forum we're dead!! (OxO) (Doctor Who but it's not Doctor Who so I guess it's different)
Started by @NikolaNiks

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Hey, just wanted to see if I could get back into the roleplaying game. I've been playing a lot of dungeons and dragons but I like text rps better for reasons I truly cannot fathom, DND is awesome but something just is magical about infodumping to your rp partner endless lore without shame. Anyways, this is basically my plot in a nutshell, enjoy!

In the Metacrisis universe of Doctor Who, where Rose and Metacrisis 10th Doctor are living their peaceful lives, a new threat emerges. Strange creatures are breaking out from beneath the surface of the earth, made of magma and pure spite and a little bit of Dalek style genocidal tendencies. However, Rose Tyler and the alternative 10th Doctor have little to do with this story. You see, there's a new Doctor in town, a new TARDIS, and new threats to take on. From psychic vampires to infinite time loops to even cutesy but violent Meep creatures brainwashed by psychedelic suns. And your character is going to be their companion in travel… if they can survive the first story! (Yes, they will survive. Everything will end fine as long as your character isn't an absolute idiot) Anyways, here's my totally original spin on Doctor Who and Time Lords, ft. Rassilon being 11x worse and also probably a little more evil than the original by virtue of being heavily inspired by how messed up the EDAs were.

I guess I should also put in some rules so here goes:

I am generally a pretty tolerant person, but hatred and bigotry is not welcome here. If you support the Cheeto Dust Cretin, you're not going to have a fun time roleplaying with me.
I'm trans, I'm autistic, I'm also asexual, and I'm generally an easy person to be around but I will warn you that due to those aforementioned labels I fit into, I do have some specific triggers I'd like to go over in advance of this roleplay. Biggest one I can think of is I don't roleplay anything that features graphic sexual content, I may have tried in the past but life happens and given certain events in my life, I don't roleplay sex scenes. I also don't include or support references to sexual assault or rape, much less graphic scenes or even implied stuff, I get that adding storylines like that is cathartic for some people but it reminds me of my assaulter too much and frankly, I'm just not able to stomach that. Now, with that in mind mild discussion of sexuality is permitted. Just keep it chill my dudes.
Also, there will be themes of violence because strangely enough I actually find THAT a little bit cathartic, probably because of my poorly repressed rage and anger at the system. Basically, bad guys gonna get beat up a little. Maybe even die in a firey pit of doom. Within what makes sense for the plot of course, but I like seeing villains who are truly evil, not just misunderstood, get motherfucking owned.
Swearing is fine but don't overdo it.
This is a safe space for anyone who wants to partake provided they aren't a bigot or a jerk, especially for women, people of color, disabled, and LGBTQ people as well as religious minorities like Islam, Judaism, and Paganism among all the other types of "other" you can be! I do my best to make people feel included.
Be kind, have fun.

Anyways, if anyone wants to risk RPing with my cringe ass story, let me know! No prior knowledge of Doctor Who is necessary but may be helpful in understanding certain references like "reverse the polarity of the neutron flow" aka space gibberish meant to solve the plot in two seconds because the writers forgot to actually write lmao.

EDIT TO MENTION the title is foreshadowing.


Hi, my name is usually Fride. I rp mxm, my internet is down for a bit and I'm running off date so I might be a little sporadic but I can do long-ass gut-wrenching rps. I'm thinking your story needs an idiotic himbo who needed his whole world rocked and shaken. Maybe a little soul-crushing and realizing the world isn't all rainbows and gumdrops. (the autism is autsiming) if you've played or watched someone play the game mouthwashing I'm going for disukey vibes( I pray I spelled that right;-; even Grammarly can't fix it). If that's not what you're looking for I completely understand but I'm craving an older a little younger relationship and one soul-crushed and unfazed partner watching his sunshine lover slowly fade and become dull


Oooooo hmmmm I'm kinda liking what you're doing with this. Question: my Doctor character is a trans woman in this, she's very fabulous and swooshy but I do have a man identifying character I could definitely add, I was intending for this to riff off of the 2003 SotS miniseries so basically, if you're familiar with DW lore at all you might recognize the character of the Master a little bit. He's basically just broody TimeLording up in the Doctor's TARDIS stuck in an android body for yet unexplained reasons and he's honestly very sarcastic and broken inside, he'll be very involved in this plot so I hope that could work!! Hope to see what you think soon, thanks for biting onto my little idea!


I have not watched it yet, but it's been piquing my interest for a while lol, and I've watched a few of those little tictoks with it before it got banned XD but I'm willing to listen to a hell of a rant about it to get the story, I can also def try an fxm just can't say how good ill be at it, or we could fxf if you'd like that a little better!


Honestly I don't even necessarily want shipping for this, it could happen but I feel like at most I'd want the relationships to develop more naturally along the course of the story, not so much better destined as endgame. Y'know what I mean?


Not very quality but I did some quick sketches of the characters I'll be using for various stories and arcs so that I could envision them better.


Anyways, do we wanna jump into roleplaying or should we do character sheets or what do you want to do?


I don't mind either,Ii like to let the story makers pick what they wanna do ^^ I like character sheets but I also like the idea of making a mysterious unknown character


Ok cool! Sorry for the late response, I've been procrastinating on schoolwork for my Animation coursework and it's been hell and a handbasket catching up lol. Anyways, I can type up a starter tonight!! It might be a minute and I might not finish it tonight but I will hopefully post it by tomorrow lol.


The halls of the TARDIS were a lot quieter than usual. Usually, the Doctor would have a little human thing running around the place, but as of the last two-and-one-half centuries, there was basically silence. Of course, there was a good reason for this. The Doctor had gotten involved in a war, and she had fought valiantly indeed for her people and planet. But it wasn't enough. She'd been exiled for her crimes of trying to save as many people as she could, never leaving anyone behind. Not even… him. The Master. As if the Doctor would ever let go of the past…

The Master paced these empty halls with contemplation. As the TARDIS' second permanent resident (the Doctor being, of course, the first), he had found himself bored of his newfound duty of caring for the Doctor. She was, of course, somewhere moping. His shadow warped in the hollowed-out halls, caressed by the Vashta Maldextra the Doctor had tamed and brought on board. Different from the Vashta Nerada, these creatures while they still grew from spores and trees, were a genetically modified version of the carnivorous hives that instead fed off of light and dust. And goodness, was there dust piling up.

Then, the TARDIS began to creak and whoosh. The floors and walls swayed opposite each other, and the Master nearly dented a metal wall with his android strength, caught off-guard by the unexpected motion. He caught his balance and straightened his jacket. He then calmly strutted through the halls, never running (how undignified) like the Doctor always did, to the main console room. He didn't like the feeling this situation was giving him. The TARDIS hadn't moved an inch for almost three centuries. Why now?

The Doctor had already left the TARDIS, the Master couldn't sense her psychic presence anymore. It was always faint when within the walls, better the closer the two were physically, but this was different. She really had eloped.

The Master strode towards the console, pressed a button. Up popped a screen that showed strange signals. Danger. Distress. And, accursedly, they had landed on Earth. Of all the places, they should not be, Earth was Public Nuisance número uno.

The Doctor stumbled, barely aware but slowly regaining her senses, into a silent street. In midday, in the middle of what appeared to be a typically busy city of both foot and car traffic. Strange. The only one outside was a woman, elderly, who was huddled in blankets shaking in the cold winter air. The Doctor walked over to her, the cloud of fog lifting from her eyes as she shouted: "You there! Yes, you! Could you tell me what city this is?" she said.

The woman mumbled a startled something that went completely unheard. The Doctor sat down beside her, looked at her. "Could you tell me what city this is?" she asked, once more, to which the woman hissed a whisper, "Keep it down!"



"Who's they, singular or plural?" she responded swiftly.

"Huh?" the elderly woman said, slowly, confused.

The Doctor shook her head. "What are you even doing out here? It must be freezing, love!"

The woman stared at the Doctor like she was an idiot of some kind. "Nowhere else to go." she said stiffly.

"Oh, I understand that feeling." the Doctor said. "I really do. Here…" she rummaged through one of the many inner pockets of her long coat, "take these."

The contents were some strange seeds from presumably another planet, some alien coins of indeterminable value, and a strawberry lollipop.

The Doctor mumbled something about "interplanetary currency" and stood, looking around. "It's quiet uptown…" she sung to herself, starting to walk off when suddenly, the ground began to shake. The Doctor whipped her head around, then grabbed the elderly woman's hand and dragged them into the nearest bar. That was, she attempted to, grasping for empty air. The elderly woman had seemed to have disappeared.

She ran into the street to look for the woman, but found no answers. Then, the rumbling got louder. She ran back into the bar, taking cover as the shaking increased, then began to succumb to merely a quiet rumble, and then…


The Doctor turned around, only to see that the bar too was empty aside from a handful of silent patrons, all of whom were glaring at her. She noticed a jukebox in the corner, a man wiping glasses at the counter and avoiding her gaze. Nobody spoke, hardly anybody moved. The TVs were turned to zero volume, but broadcast some sport that the Doctor showed little interest in. She was more of a Musical Theater type Time Lady herself.

She sat at the bar, the stool letting out a horrendous screeeuque noise that was deafening in the quiet room. She sat down, and continued to assess the room and its occupants, when suddenly the door to the bar opened.

(I was thinking your character could come in now, I would think they'd have as little an idea as to what's going on as the Doctor currently. Maybe got stuck in the city visiting someone and the next day their car broke down so no leaving? Or just another excuse as to why they wouldn't know what's going on and also why nobody would tell them. I want this to be a mini mystery at first, before I reveal the aliens.)


Solace had walked into the bar, well known among the crowd. They didn't say a word, nor did the hands in their pocket come out until they reached the jukebox, putting in a coin and picking a song. (as the world caves in, Matt Maltese, wanna set the mood.) the person, indistinguishable from male or female. (outfit, you pick dark or light ^^ outfit was nice and well-maintained. It was flattering without showing any gender, and while the outfit was more masculine, their steps sounded more feminine. The fingers exposed were long and nimble, the nails in a delicate clearcoat but very well maintained. The person came from a wealthy background, what were they doing in a bar like this.. ( his face, all of these ref photos pulled from Pintrest cause I'm pulling this character straight from my ass, lol. Hope you don't mind all the refs, it just gives me a mental image to work with. solace though, knew why they were there. their family had given up on them. spitting solace on the streets to fend for theirself. all because they didn't want to conform to the family heir. they didn't want kids. didn't want marriage. they sure as hell didn't want to be tied down this early. and that made their family draw the last straw. and they got the shortest one.
now they were looking for work in any way possible, mercenary hunting, maybe even doctoring. and this woman looked like she needed a whole lot of help. so Solace sat down next to her, raising their hand for a drink on what money they had left, and passed it over to the woman. " didn't make the crowd too happy did ya." their voice rang softly in anyone's ears, especially the doctors, as if it was laced with honeydew and liquor. and yet still, their gender hardly reviled by their voice. but they hoped their joke wouldn't fall on deaf ears. that woman needed a pick-me-up, they wreaked of sorrow and mild depression. " maybe if you didn't smell of death and depression someone would pip up for yah" they said, laying the tab money on the bar for the tender.


( andd feelllt man, i feel like I'm waking with less and less spoons and for the last three days I've been waking up in severe panic attack from some fucked up dreams)


The Doctor could tell that while this was Earth, this new person… was definitely unearthly. Unearthly beauty, perhaps, but there was something about them that didn't have that soft rosemary smell-taste to them, more like an odd crackling plastic that reminded her of Cyberkin. She did take the drink though, she had carefully watched its preparation and delivery and could tell it hadn't been spiked.

She took a sip, and could immediately tell it was brandy, of a middle grade variety. Someone didn't have much money to spend, but didn't want to totally disappoint. Her violently blue-raspberry flavored jellybean eyes glimmered in the low light as she scanned the room for anything suspicious. Nobody outside, deathly quiet inside. The rumbling had stopped but in its place was replaced a low whining noise on the edge of perception, something meant to ensure fear and maybe even a little bit of terror. But, not quite phobia. She'd encountered true phobia long ago, this just wasn't the same.

The jukebox filled the room with the music, but as soon as it had begun, it had stopped. The jukebox had been unplugged, no longer emanating warmth and sound to fill the room. Silent once more. The Doctor stood, took one more sip of her drink, and glared at the young lady who had unplugged the jukebox.

"Something is wrong here, and you're all being very suspicious about it. I know Earth, it's loud and busy and wonderfully chaotic. Especially a city as big as this. Are we in Chicago? I wouldn't have noticed, only it smells similar enough and although I can't sense the metro running I can certainly feel that it's there." she said, her voice echoing across the room. "For lack of a better word, this is strange, and not in the good way."

The girl who'd unplugged the jukebox glared right back. "Keep your voice down!" she hissed.


Solace looked up at the lady and around at the crowd. The rich didn't have to worry about the creatures that plagued the earth now. So they wondered why these people all seemed so skittish. "What's going on, though? We're in one of the most popular areas. They wouldn't be here," they said softly. Solace quickly read the room, making an escape route if need be. (sorry for being short not to sure what to do here )


(Sorry! I'm not giving you many opportunities to interact with the setting, am I? I'll post a response soon that gives your character more exploration room.)


(hi, so I have been ignoring this for TOO DAMN LONG and that is my fault, but I will respond sometime next week as I have let some life things pile up and need to attend to those. Thanks for being cool and let me know if there's anything I can do to get your character more involved in the plot if you have the spoons to think up stuff, thanks!!)


(bro I honestly felt that XD, I was just gonna sit here and wait however long it took, but honestly just really need points to make the character there and aware,)


Outside the bar, something moved sluggishly past. The Doctor didn't notice. There was nothing to notice. No psychic presence, barely any real movement. "Look, I don't know what's going on here, but I-" and then suddenly, fear fell over the bar. The patrons froze, static, their psychic footprints dampening. Any esteemed Time Lady would notice instantly, but with her particular ancestry she didn't notice until…

A scream emitted from the jukebox. The Doctor was, at best, a little shaken, but of course the machine was unplugged. How could it be making noise?

That was when she noticed it. The bartender's nose and ears were slowly but surely bloodying. It must have something to do with the jukebox, it was starting to happen to everyone in here, even the Doctor. She turned to the jukebox, took off at a full run and used her right arm to smash the speakers. Even then, that didn't stop the noise from emitting, but it seemed to quiet it enough to put the patrons in a less frozen state, no longer actively bleeding. She wiped the blood from her mouth, sniffled. "You, come with me." she pointed to the blond stranger. "If nobody else will help, I'm volunteering the only person who seems to not be frozen in fear."


Solace gave a gentle laugh and smiled at the challenge "Bring it on" they said, wiping the blood from his face. " been a long while since something creepy gave me a fright."
The blondie looked to the doctor for directions on what to do next, there wasn't anything he knew about situations like these and she seemed very informed on how to stop whatever this was. " I need clues magic lady, not too sure what's going on here myself "