(Let me know if you have an issue with anything here! I filled in a few gaps, but other than that it's as we discussed.)
Dragon Rider x Imperial Soldier
The Demid Empire is at war with Ka’leva, the Motherland of dragons. They covet the ability to tame dragons the same way natives of Ka’leva have, an effort met with firm resistance from a sect of Dragon Riders known as The Crown.
One such Dragon Rider becomes trapped within Empire territory. It is there an Imperial Soldier stumbles across them, and they must decide whether to hand the Rider over to their fellow troops or to keep silent. It should be an easy choice, except the thought of the Rider being turned into a martyr hardly sits well with the soldier. If they're discovered helping the Rider, however, it will be them who meets a terrible fate.
The time period here is a mix between medieval and steampunk. Magic and technology both exist, to Ka’leva and Demid respectively, although there are a few exceptions to the rule (Demidians born with magic and/or Ka’levians with an inclination for innovation).
I’ll be taking a lot of inspiration from the Eragon series since it’s my favorite dragon-centric media.
Trigger Warnings
TBD, probable blood and/or violence, expletives, mentions of torture, mentions of death.
NAME Nilam (Nell) Sterling
AGE Twenty-six
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION About 5'7". Golden brown, suntanned (has very prominent red undertones). Freckles all over his face and a faint, narrow scar over the bridge of his nose. Thick black brows, deep set gray-blue eyes, and a light black beard. His hair is short but unruly, a sort of pseudo mullet that’s black at the roots and bleached the color of straw everywhere else. Has a boyish sort of look to him in spite of the clear intensive physical activity he’s been through.
PERSONALITY Strong-willed, hard working, fair, perceptive, loyal, good-humored.
OTHER (1) His link with his dragon grants him certain magical abilities. (2) He and Kyrzzo are essentially one being—if something happened to her, he would certainly die. Vice versa. (3) Nell likes to consider himself something of an inventor.
NAME Kyrzzo (keer-zoh)
AGE Twenty
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION A less common species of dragon known as a Plumecrest. Rather than scales, this bird-like species of dragon sports a mix of fur and feathers. Don’t let this deceive you, though—they have a very tough hide that’s difficult to pierce. Similarly, their fur and feathers are fireproof.
Kyrzzo is long-bodied, primarily white with a burgundy belly. Feathery wings and fur-covered body with a very thick hide and undercoat (picture the density of a husky’s coat with the skin of a bear). Her talons are black and resemble those of a bird of prey. She sports a black mane from the nape of her neck to the tip of her tail. Her face is pointed and narrow like a fox’s, as are her ears, and atop her head are two translucent burgundy antlers. Her eyes are amber.
Roughly fifteen feet tall standing, fifty feet long with her tail. Her head is about the size of a human man.
PERSONALITY Protective, adventurous, stubborn, observant, impatient, prideful, vain.
OTHER (1) She refuses to speak to anyone other than Nell unless it’s an emergency.
I'll begin working on the actual starter shortly, if you want to add your character! Feel free to PM me any questions/comments/concerns in the meantime.