Name: Aria Rose
Hero/Villian name:
she has like two sides.
The "i mean bussiness" side and the "ack sorry i fell down the stairs, i was eating ice cream and crying" side.
Her "bussiness side" is like, she never messes up. Super like… bad to the bone, killing dudes. Super serious (sometimes seductive) and sometimes rude.
Now the other side… well only by herself and with peoples she’s comfortable with she’s Super sappy emotional actually… its pretty hilarious.
Though she can be very sarcastic and witty and she’s gonna try her best to get her way.
Appearance: (links welcomes)
tall, curvy curvy curvy lol, standing at 5'9, long straight pastel pink hair, parted on the side, covering half of her forehead, reaching all the way down to her hips. Stunning face, big green eyes, full lips, but not to full. Sharp defined jawline, nice eyebrows long eyelashed. triangular heart shaped face. Button nose, kind of small ears, peircing lining her left ear. Cuffs and rings and diamonds.
(heres her usual outfits)
Casual Crop top, shorts or ripped jeans. With the shorts, she has thigh-high leggings. And sometimes a big sweater.
Illusionist: Someone who can change the structure of molecules to make a location or person appear different. Sometimes this can be used to mask something that is already there or to create a distraction and lead someone the wrong way.
These types of illusionists are more stable and less likely to get caught up in their illusions. All illusionists have very vivid imaginations and their dreams feel very real to them.
Likes: flowers, ice cream, being a villian and killing. Puppies and sleeping. Stargazing and space.
Dislikes: cats, bugs, people pitying her, men, her hair when it’s tangled and people telling her what to do.
Main motivation: she legit just hates corrupt men.
She destroys businesses by killing the lusftul and corrupt men and thing she like that.
Background: (Optional) tbd