their magazines. Honestly, anything that is science-related or based interests me very much. Hhm, now, I uhm also don't really like people." Drew and another guy pop their heads into the room, "Heeey, I thought that you liked us." Graham, getting a little triggered by them groans and nods a yes. Satisfied the two run off, "As I was saying, I don't like." He stops speaking to see if they were still around, not wanting them to bother him anymore, "Most people, I like Drew and Clark though, even if they are idiots at times. HHm, what else about me. I uhm, I don't like caffeine or sodas, but I will drink apple juice, but that's not too important. And anything else about oh well. I've been told I'm terrible at showing emotions, well ones other than anger, frustration, and I don't know if this counts as an emotion, but psychopathic tendencies are quite normal for me too, but hey, that's what's so fun about me. Now uhm the end? I guess." As he walks off, "I feel like I should have said I like long walks on the beach or something. . . Why in the world did I have to do that?"
((Yeah, I'll fix this, I'm just lazeee))
Have you ever wondered what death feels like?
Skills: "I think the best way to describe it is to say I work with chemical, no, moreso certain elements, like metal and things of that nature. But my specialty is radioactive chemicals if that makes sense. But I do also handle technology, but I prefer creating my own explosives. So I can easily kill others, no, I never really considered using them to help the government or whatever, if they want them they can create them themselves, it's really not that hard."
Well, had you listened to me in the first place we wouldn't be in this situation now, would we? Now go clean up your mess so we can leave without being caught.
"Being an idiot must be tough."
Likes: "Uhm, does arson count as a like?"
Dislikes: People, he's antisocial, and also a major jerk, so well, he and the rest of the human population don't get along too well. Especially since he likes to kill members of the human race as well.
Favorite color: "I don't like colors." . . ."Okay fine, yellow, like a mustard yellow, not a shade lighter, or a shade darker. And I guess red, not because it looks like blood… Okay yes because it looks like blood."
Favorite food and drink: "I think my favorite food would be a vegetarian chicken sandwich. I'm not even a vegetarian, but I really like that one food. And uhm drink, I think it would be water, after apple juice, don't judge."
Favorite instrument: ". . ."
Hobbies: "I like to work on new gadgets and things, like that, it may seem boring or something, but to me, it's so much fun. And I like working with machinery. And killing people, I guess if you could consider that to be a hobby."
"Nope nope nope nopity nope."
Favorite song: Dancing In the Moonlight, He's not exactly sure why, he just likes it.
Other: "Uhm, I'm left-handed, if that's cool, or counts as something you need to know."
Author's note: He's a jerk, please understand that. And if you're confused as to who Drew and Clark are, they're sort of just two human-like robots Graham created a while ago. They're kind of his kids/never-ending projects since something is always breaking when it comes to them and well he loves them.
"Screw everything, I didn't really want to create this bomb to begin with. Not like I planned it for a month or something."