This is very much ripped off from, with permission, the lovely @RainyDayArtist ~ Thanks, and you're a genius for coming up with this!
Her entire life, she had searched for the one. Years had passed, and many times she'd been put down as she aged without finding a partner, but she had to be sure it was the right one. And finally, she'd found him, the perfect partner. Even though they were both in their thirties, he still knew how to have fun, and after dating for a few months, they'd decided to get married. She'd never been more excited. Everything was picked out, everything was perfect
As she's getting ready to walk down the isle, one of her friends comes up to her in tears, looking utterly devastated. In response to asking what was wrong, her friend informed her that her 'fiancé' was currently in the back making out with her maid of honor.
Of course, the bride is beyond devastated herself, and completely humiliated. In an effort not to make a fool of herself, she rushes out of the building in tears, still in her dress.
She didn't even think about it as she fled down the steps to the subway, getting on the first train to anywhere.
When she drops down on to one of the seats, she bursts into tears, assuming she was alone. What she didn't take into account, was the strange man sitting across from her.
That latter half is entirely ripped from Rainy's rp <3
like the original, I'd prefer a mxf for this, just bc my guy is straight <3
The above prompt is adjustable to your character, since I'd like like to play the guy. If you have a gal that would work, but something in the prompt is a little off, no prob! it's just a general idea.
Swearing, is fine, just keep it reasonable.
Probably nothing nsfw, cause I'm uncomfy
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply.
I'd like our characters to be mid-thirties? Kinda on the older side
May contain some pretty dark themes and more mature content
If you have any complaints, do not hesitate to bring them to me!
I may change or update these at any time
Please don't let this die on me. Just tell me if you're no longer interested in it, so I can reboot/reopen this for other users.
I have the right to deny you for whatever reason. Just a heads up, if we've never rped, I'll probably ask for a sample.
That's all I got for now. Just let me know if you're interested.
No god modding
Please keep your replies a little longer. Doesn't have to be more than 3 lines, but wherever you can, try to stay above 1.
I'll post a character template if anyone's interested.