forum The Valkyries // oxo // private w circe
Started by @croccin-champagne

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over here beyotch.
kasper's cousin's name is Aya, and she's got psychic abilities too, though they work different. where his are through art and occasional visions/tarot readings, hers include the visions but more palm reading than tarot. also, she Sees the future in music that she writes


((you're absolutely welcome to izzy! i'll warn you now, it's a clusterfuck of slightly gay but powerful women all rooming together in a college dorm building))

@ElderGod-kirky group

ghfjgh I've been summoned

and yes, it's quite the clusterfuck. we've got three official groups: the Valkyries, aka the slightly gay but powerful gals, the Boys, aka all the boys that they're friends with, and the Dealers, aka the drug and booze dealers


and the spice dealer! she's only a drug dealer occasionally. more hallucinogenic at that point anyway.

so i dont know if i'll be up to much starting tonight anyway, and you need to go the fuck to sleep you friend. do we want to worry about characters and details right now? mostly just details?

@ElderGod-kirky group

spice is basically a tess drug, so

sleep is for the weak. i'd say we work on details, main plot 'nd all. all we have is that kara decides college might be more fun than thor and that our gals gang up to defeat the bullies, effectively becoming a gang and annoying their initial roommates. elena and kara are slightly gay for each other. cin wants to kill them all. tess is having a blast at school for once. hh are along for the ride. ryker has a name buddy and cooking buds. aurae steals all the wine and juice from kit and elena. very many a drunk night


that's entirely fair. it's a serious addiction

just lowkey gay tho. kara has her own actual gay, and elena is, in her own words, 'unfortunately trapped in like with a het'

any ideas for main plot then? got anythin up in that wacky brain of yours?

@ElderGod-kirky group

ghfjhg that's quite the description

uhhh. hm. well, they're all demigods/gods/dragons/friends-of-previously-mentioned. what if there's rumors of something nefarious lurking at the college, drawing them all there to try and sniff it out? it takes time since, y'know, college tough and they took it upon themselves to form a gang of anti-bullying bullies, and also the Thing is tricky and slippery, even for cin.


oooo, i likey. consider, the thing has ties to a club at the school that they're noticing but not fully aware of yet. like. cult type things goin on. cause dark academia has me in a tizzy right now

@ElderGod-kirky group

oooo, i likey as well. they write it off as some wackjob club, nothing out of the norm, and continue to look in all the wrong directions while conducting meetings where they share everything they have or haven't found, which just end up becoming excuses to get plastered.


That's Just College For Ya

but yes! it works well with what they do, and despite being demigods, dragons, cat-boys, and two literal goddesses, because they're all so dumb in their own way, it wont be solved immediately