forum "Why is there a twink on my bed?" "Oh, he's your present." / On my crap again x2 / mxm one on one / closed!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

He had no idea what was going on. One moment, he's having a normal day. The next… he's tied up with a bow on his head, naked, waiting with fear in his eyes on someone else's bed.
"Surprise!" His captors yell when the man comes in. A birthday party, and the man was the present.

I might be craving new rps, but
why come up with new ones when you can recycle old ones you loved but they died?
Here we are
Now, I'd prefer to not be the twink XD

@lavender_ladybug group

Templates would be nice tbh
And hmm what about something like a mid 1700s fantasy setting but without the magic? Or with the magic would be cool too. I’m game with pretty much anything.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

And, feel free to come up with some reason as to why your character ended up hogtied on a bed as a present, I'm good with most anything in that department. I'll probably get my character up second so I can make sure everything fits

Typical outfit:
Job/Profession (of applicable):
Any other information (if applicable):

@lavender_ladybug group

Aaaaand here’s my boy :D Daresay I think I love him already

Name: Lucrèce “Luc” Allard
Gender: cis-male
Age: 20
Sexuality: Demi & bisexual with slight preference towards women
Appearance: Skinny boy, barely any muscle on him apart from whatever he needs to ride a horse without tumbling off like a fool. Rather short, standing at a measley 5’6”. Pale, pale blue eyes with just a hint of green speckled around his pupils. Sandy blond hair, very voluminous, and a bit unruly, so he has a shaved undercut. The rest of his hair is typically pulled back in a ponytail. He’s got a Roman nose, just a faintly noticeable hump, characteristic of his mother’s side of the family. His skin is pretty pale from spending most of his time indoors, but especially his arms, legs, torso, and everywhere else that doesn’t get any sun even when he is outside.
Typical outfit: Even in the comfort of his own home, Luc tends to dress semi-formally with lots of layers. He typically wears a ruffled white undershirt, followed by a tightly laced vest, finally covered with a burgundy overcoat—the only layer he would feel comfortable taking off during the day—that falls down to just behind his knees. Lots of laces and embroidery. He loves his thigh-high boots.
Job/Profession (of applicable): Not that he is paid for it, but he is expected to help his father with managing the tenants living on their land.
Personality: INTJ. Appears very cold and blunt when he does speak, but he’s generally reserved and standoffish—if not soft spoken. His favorite stance is having his arms crossed, leaning on his back leg while his other foot points forward. He’s used to standing behind people, looking over their shoulder, and he doesn’t mind. Instead truly preferring to watch the scenes unraveling before him with an analytical gaze. He keeps his inner thoughts mostly to himself, and his emotions closer. Nevertheless he does feel very deeply, and his pride bruises easily, it’s just growing up with two older brothers taught him how to appear unaffected.
Backstory: The youngest son of a lower ranking noble, he has no promise of a hefty inheritance after his father’s death like his brothers do. Thus, he is free to do as he pleases once any responsibilities he’d been assigned for the month are finished. Visiting town without an armed guard at his side? Why not. Steeled away in his room not to be seen for days on end? His father couldn’t care in the slightest.
Any other information (if applicable): Being able to walk around the public streets without any protection could leave him pretty open to being targeted, so maybe that’s how he ends up in a less-than-ideal-situation?
Edit: His least favorite pet name people tend to give him is “Lucy”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I love Luc too :00

Name: Alcides Ó Suaird
Gender: Cis male
Age: 25
Sexuality: pansexual demiromantic
Appearance: Alcides is a large man, with broad shoulders and semi-toned muscles as he stands at 6'3". He has unruly red hair that he wears in a short ponytail, though it can be difficult at times with how curly it is. He has deep green eyes with gold flecks in them, and freckles cover his face, shoulders, arms, and thighs. Alcides is pale despite the time he has spent working in the sun and burns somewhat easily.
Typical outfit: Alcides doesn't tend to dress well despite the wealth he has accumulated, so he can often be seen in a dark blue or green shirt under a vest, and on rare occasions a brown overcoat that reaches halfway down his legs. He wears hand-made leather shoes his mother taught him how to make, and off-white pants.
Job/Profession: Alcides presents himself as a simple man of the working class, but behind the scenes, he runs a very lucrative slave-trading ring. It's brought him much wealth, though he needs to hide it from most prying eyes so no taxes need to be paid.
Personality: Alcides is a schemer. He's always planning things, always thinking about how he can get the most out of the people around him. He doesn't speak often, but when he does it's often either a pointed jeer or a sarcastic quip at someone who has upset him. He has few that he trusts, and even then he will refuse to let anyone else see what he is working on at the moment, or what little records he does keep of his business.
Backstory: A victim of the slave trade himself, Alcides was sold with his mother from their homeland when he was a small child. His master was cruel, and most days ended with pain or hunger. One night, he was awoken to the smell of smoke. The manor was on fire, and his mother took it as a chance to escape. They ran deep into the forest, always on the move. They thought they had escaped completely, but one day the old master appeared, hounds released to hunt them down. Alcides managed to escape, but he had to watch as his mother was torn to pieces.
He hid on a ship, and soon found himself in a new land. He apprenticed himself to a merchant, learning the trade, before finally growing into the man his is today.
Any other information: He has an addiction to his pipe, and it is uncommon to see him without it in his mouth, smoking

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Me, two hours later: )

Alcides slowly walked back to his home, his pipe held between his teeth as he kept his head low. He wasn't a shy man, by any means, but it was easier to hide just what was going through his mind like this. He'd come across a hiccup in the supply line from one of his men, and he was still thinking of how to come up with the merchandise he now found himself short on. If he didn't smooth this out soon, he could lose face, and to do that could mean death to the business.
It was because he was so caught up in his own thoughts he didn't notice right away there were others in his home when he arrived. He blinked a few times, looking around.
"Surprise!" His closest friend said, making her way over. "Happy birthday Alc!!" Alcides looked down at the petite woman, then around the room.
"Birthday..? I don't remember telling any of you what it was," he said calmly, taking his overcoat off. He ignored the man tied up on his bed for now, expecting nothing less.

@lavender_ladybug group

(Lmaoo no worries)
(Also “expecting nothing less” XD)

Lucrèce hadn’t the slightest clue what was going on. Why he was in some other person’s bed. Why he was tied up. Why his clothes were…someplace else, and why he wasn’t in the bookshop like he’d been just a handful of hours before. Or was it more? After he’d lost consciousness, he lost track of time with it, waking up seemingly moments later in a place he didn’t recognize. And it was cold. At least one of his questions were answered when his captors made a deal of a man walking through the door. A birthday?
He glared daggers between the people in the room, finally settling on the birthday boy in question. Just from sheer curiosity. He supposed he should be grateful for the lack of attention so far from the man. He kept his teeth tautly clenched around fabric—a gag—as if he wanted to speak to any of them in the first place.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well, it's more of a 'day I met you' kind of deal," the woman admitted, laughing some. "So the date's probably off. Still, we need to celebrate the day the amazing Alcides came into our lives and made us stinking rich, ey?" Alcides chuckled dryly, shaking his head some.
"You guys are hopeless, did you know that? Even I can see it's just an excuse to eat me out of house and home." The man laughed as he settled down into his seat, reclining. He did glance over at Lucrèce then, taking just a moment to let his eyes travel over the man bound on his bed, evaluating him with the skills of the professional he was.
"So, where'd you find this one? I didn't see it in any of the shipments."

@lavender_ladybug group

Lucrèce scoffed from around the fabric. Partly from spite, and partly disgust. He shrank into himself under Alcides’ appraisal, overly conscious of his exposure. His ribs were faintly visible in the low light. Expanding with each shallow breath he took. It wasn’t like him to let himself be seen in any public setting without multiple layers of clothing. This was plainly humiliating. He forced himself to stare into the man’s eyes, embarrassment veiled with defiance. Gradually he was beginning to piece together clues about his futile situation. Though it would be easier to think up a logical plan when he didn’t have an atrocious headache.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"It was in Luca's shop," The woman said, chuckling a bit, "and he thought you'd like it." Alcides was quiet a moment, looking back at Lucrèce. His gaze didn't waiver, daring the man on his bed to try anything.
"You have to be careful," He said calmly, and it was hard to tell if it was directed at the man on his bed or the woman who seemed to have orchestrated bringing him.
"Especially with taking them from the streets. Do you have any idea who he is?"
"Just a younger son of one of the nobles, from what we could tell. It didn't have any guards, though, and I doubt its parents will be looking for it any time soon. You should have your fun by then, hm? We all know how quickly you move on to the next." Alcides chuckled deeply at this moving to stand.
"Yes, that is true." He made his way over to the bed, taking Lucrèce's chin in his hand.

@lavender_ladybug group

Lucrèce could taste the bile rising up his throat. His nostril’s flared angrily, but he didn’t know exactly who for. For Luca’s betrayal, the woman with sick schemes, and this man who apparently had just as sick tendencies. He hated to admit it, but the woman was right: it would be nearly a week before his brothers or even his father would even think that he was truly missing. Most likely his step-mother would be the first to notice. He eyed Alcides approaching, cautiously following the hand until it reached his chin. He replied with something akin to a growl and yanked his chin away just as fingers brushed his skin. “Geh-ohf” he snapped, muffled into practical incoherence.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alcides laughed curtly when Lucrèce pulled away from his hand, looking to his friends with a gleam in his eyes.
"It's been quite a long time since I've had to break someone," he said, pipe quivering some as he spoke around it. The woman giggled, moving over to take a seat herself now.
"Well then, have the fun you've missed so much!" She looked over as a man with a thick iron collar came into the room, carrying a tray of different food and drink. She took one of the glasses, holding up towards Alcides. The man laughed again, turning to Lucrèce. His hand moved again, grabbing the man by the back of his hair. He pulled down and forward, forcing Lucrèce closer to look up at him.
"Yes, this will be quite fun," he said, looking over the man's face with a growing smirk.

@lavender_ladybug group

Lucrèce did his best not to shudder at the man’s words. Words like break, and fun. His attention drifted over to the man with the collar, swallowing his dread. The conversation sounded far away, something surreal that was not happening to him. It lasted that way until Alcides had a hand in his hair. Yanking him forward until he had no where else to look except the man’s eyes. He sneered around the fabric, combative, yet knowing fully well he probably looked less than intimidating. “Nnf.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The man with the collar was silent as a mouse, offering the food and drink to the people present. Alcides only laughed as Lucrèce tried to stand up to him. He moved to run a finger over the other's jaw, now that he couldn't get away.
"Yes, it shall do quite well," he said, looking over Lucrèce's face with more scrutiny than before, taking in every part of him.
"Rafael," he said, looking to the slave who was serving the others. He paused, turning to Alcides but not looking up.
"Go get me a proper collar, hm?" Rafael bowed deeply without a word, scurrying out of the room to do as he was told. Would Alcides do that to Lucrèce? Make him an obedient slave that never did anything against his master's wishes?