forum They Come at Night (Crime/Romance) (OxO MATURE)
Started by @Desvelarse pets

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@Desvelarse pets

Over the past few years, a serial killer has been at large. This unknown individual has been able to dodge the law enforcements attempts of stopping him. The targets of the killer? Men who have been convicted of things like domestic abuse in families and rape. Some call this serial killer a cold blooded psychopath. Other praise him for being a hero and ridding the world of filth. But when an investigator on the case catches up to the serial killer, what could happen next?

Alright, I want to use my angst boy so that’s a bit of an intro. The two part are the part of the serial killer and the private investigator. I have a very developed serial killer character, so I will be doing that part. The part of the investigator is open, and can be played by a character of any gender and such (though my character does have a preference for males)


  • Will be Rated R for violence/gore, profanity, sexual content, etc…
  • LGBTQ is allowed and even encouraged! (My male character is pan and happens to prefer men)
  • Don’t make your character OP in the sense that they are perfect and can do anything.
  • Try to have good grammar, no one liners.

Character Sheet
Preferred Pronouns:
Appearance (include attire):

Name: Vaughn Finley.

Age: 24 years old.

Gender: Male.

Preferred Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Pansexual, male preference.

Occupation/Role: N/A

Appearance: Based off of . He has a tattoo on his left upper forearm that says ‘Adeline’ in little kid handwriting. He had a toned build with decent muscle mass and stands at around 6’2. His features are clean cut and hard, and he appears very intimidating. He tends to wear informal clothing that consists of whatever he can find. During “jobs”, he wears a black compression shirt, black cargo style pants, black boots, and a black mask that has a large mouth of razor sharp teeth scratched into it.

Personality: Before he gets to know someone, he is very introverted and secretive. Towards “clients” he is polite and courteous. Towards “targets” he is ruthless and uncaring. He is very protective and defensive of loved ones. He is very caring in relationships. He can get very possessive/obsessive of partners, but he is also gentle and loving. He seems very rude towards most men, but is always polite and kind towards women and children. He also suffers from delusions/hallucinations, and may possibly have schizophrenia.

Likes: The quiet, alcohol, and kids.

Dislikes: The whispers he hears, taking his medication, men who hurt women and children.

Background: Vaughn grew up with his parents, Jack and Rosie Finley, and his younger sister, Adeline Finley. Vaughn was Adeline's best friend and protector, as she was tormented by bullies due to her having autism. Jack was a mean drunk, and would often take it out on Rosie, Vaughn, and Adeline. Rosie did her best to shield her children from Jack, but there was only so much she could do against the larger man. When Vaughn was 13 years old, Jack came home particularly drunk and angry. An argument broke out between Jack and Rosie in the kitchen, which resulted in Jack strangling Rosie in front of both Vaughn and Adeline. Vaughn tried getting him and Adeline to safety by going upstairs to hide, but on the way up the stairs, Jack caught up to them. He threw Vaughn aside, causing him to tumble down the stairs and hit his head, knocking him unconscious. Adeline was killed due to blunt force trauma to the head shortly after. Jack would have killed Vaughn if the police hadn't shown up due to a neighbor calling after hearing the screaming. Jack was taken into custody, and later sent to prison for a life sentence. Vaughn was placed into the foster care system, not having any other family to take care of him. He was in and out of homes due to his mental health issues that began to arise. He claimed to hear voices speaking to him and that he saw figures in his vision. So much, he named one of his frequent hallucinations 'Figure', a black shadow figure with no distinguishable features other than a large mouth full of jagged, sharp teeth. He first got in trouble with the law at 14. He got into fights at school and with other teens in his foster families, causing him to continue to move from home to home. At 16, he found his last foster home, his foster parents being health professionals that could help provide for his mental health treatment. At 18, he killed his first person. He felt a calling to kill men that hurt their families, as his father had done to his own family. He sees nothing wrong with what he is doing and considers himself a hero despite being labeled as a deranged serial killer. In current times, he has a kill count of 17 men.

Other: He hides out in an abandoned gas station outside of the city he targets individuals in.


Alright idk if Eli is taking this one or not but I am also interested and have a soft boy detective character I love that would fit for the investigator roll. But! also happy to stalk if this gets taken <3


Eli don’t apologise! I’ve been around the bend long enough that this shit happens you’re good bro

And I’m happy to do something similar but it’s up to you Des

@Desvelarse pets

'Reports are coming in this evening of a new body having been discovered early this morning in the home of a quiet neighborhood. Police have revealed that they do believe the newest murder is connected with the recent string of murders of men throughout the city. More on this story later.'

The TV news station changed to play a commercial for a carpet cleaning service. Vaughn sat in a bar, nursing down a glass of whiskey. He was sitting on one of the barstools towards the end of the bar, keeping his head down. Despite the fact that the police seemed to not know his identity, much less what he looked like, he still found himself paranoid after such a fresh kill. The night before, he had broken into the home of a man who was released on 'good behavior' for a domestic crime. The man had promptly gone back to beating his wife, so Vaughn took it upon himself to take care of the man. His mind flashed back to images of him strangling the man with a rope before tying him up in a tree in the backyard by a noose. His bruised knuckles, split bottom lip, and stab wound in his side were an aching reminder of the struggle. Thankfully, his injuries had not been severe. He had been able to clean up and stitch himself up in the comfort of his own 'home'.

Vaughn tipped his glass back, finishing the rest of his drink. He cleared his throat, raising his hand to motion and get the bartenders attention. "Another whiskey, neat," he ordered, sliding his empty glass across the counter top to get it out of the way.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn sighed as he walked into a nice little bar. He had taken an undercover job to see if anyone was suspicious of the mysterious murders that have been happening. He may even question a few people. Who knew. As he sat down at the bar, he brushed his hip length hair behind his pointed ear and ordered a shot of tequila. If he was gonna do this, he might as well take the edge off. While he was at it, he ordered a small bowl of cherries.

Once he receives his order, he downs the shot and pops a cherry in his mouth, then looks up at the tv. He looked extremely unapproachable. His eyes had a soul slicing look and his thin yet strong figure threatened to snap anyone who pissed him off in half. His outfit had usually stayed the same all his life. A Victorian style white dress shirt, black fitted pants, and boots with a red belt. His signature look. He never really wore any jewelry, since his job usually got him caught in tight situations. His hair was the only exception. His kind almost never cut their hair…and he was gonna keep that tradition. So usually, he’d put it up in a bun or something to keep it out of his way.

As Aragorn continued to look at the tv, he could feel eyes on him. Well…more like his elf ears. He sighed heavily and looked over at who he might have to chew out.

@Desvelarse pets

Vaughn's gaze shifted to the newcomer that stepped into the bar. His brow arched in the slightest at the man's interesting appearance. It was attractive, in a way, but a tad bit confusing. He assumed the man had come from some sort of renaissance festival in town, judging by his attire.

The bartender set his drink down, pulling Vaughn's attention back. He thanked the bartender before taking a quick sip of his whiskey, the liquid pleasantly burning in his throat. He felt a presence in the stool next to him, and out of the corner of his eye he could see his common hallucination, Figure. 'What do you think you are looking at, Finley? That doesn't look like a job,' it hissed, its voice sounding like a grating whisper in Vaughn's brain. He wasn't looking at anything, Figure was just trying to start something. Trying to get him to have a public outburst that would surely leave him feeling paranoid and exposed. He couldn't remember the last time he took his medication. As much as he hated his delusions at times, he felt lost without them, and he couldn't kill without them. After all, Figure decided what his method of killing would be for each and every man that he went after.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aragorn looked at Vaughn and tilted his head. This man seemed…upset. At least that’s what they got from him. He decided to whisper, “Ya good, lad?” He murmurs. His Irish accent got thick as he said this. Usually, it would only be hinted into his speech every now and then, and fully come out when he was angry. But he just assumed he was more worried about this stranger than he thought.

They quietly ordered another shot and looked back at the man. “If ya need anythin’…I’d be glad to help.” He smiled. Wow…that felt weird. Usually he wasn’t nice straight off the bat, but they guessed this was different.

Once he received his drink, he downs it again and pops another cherry in their mouth.