forum Well here's another one from me
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Deleted user

Please help me ease my boredom from waiting on other RPs ;-;

Deleted user

(You may! And you could always just PM me if you want, I won't bite.)
This'll be an interesting one. I've checked out an RP of yours and there's no need to ask for a writing sample. This will be a modern day Demon x Angel. I know it's a bit lame, but I'm just getting back here from an extended leave of absence.

Deleted user

(Yeah I know. I'm fine with people messaging me out of the blue.)

Well that makes it easy then! Which would you like to be: demon or angel?

Deleted user

As Jaciel walked around the gold and silver spires of High Heaven, God's sanctum, she senses something odd on Earth. Curious, she wanders down to the mortal world and starts investigating.

What happenned. . .? she asks herself as she senses high levels of demonic energy. Too high.

Her search brought her to a desecrated husk of a church near the edge of a forest, where she pauses.

Protocol says I should report this. But protocol's such a hassle. . . she thinks, sighing.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ala was hiding out in what was left of that church nursing a wound that was so kindly given to her by an angel she had ran into she was on the floor in the basement in a corner watching the entrance holding an angel blade if she was attacked again she would be ready she was not going to die today

Deleted user

Jaciel slowly steps into the church, her massive wings fluttering uneasily as she beholds a demon.

Well that can't be right. She's holding an angel blade. she thinks, her silver eyes narrowing at the figure on the floor.

"Hello?" she says quietly in Celestial.

Deleted user

Jaciel makes her way to the basement where she'd seen the demon, her vision going back to normal as she passes between the floors.

She hadn't noticed before, but the demon was clutching its side, which was stained with demonic ichor. She inhales a bit sharply, then walks ove to the demon.

"You're hurt." she murmurs, kneeling in front of her.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ala watched the angel get closer to her before shouting "get away I swear if you come any closer I'll kill you! " the screaming didn't exactly help her side but she needed to get her point across that she wasn't to be messed with once the angel was in front of her she swung the blade
She missed it was a warning "no shit I'm hurt now get out of here before your dead" her voice was a low growl as she stared at the angel in front of her

Deleted user

Jaciel sighs and pushes the sword away, shaking her head.

"Honestly, all of you fallen angel types are the same. Now shut up and cooperate if you still like whatever counts as a soul for you inside you." she huffs, not even fazed by this demon's screaming.

Deleted user

Jaciel grins.

"I'm not a follower of protocol. I take whatever contacts I can find. Having you in my debt will increase my influence. So this is completetly selfish!" she replies.

Despite her words, her tone is cheerful, almost innocent.

Deleted user

"Not like you have much of a choice right now, my friend." Jaciel shrugs.

She easily takes Ala's sword from her and sets it aside.

Deleted user

"I'll give it back when you let me bandage you up. I can't use my magic on you if you want your pretty face to stay pretty." Jaciel smiles.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

"fine" she started to move her hand when the blood from what she considered her blood pooled and the wound looked black and extremely painful, normally being stabbed wouldn't be a problem but whatever she got stabbed with was killing her slowly she didn't know how to stop it but maybe this angel did

Deleted user

Jaciel whistles through her teeth.

"Well that's a nasty wound." she says, grabbing a medical bag from nowhere. She grabs a strange looking instrument, then pauses. She rummages through the bag again until she finds a wooden gag, then hands it to Ala.

"Bite down on that." she says.