forum To Love a Liar //PRIVATE//
Started by @PrettyLittlePyro

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@Fenris-is-a-wholesome-dork! I am so sorry! I realized that I had accidentally deleted our old topic, and I'm so, so sorry! Do you want to continue?


Arsen pulled his jacket over his shoulder, marching down the halls into the auditorium. He found a seat in the back, sat down, and leaned back just as the Principal came into the room. Short and aged, the Captain was a very stern man, responsible for the growth of the school.

"Welcome," the principal said, his voice calm and cool. "As most of you know, today is a very special day. It is the day you will all be given your assignments for your finals. My assistant will be passing around your papers, and if you feel they do not provide enough information, tell one of us and we will help you."


(I’m so sorry! I never saw the response, we must’ve answered at the same time XD)
Fallon jogged down the hall, red hair flying behind her as she ran to the meeting. She hadn’t known they’d called her in for a meeting during her free period. She only knew it was being held by the principal and that she was notgoing to be late.

Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. She quietly opened the door and slid into the nearest seat, head bowed in shame. She glanced at the paper on her desk and read it over. Her first mission? Partnered, some personal information of hers as well as general information about her partner, Arden. “Oh great…” she muttered out loud, resting her head on her arm and reading the mission description to herself


(You're totally fine! I think we did, lol)

When Arsen saw who he was partnered with, he frowned in confusion. Who was it? Who was he working with?

Sighing, he lifted his head to look around.


Once Fallon finished reading the paper, she neatly put it back in the envelope and tucked it safely in her massenger back. She glanced around the room to see if she could find Arsen. She had seen him a couple times throughout the semester but never really talked to him. She caught his gaze and quickly turned around to face the front of the class


Nobody seemed to be the girl he was working with, until he spotted a girl meet his eyes then look away. And he recognized her. A Dancer he had seen around, but not thought as important enough to talk to.


Fallon slid out of her seat once the class was dismissed. She kept eyes casted down and headed for the semi empty halls. aaannndd now he thinkable I’m a weirdo.


Fallon made her way to the library and grabbed her favorite book. She made her way to the hanging hammocks that were set up on the second floor of the library and settled into a blue one, comfortably cradled with in the folds while she relaxed and read for a while


(Whoops! Sorry, I'm in a bazillion roleplays, and I forget which ones I've responded to.)

The car the two of them were supposed to ride in was small and clean. It didn't appear too noticable, but it was in good condition. There were only fice seats in it, and there was going to be a driver, so in order to avoid Jo, Arsen sat in the front. He got less space, but at least he didn't have to look at her.

Before all of their stuff had been loaded into the trunk of the car, Arsen had been handed a thick envelope, full of paper. He had taken one look at it and snorted. It was the mission information, including where they would be going. The System didn't want them knowing anything, so that they can't prepare ahead of time, and have to rely on their wits and whatever they deemed necessary to pack. He would read it in the car, and give it to his… partner later.


(It’s oki!)
Fallon had packed light, only the essentials for the trip. She watched as the car pulled up to her dorm building and quietly made her way downstairs. She put her bag in the trunk and climbed in the back seat as far away from the front as possible with as little said as much as a hello. She curled up in the spacious seat and gazed at her phone, reading over the email they had gotten a few weeks ago from their administrator. She wondered why they hadn’t gotten information yet? We’re they supposed to go into the mission blind. That was a bit careless…maybe that was the point. They were to use their brain and prior knowledge instead of given knowledge. She stole a peek at her partner and sighed softly. He hadn’t talked to her yet. Sure she could have started off a conversation but she was pretty sure he wouldn’t have liked that. Instead she’d just wave it nod to him in passing, acknowledging his presence but never making a move to engage in a fil conversation.


As he sat in the front, waiting for her so that they could leave, he carefully pulled the first packet of papers out. The first read:

Mission: Eliminate Katrina Clint
Time Span: 2 weeks
Monitored By: Purple Grapes (Runner level four)

Target: Katrina Clint
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Crime: Former System agent, betrayed country secrets to others, leaked countless secrets
Occupation: Accountant for Wolfe Corps, little sister of Marcus Clint
Current Residence: New York City, New York, USA
Other Information: Every year, on the third of January, Clint goes to a Christmas party hosted by the Wolfe Corp owners. This year, it is at the Rockefeller Center, and we have learned that there will be some of his former information traders there. Eliminate her. The entire corporation is full of spies and traitors, and so it will be your job to hunt Clint down, bring her back, question her about her suspicious doings the past few years, kill her, and blow up the gala. Getting the Wolfe brothers would be a bonus, but it is not needed, nor required. Tread cautiously. There are many who would like to get her for themselves. She is incredibly smart, and has graduated from college at age 15.

There was a picture below that, of a young teenage girl with blonde hair and innocent features.

The first move will be to get to New York. There has been a flight arranged, on the Higher Airlines. Tickets are inside. Rooms in the Plaza Hotel have been reserved for you, rooms 210 and 211. Simply say that L. Peters reserved some rooms for you, and you will be led there right away. The staff know not to ask any questions.

You will go as Aria Cloves and Grayson Lorcan, a newly engaged couple, who are both very close to the owner of our ally overseas, the Mystic International. The invitation to the Gala we managed to get, but tread carefully. The Wolfes have some very well-minted spies. You will be there on a business trip, from Luna International, and want to sell some things to the famous Candece Olovie, as Clint calls herself. She has caught your attention, and you want her into your company, as she has shown some very high intelligence.

The information about their profiles was the next page, as well as how to act and the right questions to ask and all about their "jobs."

Arsen glared at the paper. No way was he pretending to be her fiance! He wrinkled his nose in disgust.


Fallon watched out the window as they started off on their assignment. She could hear the rustle of papers from the front and kept her eyes on the front window, hoping to spot any information in the reflection. Nothing. With a small sigh, she settled in for the caddie to what she assumed was an airport. She trusted Arden to provide the information as needed along the way, or at least to acknowledge her position as his partner when the task came to be, even if it meant standing idly by as he did all the work. She dismissed the thought, no way was she going to let him take all the credit for something they were supposed to do together. She knew next to nothing about their intended target, other than that the target was a smart girl and would probably know every move they made before they could even blink. Great…this was going to be fun.


Arsen glanced back at the girl behind him. He didn't really want to work with anyone. He was perfectly capable of doing this himself. And with someone who wasn't even high of rank, like him… he scowled. Shoving the papers back into the envelope, so that they crumpled, he tossed it back to her.
"There's the information, if you want it," he said, tone annoyed.