forum Two worlds close but far - OXO MXM (CLOSED)
Started by @CaseyJ group

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Hakuto laughs softly and keeps petting Kai "You need to get up soon" He says softly

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Hakuto lets out a small sigh and gets up off the bed looking down at Kai and petting him before picking him up and placing him onto the floor

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Hakuto chuckles softly "Come on lets go" He says softly

@CaseyJ group

Kai just stares at him blankly before shifting back to human and tilting his head, confused.

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Haukto points to the door "Outside?" He says trying to simplify the request

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Hakuto nods "Yeah outside, we are going outside"

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Hakuto follows and opens the door for Kai and walks outside

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Hakuto points to the woods "Thats the woods do you want to go there?"

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Hakuto laughs softly and follows Kai into the forest

@CaseyJ group

Kai goes up to a large tree and quickly climbs up it, looking down at Hakuto with a grin.

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Hakuto looks up at Kai curious on what he was going to do

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Hakuto climbs up the tree sitting on a branch that was closer to the ground and watching Kai making sure he doesn't fall

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Hakuto takes the fruit from Kai and smiles "Thank you"

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Hakuto takes a small bite of the fruit and watches Kai with a small smile on his face

@CaseyJ group

Kai plops back down, quickly eating the fruit before climbing down the tree, looking at Hakuto and waiting.

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Hakuto climbs down the tree shortly after finishing the fruit, he pats Kai softly "Where do you want to go now?"