@Anemone eco
(So this idea has been floating in the back of my mind for ages. So yeah…)
In the world, everyone is assigned a guardian angel to watch over them… but not so much over them. The angels actually walk the earth with their humans to protect them at all costs(They have special weapons that they are assigned to in order to do so). The angels appear to their humans once their human is sixteen years of age. The angels are supposed to be prim, pretty, and perfect. Dressed in all-white with a bright, golden halo above their heads. They fly around above their humans and sometimes even fly with them.
That is what is expected at least, but it doesn't always turn out so pretty. Especially not when you're Timothy(this is a placeholder name). From age sixteen, Timothy had been waiting patiently for his guardian angel to show itself, but for years it never did. It still was that whispering voice that he'd been hearing since he was just a child. Patience quickly turned into frustration and he got tired of waiting.
By age 18, he had settled in with the idea that he just wasn't meant to have an actual guardian angel, and that all he was hearing was a voice in his head. That was what he believed and no one could change his mind… until 3 months into the year. By then, Timothy had moved out of his parent's place and had his own house where he lived with three birds and a snake.
He was sitting at his dining room table when from outside, he heard a panicked yell followed by an all but graceful thud. He looked around the front of his house and saw nothing which he had thought strange. He almost sat back down at his dining room table until he had realized he forgot to check the back.
As he opened the door to his backyard, he was met with an unfamiliar figure in an awkward, slumped position. As this stranger got up, they eyed Timothy with an unenthused look. They weren't all that… angelic. They wore ripped genes and a hoodie, unlike the common white robes. Their halo was dim and crooked much opposed to the bright, level halos seen above other angels' heads. Their wings weren't all-white like those of an angel. Their wings were brown like those of a Brown Thrasher. They had the kindness of a kangaroo and hardly conformed to anything anyone said.
Timothy knew he was going to dread having to spend the rest of his life with this so-called angel. At least, so he thought…
Sorry for my brain vomit! Still working out the kinks lol. Here are some rules!
- andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules
- You must ask me to join.
- I reserve the right to say no to join requests.
- Violence is okay.
- Swearing is allowed
- Characters can(and most likely will) and argue, but no insulting the other roleplayer.
- Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are a must.
- Little to no one-liners. Those are hard to work with.
- I may ask you for a sample of your writing. If you're not comfortable with that, don't ask.
- Be descriptive please. Like four sentences minimum.
- No god-modding.
- No Mary Sues/Gary Stews
- No OP characters
- LGTBQ+ is totally accepted
- I'm not very comfortable with writing smut… so ask me first.
- Racial slurs, sexism, racism, or anything negative ending with -ism is not allowed
- I can add on to this list at any time.
That's all I think. Lemme know if you are interested!