forum Tied Together (Closed with ElderGod-Carrots) (MxM) (1/1)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@Eli-the-transboi group

(Hey there! Rhys isn’t able to be here right now but they wanted me to tell you that there was a mistake in their post. Jesse city was supposed to be necessity. Sorry about that!)


(omg they should totally have a moment where dom shows ry his scars and he's all 'who did this to you?' soft caring and dom just breaks down and explains everything… and okay! all good no worries)

The room was far nicer than anything that his father or Dominic would have set up guests in had the situation been normal. Unfortunately for the prince, it wasn't normal. This was his husband-to-be. The man he was going to marry in less than a day. It was insane to believe that he was going to marry a man that he had just met and yet he was standing right in front of him, living and breathing, in his own home.

Well, home was a stretch. Palace. Place. It was a place where Dominic lived. It hadn't felt like a home since his family had died and the day his father had changed, only not for the better. When they had been there, alive, the palace had been full of life and love and laughter. It had been a home back then. But it wasn't a home anymore, not after everything that his father had put himself through.

The only part of the palace that had any sort of homeliness was his little tower. The secluded place tucked away from the rest of the world was the only space where Dom ever felt at peace. No one knew about his attic space, everyone thought it was shut off and locked away, storage, but Dom had made it his own space. He wondered if Rylin would find a place similar in his new home. If these new chambers would be changed and moulded into an image that resembled Veraisiki in some way or another, or if he would keep them the same. Only time would tell.

One thing Dominic knew, though, was that it would be covered in dog hair in no time.

The crown prince clasped his hands behind his back, taking a few steps that echoed throughout the room on the cold stone floor. He looked from the fireplace to the ground before looking back to Rylin, "During the wet seasons the evenings can become quite cold," He said, "Sometimes it is necessary. During the dry seasons," He gestured to the window, "It's more about keeping the windows open to stay as cool as possible."

@RhysTheFirebird group

(Or maybe like- Ry just sees them? I think. . . It would take forever for Don to willingly show them to Ry. It’s kind of hard to gauge how sweet and gentle Ry can be until you see him (a) playing with his dogs or (b) you’ve spent enough time with him to know his moods. Just ‘cause he looks cold doesn’t me he is, lol)

After a long moment, the dogs surged into the room, swarming around Dominic and into the room. Ry looks up, smiling and watches the dogs, “Loose.” He murmurs in his own tongue, letting the dogs know they could be themselves.

Tiki woofs and walks in circles around Dominic’s legs, looking up at him and hoping to get the man’s attention. His tail was wagging and thumped against his legs occasionally as he made his circles. Tamara finds a shaded corner, and lays down, panting with her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Viski sits next to Ry, staring at the fire before sliding her front paws forward. Carmak sits with Viski, his tail thumping a slow, steady rhythm on the floor. Finally, Talia Jumps onto the bed, sprawling across it and falling asleep.

Ry watches the dogs and then looks at Dominic, “Ahh. . . It gets. . . Cold?” He asks, his eyes lighting up the slightest bit. Maybe he wouldn’t be too miserable here. If there was a time if year it was slightly cooler than this blistering heat.

“Of course. . . Not as cold as. . . I am used too. . . But colder. . . Than this?” He tilts his head, reaching out to pet Viski. He wasn’t surprised to find her thick, long fur damp with sweat. He felt another pang of sadness at the thought that he would need to cut the fur to help them stay cool.

He looks back to the small fire and then stands, his hands sliding into his pockets. He turns to Dominic, looking down at Tiki and then to the taller man’s face, “If you. . . Want him to stop. . . You just have to tell him. . . So. . .” He pauses thinking.

“Stop in my language is ‘heedra’.” He murmurs, “I will. . . Do my best to teach. . . them the commands in yours. . . I have already been. . . Trying, but. . . Tiki doesn’t yet. . . Understand. . .”

Ry moves away from the fireplace, towards the bed and carefully pushes Talia off his jacket without waking the tired dog. He turns, shaking to coat out, an irritated look flashing across his face at the black fur sticking to the whit fox fur inside. He picks the bits out and then drops them to the floor, walking to a chair and draping the jacket over the back. “Do you know. . . Where I can take. . . The dogs. . . To get their fur. . . Trimmed shorter?” He looks at Dominic, tilting his head to the side slightly.


(Yeah for sure, maybe he catches him changing sometime or patching himself up)

Even though Dominic wasn't a dog person he could see why people liked them. They were friendly companions, with bright smiles, bushy tails and wanting to play all the time. He could imagine that they would be better than cats in that department. The only animals he had ever owned himself were the horses in the stables. His father had never allowed his son the chance to own anything that wasn't 'practical' in his eyes, the horses were all he had. They had been enough for most of his life.

Of course that hadn't stopped the crown prince from taking care of the strays that wandered into the palace gardens. Over the years he had found and cared for quite a few and he had loved each one of them. All Dom regretted was not having the chance to give them better lives than the ones on the street. At least the older cats had had a better end to their life, with full bellies and scratches under the moonlight. He would have kept them in his attic hideaway if they hadn't been so used to the outdoor world, he wasn't about to force them inside.

But as Tiki circled his legs, even the prince couldn't stop the way his usual frown faded. There was no smile, but at least he wasn't scowling or frowning at the dog. Dominic knelt down, resting one hand on his knee while the other reached out to scratch behind the dog's ears, gently petting the soft fur.

He looked to Rylin, although his hand never stopped petting his new furry friend as he spoke, "Yes, it does grow cold. The wet seasons are often cooler with the rains, and the nights can become even colder. A fireplace is needed during those times." Because as much as it was sweltering hot for the majority of the year, during the times of rain it was nice to read in front of the fire in an evening. Even though it didn't happen often, Dominic still enjoyed it, he hated the cold.

Dominic looked back to Tiki as he continued to speak, "It is… unfair, for you to have to learn my language and me not learn yours. I will learn the commands that they know." Even if he would butcher the pronunciation the first few tries. He had had to learn many languages in order to converse with royals and nobles of different kingdoms, this would be no different, "I'm sure some of the stable hands would be happy to trim them."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Tiki licks his hand, nipping at his it playfully. He turns in a circle, wanting the man to pet him all over, but unsure of where he wanted the man to start. Viski follows Ry, her tail moving slowly side to side as she walked.

“Thank you. . .” He murmurs, nodding slightly to the prince. “I do not. . . Mind having to. . . Learn your language. . .”

Tiki finally settle down and just sits on Dominic’s foot, looking up at him just as he had done outside, his tongue hanging from his mouth and ready to lick again the next time Dominic’s hand came close enough.

Ry smiles and turns back away. A slight dismissal to the crown prince. He would want time to relax and just spend with his dogs. It had been a long day and Rylin was ready for a nap. A very long one. And even a bath.

He walks to the bed, running his hand through Talia’s fur and sits on the edge of the bed. He stares out the window, watching the bustling city below. The people moving to and fro. He thought of them similar to small bugs that carried food from source to nest.

He leans back against the pillows, blowing out a breath and looking at Dom, “It was. . . A pleasure to. . . meet you. . . I need some time. . . To refresh myself. . .” He tilts his head to the side, staring at the crown prince.


(sorry for disappearing! im working two jobs and the brain cells have only been functioning for like 1/2 rp's)

Dominic watched the dog at his feet. He had never truly been a dog person, the stray cats that he cared for in his free time could attest to that, but Tiki, it seemed, had taken a liking to him already. The prince didn't know how to feel about it, but the dog had soft fur and an interesting personality and at least he wasn't being barked or growled at. As long as it stayed that way then there wouldn't be a problem.

He looked to the other prince and nodded, "Right, yes, of course." He imagined the journey had been a long one and the prince himself had training. It was the easiest way to let out his frustrations - whether that be from his father or the court, it all came out on the training grounds rather than a wall that would result in him breaking his hand if he punched the wrong thing. He knew from experience that it hurt like fucking hell.

Leaning down, he gave Tiki one last scratch behind the ears before taking a step back, "It was a pleasure to meet you as well," Even if he didn't want this marriage anytime soon - not ever, "I will see you for supper later." With a small nod of his head, Dominic turned on his heel and strode out of the room, making sure to close the door properly behind him.

Thank Gods he was out of there. The marriage was already enough to have his head spinning, he didn't want to have to be with the other man for longer than he needed to be. They were to be wed tomorrow. Soon he would no longer be on his own but forced to be with the other prince and then shortly he would become king. How his life had ended up this way was beyond him, and he hated every moment of it.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Ry felt his shoulder slump an he blow out a breath, walking tithe large, glass doors and windows and pulling the curtains closed over them. He then sighs and strips bare, tossing his clothes onto the bed.

He walks to the closet and opens the door, looking inside it. The clothes were bigger, a lot bigger, than Ry was. He wasn't judging, the other man was muh larger than he was. He shrugs and pulls a shirt and pants out. The fabric was light and he could barely feel it.

He hums softly and pulls the shirt on an then pants. The cool fabric felt like heaven against his skin and he sits down in a chair before the small fire,sprawling out and staring into the flames.

They flickered back and forth. And the light. . . He felt the wave of loneliness crash down into him and be closes his eyes. His vet tightens and a small sound rumbles softly in his throat. He didn't know what it was, but the loneliness. . .

Viski lays down at his feet and he gently pushes his fee into her fur, looking at her, "I know, girl. . . I'll find friends soon. . ." He look back into the fire, silent.