@Mojack group
There was a day — June 23rd, 2000, when an event had occurred.
This was no simple event.
At approximately 3:42 AM UTC, an extreme weather event occurred in the Atlantic Ocean; an electrical storm with proportions off the charts. Due to the storm’s location, there were very few witnesses — Mother Nature, and a fishing boat. Of course, only one could be spoken to.
The man reported seeing a large ‘development’ in the storm, a sudden light which seemed to grow brighter and brighter in the clouds. He had almost thought it to be a lightning bolt — but it was bigger and perhaps even brighter than one, as it struck down to the ocean, and vanished with a blinding light and thunderous noise.
This occurred at approximately 3:50 AM UTC, and at the same time, electrical devices worldwide shorted out; animals reacted in a similar manner as they would preceding an earthquake or other natural event, and for a moment, all compasses, navigating devices, etc — had stopped working properly.
And then things resumed, at approximately 3:51 AM UTC, just as the electrical storm in the Atlantic had begun to calm.
But that was not the only impact of Zero Day.
Approximately nine months at the minimum after Zero Day, children were born, as normal, as children always have been. But there is now another factor in the equation.
There is guessed to be about a 5% chance that from now on, since Zero Day, any new humans born may be born ‘altered’. Unique, different — born with abilities unknown to our world.
Abilities that many would call superhuman. Most of the gifted individuals were born with some baseline abilities — all having slightly better senses (it was still possible for one to be deaf, mute, etc— but any other senses were of course ‘superior’ to most humans), reflexes, even healing ability; though that was usually a scale — not the same in everyone.
But the actual meat of it was their abilities. Some were flashy, some weren’t. There could be more than one person with the same ability, but how one chose to use it was always different. Some could spark electricity from their fingertips. Others could control fire — occasionally even conjure it, so long as there was fuel in the area.
It wasn’t always about the elements. There are records of individuals who had telekinesis of various strengths, those who could hear the thoughts of others, those who could heal with a touch and those who could hurt with a touch.
Powers weren’t all that great to some people — even the people with abilities themselves. They sometimes had disadvantages. Like mind reading not having an off-switch (there were ways that you could learn to suppress hearing the thoughts of others), or an elemental ability being impacted by the emotions of the user. There were social implications of this new, world-shaking change.
But it’s been 24 years since “Zero Day.” The world is — just is, for better or worse. The gifted do exist, and it’s been over two decades since they first became a thing. They are still being born, and likely will continue to be. The world keeps spinning. It adjusts, and if the people don’t, it doesn’t care.
That’s life.
RP in which you play a character who was born after an event known as Zero Day. They don’t have to have powers, but I also made this expecting for whoever joins this to want to give their character some abilities. AKA I’ll be surprised if you don’t — but there’s nothing wrong with it.
Some basis:
- Does sort of take place in our world, albeit with one major world changing factor; Zero Day. presently, it’s 2024 in this RP.
- a bit of cosmic horror maybe. was Zero Day a govt experiment gone wrong? was it on purpose? was it an accident? No one knows. but something in the world is changing, presently…for better or for worse?
- not everything settled right down after Zero Day. there were many questions that echoed even years after the event. some gave up their searching, others…did not. some could be individuals — reaching up all the way into the governmental level of stuff.
- adding on to the above: there were a lot of people, who in order to fill in the gaps of what they did not understand about Zero Day (which was so much), they would create their own explanations— sometimes attaching it to religious or spiritual beliefs.
- as mentioned, those who are gifted do have some baseline abilities that aren’t attached to their actual ‘power’; just think better senses, reflexes, healing, etc. And if their power is a super sense, super reflexes, then it just means that sense will be way better than that of baseline ‘gifted’.
- a gifted person can come from a family with no known gifted people in it. likewise a completely ordinary person can come from two gifted people. it’s just a random 5% chance of being ‘gifted’.
and not really related to the world, but:
- I’m way more awkward than I’d like to admit and my memory took a little hit after COVID. if I appear to ghost any RPs, it’s very, very likely to not be on purpose. if you see me online or something along those lines and wish to continue the rp, feel free to bump or message me or something. I feel awful when I come back from a bout of inactiveness, but I also feel awkward about going back to old threads, since im not sure if the other person would want to continue after all that time
- adding on to the above, I am a college student! I am part time so my schedule is a little bit more relaxed than some, but still can get busy at times. I’m usually busy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, with Wednesday being my longest classes. EST time.
- Ask before joining — if I do not know your writing style, I will ask for a writing sample with dialogue. Please have one at ready! Do not be offended if I deny you; I am most selective with my limited RPs compared to group RPs or character chats (least selective; open for everyone usually).
- Activity is not a must. I am not active myself as I am now a college student (times fly by, huh?) If it appears I have forgotten to respond, I may have thought I did, when in reality I didn’t. It could also be possible that it has been a long time that I feel awkward about replying in case the other person doesn’t have the motivation to continue. Please note this before joining!
- Cussing and violence are expected. Note that as is everything, there is a time and place for it.
- Good grammar and punctuation appreciated, but I know that everyone makes mistakes, as I certainly do.
- Mature RPers preferred as a preference. Any sexual content will be a fade to black sort of deal, though I am willing to push things? If that does happen, it’ll likely go to somewhere private to abide by rule 6.
- All notebook.ai rules apply.
- One paragraph minimum, or at least four sentences. No one liners. At the very least, give me something to work with and I’ll try to do the same for you.
- Any questions? Ask!
Age: (21-26)
Background: (as short or as long as you want)
I did not include a category for abilities if your character has them, but if they do, please say what they are! feel free to elaborate — remember what I wrote earlier; while the same group of people may have the same powers, how they use them will be different.