forum Washed-up//open//OxO
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower_Mad_Elder

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A young selkie is separated from their family and washes up on the shore. Character is walking on the beach and sees this child with a coat around them and takes them home. Stuff happens and the selkie and human form a relationship and they become a family, but then the selkie's own family finds them and wants to take them back with them.

I kinda want a found family rp, any takers?


(No problem! This character will be a little older because they live in their own. Unless you don't want them to be like that, then do whatever lmao. Also, you can make than one character if you want)


**Name: ** Abrose Finnease
**Nicknames: ** Rose
**Age: ** 19
**Gender: ** male
**Species: ** human
**Appearance: ** Abrose has bright red hair with deeper coper tones streaked throughout. His skin is pale and slightly freckled. He has bright green eyes, thin red lips and a warm smile. He stands around 5'7 ish and has a thiner build some would describe him as foxlike
**Personality: ** Abrose is a typically happy teen, they love nature and the beach that they had moved to. He's still close with his parents but moving to the coast was his dream. He loves being with other people, but also enjoys the peacefulness if being alone. Cherishes those closest to him
**Hobbies: ** painting, Abrose absolutely loves to paint anything or anyone, he loves colors and capturing movement in his own style of art
**Other: ** - he loves music


Name: Orla Briar
Nicknames: Ori
Age: just turned 7
Gender: female
Species: selkie
Appearance: Orla is a thin and short girl with short, fluffy, black hair and green eyes. She has side bangs and like to use shell clips to hold them back. Ori has bruised knees often because of how much she likes to climb trees, she also has a small scar on her chin from when another selkie child threw a rock and it hit her.
Personality: Ori is a quiet and shy girl with a curious and creative mind. Like many young animals, she likes to touch and eat things to see what they are. Ori likes to hear stories and sit by warm fires wrapped in her coat. Ori loves her mother, holding her shirt when they are on land and sticking right by her fin in the water.
Hobbies: collecting colourful shells and rocks, making art with sea glass, drifting in the water, singing, playing
Other: Ori, even though she is young, can play a wood flute, she doesnt like singing in front of many people so she plays the flute instead


"Dancing bears, painted wings, things I almost remember. And a song someone sings, once upon a December." Ori hummed and drifted closer to her mother as she sang the lullaby. It was a cold afternoon and they were headed to the shore to go swimming. Their fluffy white coats earned them some glances but not words. Ori didn't notice them, she was sleepily stumbling across the beach, holding onto her mother's coat as she sang the lullaby. "Someone holds me safe and warm. Horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully across my memory." her mother's voice was crystal clear and Ori smiled at her, drifting off.

"Wake up love, we need to go." Ori blinked and looked around confused, she thought they were already on the island but it seems she fell asleep before they could go. "I'm sorry mummy, I was too tired." She sat on her legs and bit her thumb. Her mother smiled and stood up, picking up Ori and walking to the shoreline. The pair walked into the water and dove under, changing shape the deeper they went. Ori was still tired, she placed a flipper on her mother's back but fell asleep again. A few fish came and bumped into her, pushing her back and away from her mother.

Ori drifted through the water, still sleeping, and washed up on a beach, her coat wet and still tightly tied around her waist. Still sleeping, the young Selkie didn't realise she had gotten lost.


(I'm so sorry! Didn't really have the motivation to write for this one and things have been hectic recently but I'm back!)

Abrose had woken hours before the sun rose over the horizon, wanting to enjoy the quiet of the morning before the chaos and hustle and bustle that came with the ship port' activity. He stopped at his coffee and munched on some cheese and day old bread from the day before and glanced out the window. A small smile spread to his lips as he watched the beach before him turn to gold as the sun rose over the horizon. He had always enjoyed the beach despite not being able to swim very well. He stepped out onto the small deck off of his little home and breathed in the early morning sea air. He closed his eyes against the sun's light and sighed as the wamrth his his face. His hair turned from it's typical orange to firery red in the sun's Ray's. He opened his green eyes and blinked against a brightness that wasn't the sun. He sheilded his eyes and scanned the shorline. Often he would help fisherman that had gotten lost in the shore or retrieve items that had been misplaced by the port people. But Abrose saw nothing that resembled a boat or boating equipment. He quickly made his way off the porch, fearing it was someone in trouble. He swore softly when he reached the shore and knelt by the young girl. He had read and seen countless tales about the selkie but never in his life would have believed they were true


(Not a problem)

Ori opened her eyes at the sound of crashing waves. 'Where's mummy?' Was the first thing that came into her mind. She blinked and turned her head to the side, sewing the strange person looming at her intently. Ori gasped and sat up, moving away from the person and hiding her face in her coat. She blinked at him with green eyes and watched him from a few feet away.


(heyo! I'm sorry for ghosting this for so long but I think I've lost interest in this plot so I think I'm gonna drop this. I'd love to do more RPS with you though!)


(hey! Glad to see you're back! I'd love to rp with you again! Sort of in a writer's block atm so not as active as before but I'd still love to write with you again! )