forum Title Pending- Closed RP With the Assassin's Guild Gang
Started by @Becfromthedead group

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Hi! I've been good. Super busy. I now have an almost 2 year old so sometimes it's hard to reply. How have you been?


It really has been a long time. I haven't been RP because I feel bad if I don't reply often. But some days it's hard. 2 year Olds are unpredictable, haha


I get it, I work with 12 month to 2.5 year old kids so I know very well how unpredictable days can be lol

So do you still use notebook then? If not for Rps then other?

Are in touch with Bec and Shade or did everyone who was once active slowly disappeae?


I really only used it to RP. So I haven't been in touch with anyone. It's sad because I thought of you guys as pretty good friends of mine. But life got in the way


Honestly me too. I considered our little group of 4 to be my closest friends on here. It sucks but we've grown I guess

At the time though, I was going through a severe mental breakdown and needed to take a break. 3 years later I've recovered enough to return and start writing again. I kinda miss how things were before, all the forums are so dead nowadays


I'm glad to hear you are doing better. Growing is a bitter sweet thing.

Yeah I used to come on here just to see if anything had been picked up again, but sadly nothing. It nice to talk to you again though