@Becfromthedead group
Yeah, that's what I figured too
Yeah, that's what I figured too
Ah, I am.
I'll get a starter once I finish naming everyone
(Alright, for your first response please put your god's title there so I can keep track :) )
A ghostly form appeared in all of your rooms about thirty seconds ago, smiling wide with sharp teeth. This person was obviously not human, a humanoid form, but not human. They had patches of scales, three open eyes, with more closed eyes, four eyes, and a lot of very sharp teeth. "Hello, my dears!~ You have been chosen out of all your gods worshippers to participate in my god's, the Host's, Tournament of The Gods!"
(Oh wait, Juniper still needs a name iirc)
(Oh Cryptid, is the tournament a normal thing or not in this world?)
(so do we just start now?)
(Yeah, that's the starter. I just haven't been able to respond yet.)
Overseer Death - Charlie Despereaux
Charlie dropped the half-finished necklace on the ground, sending beads flying all over her floor. Her heart didn't beat for a few moments and she felt a scream building in the back of her throat. She bit her cry down with a curse under her breath and scrambled to pick up the beads. She looked up at the ghostly form and stared it down. "What do you mean?" She asked it, dropping the small violet spheres into the palm of her hand. How could one of the Overseers, the God of Death, choose me? She questioned internally. Why me? And what do they mean by tournament?
Charlie glanced over at the dagger laying on her nightstand. It was her sacred item, the one she got when she was 11 years old. Her heart swelled when she remembered her father giving it to her in a crisp white handkerchief. Both the handkerchief and her father were long gone. Charlie placed the necklace parts into a drawer and turned once more to the ghost. "What do you mean?" Charlie repeated.
The Exiled: Felix Liu
Felix had startled pretty hard at first.
He was sitting at his desk in the glow of a small lamp, drawing the outline of a landscape he was going to paint when the form appeared in his room.
He grabbed for his pocket knife first and whipped around, but his grip loosened once they began to speak. He listened closely and lowered the knife even more. At this point, he was less scared and more baffled at why he was the one chosen for a task like this.
After the form finished speaking, Felix asked, "Are you sure you weren't looking for my brother? He's much more capable than I am- at least for something like this, isn't he?"
Felix set down the knife and shifted his gaze back to the ghostly form.
The Headmaster : Curtis Nicholas
Cooking first thing after waking up was already a disaster in itself, and to have this demon-like yet ghostly humanoid figure out of nowhere was worse. Working on his scrambled eggs, Curtis managed to jumped so much as to nearly throw his spatula at the figure. He fell silent for a few seconds before replying with a—
“Huh?!” His face looked of concern, surprise, and utter confusion.
He shook his head and went back to the cook of nearly overcooked eggs and sighed.
“So the God of Knowledge had the bright idea of choosing someone like me as a representative of whatever… this tournament thing is?” He asked again. It was in his nature to double check things after all. He plated the eggs and got a fork from his pantry, digging in while sitting on the kitchen counter, waiting for the ghostly figure to reply. He seemed… unfazed by his appearance now, but earlier was a different story, of course.
(The Archivist)
Magnolia closed the door to the supply closet behind her, her cotton candy hair in a braided bun. She’d been asked to restock the chocolate syrup, and was starting to look in the liquids section when the being appeared, causing a muffled yelp to erupt from her throat. She slapped a hand to her mouth as the being continued, using the other to pinch her arm, just in case she was dreaming.
When they were finished speaking, her brow furrowed, confused, but certain this wasn’t a dream. She took a deep breath, trying to get used to the being’s intimidating features.
“W-why?” Was all she could ask. She could think of several of her fellow devotees who would be better suited for something like a tournament.
Briefly, she glanced at the door. She hoped none of her coworkers heard anything. Though at the same time, she almost wanted one of them to come in.
The Narrator: Avlynn Spring
Avlynn had been in the storage room of her store, looking for a saxophone for a customer. They usually kept one on display, but they were big enough that it was difficult to keep a lot of them out in the store area. The same could be said for most instruments, actually, aside from the guitars… "Aha! I knew there was one of these somewhere!" she exclaimed, then shrieked in surprise when the form appeared and started talking in front of her. She managed to catch the instrument case before it crashed to the ground. Once the person had stopped talking, Avlynn cleared her throat. "I-I'm sorry, what? Why was I chosen? And what is this 'Tournament of the Gods', anyway?" She wondered if she would have to fight any other devotees. Avlynn sure hoped not. She was a little more keenly aware of the music box in her right pocket, her blessed object.
"Honey? Are you alright, dear?" Edmund called.
"Yes, darling, I'm fine. Something just… surprised me, that's all," she called back. Then, to the being in front of her: "I'm sorry, can we discuss this later? I've got a customer waiting, and it sounds like he's been looking for a saxophone for quite a while, now."
(Oh Cryptid, is the tournament a normal thing or not in this world?)
It is not!
The figure seemed to think for a moment, letting everyone speak before they realized that… "Oh! Right, you can't hear each other, hold on a moment dearies!" They clicked their tongue and soon enough, flickering versions of all eight of you appeared in each other's visual field. "Now that everyone is present, let me answer some questions!" They lifted themself into the air and sat like in an invisible chair, legs crossed. "One! Your gods didn't know, in fact they should be finding out right about… now!" The sky suddenly flashed a mixture of dark colors before resuming it's usual daytime hues. "There they are!"
"But yes, they didn't pick you! I did! Well, me and my god, we picked you!" They clasped their hands and somehow managed to smile wider. "You may call me the Moderator!"
(oh dearie i'm already lost)
(The starter is just at the top of the page if you didn’t see it already)
(i did see it, but like i didnt get it. if that makes sense)
The Overseer; God of Life: Juniper Lindgren
Juni had been in the back room of her shop, arranging some bouquets when the figure appeared in front of her. She was startled, but didn't speak until other people appeared.
"Wh- Who are these people? What's gonna happen?" The woman was panicked, but somewhere, under all the panic, there was a spark of excitement. She set the bouquet down, fidgeting with the flowers in her hair as she looked at the others.
(Here goes nothing lolol)
The Deserter, God of Violence and Justice: Kiyowara Lyndon
Kiyo was in the middle of his detective work, and had jumped slightly at the figure's appearance, and the soon thereafter appearance of seven others. Or was it eight? He hadn't taken the time to count the people accordingly, rather assessing the strange figure —the 'Moderator', they called themself— and this supposed Tournament of the Gods they spoke of, or whatever it had been called.
"A tournament…" he muttered quietly, glancing around at the others. Quite a diverse group, if he did say so himself. Surely the tournament wasn't purely combat based, or else others would clearly have advantage over others. But perhaps he was wrong. Looks can be quite deceiving, something he's learned to consider very well by now. He decided it was best nothing was said at all, not even an introduction to break the unease. 'Wait for someone else to take the leap and see where it gets them before taking such action yourself.' Such were the thoughts that ran through Kiyo's head.
(Hey @Calanthe I was thinking…. would you like our characters to already kinda know each other? Since Cryptid said that they would be familiar with each other….)
((Yeah that would make sense))
The Curator
Sterling glanced up looking at the speaker. Wait, how did this happen, and what the heck is this person talking about? They started listening, now paying attention just in case their life depended on it. They re-ajdusted their crutch looking at the other people hoping to see a friendly face. They really didn't like the sound of this, if it was a tournament then they were sure to lose, things like this never really came easy to them. But perhaps it would be something nice -hopefully- they wasn't sure that their god would like that, or let them participate. Maybe I can somehow get out of this? Maybe I won't have to do anything at all.
God of Death - Charlie Despereaux
Charlie studied the other seven ghostly figures that now appeared in her bedroom. She recognized some of them, like the girl who worked in the sweets shop down the road from her jewelry store, the girl who owned the nearby music store, and the boy who worked at the detective agency. The rest were strangers. Charlie gripped her thigh to stop herself from plunging into a panic attack. Inhale, exhale, Charlie internally counted her breathing. "Tournament," She whispered. "Explain what the tournament is."
"It's what it says on the tin, dear!" The Moderator blew some sort of smoke out of their mouth and shaped it with their many hands, forming a stadium. They pinched the smoke and pulled it closer, zooming in to the field in the middle of the stadium, where eight featureless figures stood with what could only be the moderator floating in the air. "A tournament, would you like to know what you'd win? Well, if you keep your mind through the first round!" They laughed, face delighted. "You become a god, a minor one of course, but once you become a god, you can challenge a main god to take their power!"
They waved their hand through the figures, changing the scene from eight figures to seven empty graves and one figure dripping smoke.
"Now, doesn't that sound fun?"
"Ah, actually…" Felix started, "I think I'm good. We serve gods- we don't want to be gods."
He shook his head.
"Honestly, I'm going to pass on this one. Go find someone else. If my lord didn't choose me, I don't see any reason to do this."
Juniper's face lit up. "That does sound fun! I'm assuming that those graves insinuate that there'll be… punishments for those who lose?" The woman clapped her hands together before resuming work on her bouquet. "I think I'll enjoy this!"
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