@CasiCasino group
(rushes in THERE’S STILL ROOM, YEAH?!)
(rushes in THERE’S STILL ROOM, YEAH?!)
(You see, I'd love to join. But I understand absolutely nothing, sooo)
(rushes in THERE’S STILL ROOM, YEAH?!)
Btw, the theme song for the host of the game and The Host is Cabinet Man by lemon demon, for the vibes
May I take Headmaster? It sounds fun as hell XD
Absolutely!! He's one of my favorites :)
like the narrator, ink is a pretty big thing with him.
most devotees carry around a book where they keep their own personal knowledge, new people start off with like, empty book skins and fill them up as they travel.
It's an important part of being a devotee is when you make your own cover for your books.
you get protection magic for them >:3
Hmmmmm… so other than a character, I need to find a cover as well, correct?
though you don't have to go into detail, you can just tell me the cover and basic design.
looks at my gallery of photos, some which actually work R-Right! Uh… so I just need to fill in the template, yeah? Except for the ‘Name Given by Deity’ part?
Yep! Once I see your character I'll come up with a name for you :)
Right, thanks!
No problemo!
I'm super excited for this, because I love my gods and I really like the games host.
plus, I have some trauma to put your characters through :)
Like, I'm listening to Achilles Come Down while I'm writing out a challenge, so yeah, deffinitely some trauma.
Full Name: Curtis Nicholas
Name Given By Deity: “Light Chaser” (Mr. Little Light)
God: God of Knowledge
Shrine Position: The Librarian & Bookkeeper
Blessed Object: A Pen which he keeps on himself at all times, usually located in his left pocket.
Basic Appearance: Standing at 6’ with black hair and blue eyes. He has quite a light-toned skin with a healthy aura to it. More often than not, he can be seen wearing his hair in a bun or a small ponytail as well as be seen in all black and/or white since he feels like he looks best in comfortable, monochromatic clothing.
What Part Of You Changed When You Became A Devotee: He now has a weird tattoo-like symbol on the back of his neck which comes in the form a black-inked moth. He’s not completely disgusted by it but he does want to get it removed. For some reason, the symbol’s wings seemed to be growing a bit every now and then…
Profession: He has vast knowledge about a lot of things, general knowledge, per se. However, he tends to forget some things from time to time so it’s pretty normal if you ask him something and he starts to panic a bit.
(Extra : Book Cover):
(tell me if it’s alright or not ;w;)
(crashes through the ceiling eating scooby doo fruit snacks and lands in your sink)
HeY cAn I jOiN?
(Slowly seeps out of your bathtub drain, nervously poking fingers together)
cAn I JoIn?
Could I join as well?
(Everyone’s entrances though XD)
Sitting in my bathroom doing my makeup as everyone enters
Hey guys, what the Fuck?
Full Name: Curtis Nicholas
Name Given By Deity:
waiting…God: God of Knowledge
Shrine Position: The Librarian & Bookkeeper
Blessed Object: A Pen which he keeps on himself at all times, usually located in his left pocket.
Basic Appearance: Standing at 6’ with black hair and blue eyes. He has quite a light-toned skin with a healthy aura to it. More often than not, he can be seen wearing his hair in a bun or a small ponytail as well as be seen in all black and/or white since he feels like he looks best in comfortable, monochromatic clothing.
What Part Of You Changed When You Became A Devotee: He now has a weird tattoo-like symbol on the back of his neck which comes in the form a black-inked moth. He’s not completely disgusted by it but he does want to get it removed. For some reason, the symbol’s wings seemed to be growing a bit every now and then…
Profession: He has vast knowledge about a lot of things, general knowledge, per se. However, he tends to forget some things from time to time so it’s pretty normal if you ask him something and he starts to panic a bit.
(Extra : Book Cover):
tell me if it’s alright or not ;w;)
*oozes out of air vents, then slowly solidifies into a dust-covered, vaguely humanoid being*
May I join?
Yes!! But please get out of my bathroom!!
@Ash-is-feeling-SPOOPY-for-SPOOPY-SEASON @Becfromthedead @Tired-but-passionate @AAAAAGGGHH-HECK-YES-SPOOKY-SEASON
Please tell me your gods please!
I claim the Archivist! I was already thinking of a character concept for them, but I had to go to sleep haha XD
Archivist, rad!! So her devotees interact with the Curator's the most (they're married lol)
All of them get a small vial on a necklace with like a tiny peice of rusted metal inside. You're never supposed to open it becuase it is uhhh, super dangerous and bad.
You all gotta wear gloves because you have magic tattoos on your hand. Well, the gloves are to controll your magic becuase it's p dangerous for new devotees
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