forum When Giants Meet False Gods (Frankenstein?? Already??? Of course. What else can you expect from me??) (o/o)
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Deleted user

When Victor Frankenstein created his monster, he had hoped for the best, he really had. But he ended up creating a monster, and with it, dooming humanity.

Ok, plot. Victor decides to be a not-so-absent father and ends up raising his scientific abomination to god, in the hopes that he won’t harm anyone else. Boy does that go wrong!!

Anyways, I can play either Victor or his Monster, idk I kinda am leaning more towards Monster rn sheerly out of chaotic feverish madness as I am sick in the head and body right now (cough. I’m have cold. Cough.) and so I’m just,,, wanting wholesomeness that turns to angst real quick idk man. Have fun and don’t be a jerk is my main rules. I don’t care about templates, if ya want em we can have em.


Ok cool lol. I'm in the middle of class right now but I should be more active in an hour or two. Were you going to make the starter post?

Deleted user

Ok cool! And I actually wanted to discuss plot and characters a bit more first, perhaps?

Deleted user

Ok, so what dynamic do we want firstly? Secondly, how are we going to play the whole “horrors of reanimation” thing? Thirdly, should we do templates just to establish characters?


I'm not sure about what to do for dynamic, but for the "horrors of reanimation" then maybe Victor still feels disgust every time he looks at his Monster and that can maybe play a part in the Monster turning against Victor once he realizes why his creator refuses to look at him for a long period of time or something like that, idk. And yeah templates sound good

Deleted user

Ok! Cool! I’ll get a template up if you’d like, and we can fill our characters out and begin!

Deleted user

Gender identity/pronouns:
Theme song(s)?:

Deleted user

Name: N/A, Victor never gave them one.
Age: Like,,, probably not technically older than a year or even a week at the start of the rp. Mentally has the capacity of a very curious vaguely sentient animal, we’ll see how that develops.
Gender identity/pronouns: Probably wouldn’t care much about pronouns or gender as a whole, I’d say I’ll use they/them for now.
Orientation: Currently irrelevant.
Appearance: Eight feet tall, with a horrifying, pale, jaundiced visage and yellow eyes with black sclera that stare right through you. Long, soft, lustrous black hair that falls to their mid back.
Wardrobe: Currently just wears a modified bedsheet made to look something akin to a hospital gown.
Personality: Curious, friendly, and naive, this monster is less of a demon and more of a really creepy looking, tall, but well meaning child, with a fondness for animals and especially birds.
Skills: N/A, but will develop several.
Theme song(s)?: Black Sheep by Poor Man’s Poison, Spiraling by Keane
Other?: Idk man, they baby.


Name: Victor Frankenstein
Age: 19
Gender identity/pronouns: Male, he/him
Orientation: I'm convinced he's a closeted bisexual, or maybe homoromantic or biromantic/asexual, just something along the lines of that
Appearance: Six feet tall, skinny, with dark brown eyes; he used to look healthy but during/after creating his Monster he looks a lot more sickly, with his skin being paler, his once well-kept wavy black hair now disheveled, and he has permanent dark circles under his eyes
Wardrobe: He gave up on caring about his appearance a long time ago, so he normally just wears a lab coat with a shirt and pants underneath it; on the rare occasions he did try to make an effort, he typically wore a nice dress shirt and a coat
Personality: Prideful, ambitious, intelligent, and definitely has a god-complex, Victor can be a bit short-tempered and arrogant at times, although being out in nature is definitely a guaranteed way to calm him and his ego down
Skills: Science/research
Theme song(s)?: Ramblings of a Lunatic by Bears In Trees, Devil's In The Detail by The Hoosiers
Other?: Victor is very repulsed and horrified about how his creature turned out to be, but he feels like it is his responsibility as their creator to at least attempt to make it civilized (he doesn't necessarily see himself as a father to them, but he does feel like he has to make sure that they won't go out and hurt anyone)

Deleted user

You’re good dude! I like your take on our favorite gods worst mistake!

Deleted user

Maybe with the monster’s creation? Or shortly after it??

Deleted user

I can start! And responses should be at least a paragraph long for the most part, although I do usually go longer for starters and for infodump parts of the plot. You don’t really need to be super verbose, half the time I’m certainly not! Just gotta be able to contribute details well.

Deleted user

Upon their creation, the creature was in a state of delirium. They didn't know who or what or where they were, much less anything about what was going on. There was a small, shouty little person that looked like them (arms, legs, a face) except for how he didn't (no scars, no blood seeping out of fresh surgical incisions) and they were utterly confused. However, through the past week (not that the monster understood "time" let alone "weeks") they'd settled into a routine. The small shouty man would leave for a few hours, the monster would wait, maybe accidentally break something and get screamed at when little man came home, and then he'd try to teach the creation a bit of speech, which ended up almost always failing miserably as the monster didn't seem to understand anything but "eat, sleep, explore and end up getting injured" which didn't really work out well.

But today, there had been a breakthrough. The monster had understood something! The word they'd picked up had been "fire", which they had attempted to speak, but failed. The shouty man had said something about fire, and somehow, the word clicked. Watching flames crackle in the dormitory stove had been magical, although of course the man never left a fire lit whilst he was away. The seasons had long since waned from the warmth of summer, but it wasn't quite snowing yet. The monster attempted to touch the fire, which had resulted in a small burn on one of their massive hands. The small one had given them an earful about that, and all the monster had understood was "Fire=Pretty Pain" and "Touch fire=Get shouted at". They had burned through some of their still-healing stitching, which the little man had to fix with quite a bit of begrudgery.

Now, the monster was sitting by the fire, this time at a safe distance instead of face-to-face with it. They stared into the beautiful yellow-orange-red flames, contemplating why fire hurt when it was so pretty.