I really want to do a wlw romance set in a fantasy world. In this world, there are three species of people, all with their own kingdoms that are in high political tensions. These are:
The kingdom of Nempansu, inhabited by mermaids: Nempansu is by far the largest kingdom, spanning almost the entire ocean. Mermaids and mermen live here, which are half shark, half human. Poisonous spines run down their backs, and they have both lungs and gills. Their tails range from white to black, with hundreds of shades of grey in between. Their spines can be neon green, yellow, orange, or pink. Merpeople are strictly carnivorous, and eat fish/crabs. Nempansu's government is a monarchy, with a king that often changes due to frequent assassinations.
The kingdom of Enveli, inhabited by fauns/centaurs: Enveli is also very large, about the size of modern Russia. It is Fauns and centaurs share this kingdom, fauns are humans with deer legs, which are either brown or white in color, and horns which can be of any type or color. Centaurs are centaurs. Idk what how to describe them. They can have any type of horse body, as long as it's realistic. Both fauns and centaurs are vegan, because, like, HORSE. Enveli is made up of multiple hundred tribes, all with their own ways of doing things, though they do have a near powerless central government.
The kingdom of Opsill, inhabited dwarves, humans, and elves: The third kingdom is of humans, elves, and dwarves. It is the smallest kingdom, about the size of Mexico. It's laid out much like an American city, such as New York or Chicago. It is a democracy, led by a president, and the most technologically advanced of all kingdoms. The people here are often thriving, though recently the economy has not been in the best state.
This will be a lesbian romance between two characters, preferably from different kingdoms, most likely using the "forbidden love" trope or whatever. I have the temp below.
Full name:
Personality (1 paragraph):
Appearance (1-2 paragraphs):
Backstory (1+ paragraphs):