forum The wolf in a red hood (romance one on one)
Started by @Fenrir

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They always told her three rules: 1: never stray from the path that cut through the forest. 2: Never interact with any inhabitants of the forest for there seductive voices and beauty would lead her to a certain death. 3: Keep the red hood on at all times.
Guess what? she broke each and every rule everytime she was with him which has been since childhood.
A play on Little Red Riding Hood and The big bad wolf. I really wanted to make a romance out of this so here it is!
rules and info

  • I'm trash at Grammar so I don't mind if you're not he best at it either just please make your responses understandable and have the basics (punctuation, capilization etc)
  • We can make this lgbtq if you'd like. I'm better at b&b but if you'd like to do g&g i'm ok with that though i'm not good at writing it
  • Please be nice, If you have a problem with my writing, please just tell me politly.
  • i'm ok with heavy roamnce but please no smut. we can suggest it happened and skip over the details
  • have fun and notify me if you'll be gone for a bit


Name - Zylfer Caracen
Age - 26
Description (Link is fine)
wolf form -
human form -
Likes - Running through the woods, curling up near a fireplace, warmth. the rain
Dislikes - Iron (burns him if touched), His loved ones being hurt or threatened
Personality - Extremely protective, kind-hearted and loving. fiercely passionate yet gentle.
other - Has earned the reputation as "the Big Bad wolf" because of his killings. He hadn't wanted to kill but was forced to do so in order to protect his home


Name - Harlow Banks
Age - 23
Description (Link is fine)
Likes/dislikes - Likes animals and rain, any sort of water, although she is a tad scared of the ocean. She also likes her fami6and friends. Dislikes being alone, and being hated. Not really afraid of the dark, but what could be in it.
Personality - She's super kind, but a people pleaser. She puts others before herself which is a weaker of hers. When something bad happens she tries to stay strong and only cries when alone. But if she does cry in front of you it means she trusts you. Although a people pleaser, she very conscious about new people and can be a bit shy at first. But she is bubbly and fun once she opens up.
other - Not sure.
(Hope she is okay. So they already know each other correct? And if they do are they just friends for now?)


(Yeah they've known each other since childhood but Harlow could never tell anyone about her companion in fear of being caught. Yeah they're friends for now but they both want to be more.)


(sure and the character's great!)
Zylfer's tail flicked impatiently. the clearing he sat in was awah with sunlight and morning dew. the smell of last night's rain fall lingered in the morning air. Zyl shook his thick coat out, glancing around for the hundreth time. He saw a rabbit bounce by a few yards away, daring enough to stop and stare at the male as if taunting him. His teeth bared back in a low snarl, the promise of a chace tingling at his paws. He'd wait though, the bunny would get whats coming soon enough.


It was early morning, and Harlow had been awake for about two hours. She put on her workout clothes and a jacket, since the air was quite chilly. Harlow had always liked running and pushing her body to the limit. Plus, this was the perfect time to see Zyl. Her family was very nosy about everything.


Growing impatient, zyl started to trot around the clearing. He sighed softly and headed to the surrounding woods to run about. He was close enough hear anyone approaching but far enough to give himself room to Sprint


Once far enough, Harlow strayed from the path and ran deeper into the forest. There she could be alone. She hugged far into the forest, knowing there were plenty of dangers, but she knew Zyl would save her if she were ever in trouble. Slowing down she sat on a log to catch her breath. Sweat dripped down her face, even if it was chilly out. "Zyl! Are you there?"


Zyl perked his ears up at the mention of his name. He licked his lips of the blood, having finished off his latest meal of rabbit and walked about. Finally catching the scent of his old friend, he poked his head out of some bushes and saw her sitting on a log. He walked up to her and sat down, licking the blood from his paws


"Seems like you had a good breakfast." Harlow wanted to pet his head, but knowing he is also human she thought that it might be weird. "It's been a while since I came out here. How have you been?" She wasn't sure of what to talk about at this moment, but she knew she didn't want to sit in silence. Zyl was her bestfriend and they've known each since they were young. But when was it that these new feeling developed. Harlow couldn't think of when it started.


Zyl shifted to his human form and ran a hand through his black hair. Sitting down next to her on the ground he glanced up at her "I've been good, some groups have been coming around. I'm not sure if they're hunters or something but I don't like the scent they carry…metalic mixed in with hatred and anger." He watched her with his wolfish eyes, seeming more the animal than his human form "you've been for a while, everything ok?" he asked, concern lacing into his voice


"Ah, my parents, they are just concerned for me and even though I'm an adult now, they like to keep a close eye on me." They've been like this since she was young. Harlow always thought it was weird. "Thank goodness I'll be moving to a house with a friend." Harlow laid down on the ground next to him. He was beautiful, she always thought that. Harlow could clearly remember the day they met. "Have any rival packs come around?"


"having doubt in my ability to keep these woods free of any unwanted person or wolf?" He laughed with a tilt of his head. "Nothing more than a few loners roaming through." He said calmly. "So when are you leaving to live with your friend?" Zyl asked, dreading the answer.


"Of course not." Harlow smiled and hit his shoulder lightly. "In about three months, but it won't be to far, so I'll still be able to come visit." Harlow remembered when she was young she was taken by a rival pack, and was missing for days. It was then her parents kept a close eye on her, but she turned out fine. Zyl's hair looked so shiny and soft, it was a mystery how it always looked like. Harlow couldn't hold back the urge any longer, plus she just wanted to touch him. She touched his hair and she smiled.


Zyl smiled and nodded, casting his eyes down so Harlow didn't see the sadness entering. He jumped a bit at the contact, having never been touched by another and especially his best friend. He knew she was off limits. He was to be her protector and friend. Nothing more, despite what every fiber in his being wanted. With a small sigh he leaned his head into her hand and shifted back into a wolf. He nudged her head with his, rubbing his scent on her, claiming her as his no matter how far she went. If she had questions as to what he was doing he'd just answer with he was being playful or maybe he'd answer with the truth. That he didn't want her to leave, the he was hers in ever way. She had that leash on him that no other could.


(Awe, that was so cute.)
When Zyl turned into his wolf form, Harlow's eyes lit up. He was so cute. Quickly before he could reject, she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a hug. "You're so soft." Harlow closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she was with Zyl, she was at her happiest. "So, uh, am I ever going to meet your pack?" All this time she's known him, she never once met any of his other friends. Plus, she wanted to see if he had a mate, because if he did, maybe she could get over her feelings for him.