forum The Raven ((closed - oxo))
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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The soft smile stayed on Cas' face as he bobbed his head in thanks, moving through the door and making sure not to knock the candle so they could see the path. Hylas looked different in the dark, softer. Maybe it was the tiredness, or maybe he simply felt relaxed enough to drop the frown. The gentle light from the moon danced across the courtyard, casting a pale glow over the assassin which, combined with the soft burnt orange light, had Cas admiring the man quietly, noting the creases under his eyes, the long lashes, the softness of his lips. Cas looked down at the ground to stop the growing thoughts and admirations. He followed behind Hylas through the hall, quietly watching how his shoulders moved as he walked. He didn't seem as.. heavy, compared to before. His steps were lighter, he walked with such precision, meticulously placed steps, but now, there seemed to be less stress than earlier in the day. Being so close to Hylas grew a strange feeling in his chest, a comforting, strange feeling that he hadn't felt in a long time. Even with his past history, standing behind him as they walked tiredly to bed, he knew nothing bad was going to happen tonight. When they arrived at the room, Cas peered through the door before he headed in, placing the candle on the small, worn chair that was situated next to the bed. It lit up the room just enough that he could still see Hylas and his gentle, tired features, "Thank you again, for you know… the meal and the clothes and everything else." He shrugged softly. He meant it, truly. They might have started off on the wrong foot but maybe this wouldn't be an awful stay.

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"Oh. Of course. Yes," Hylas replied, nodding as he tried to recall if that was the right way to accept thanks. Yeah, that's probably right. Another silence formed between them as they stared at each other for a moment, and with a sigh, Hylas nodded and took a step towards the door. "Uh— the chest with the furs is under the bed. The sheets might be a little dusty, but the straw mattress is surprisingly comfortable, so…" The muffled sound of insects buzzed outside, and as they stood perfectly still, there were the rolling breaths of wind through the tallgrass whispering through the walls. "Goodnight," Hylas breathed, holding Cas' gaze before slowly slipping back into the hall. The air rushed into his lungs, filling him with an impossible feeling of lightness and relief. The day was over. The prince was alive and well. No one could hurt them. "Gods," Hylas sighed, dragging himself up to another corner of the square-ring hall without the worry of walking into something. He knew this place well enough to venture blindly through the halls, knowing how many steps it took to reach the other bedroom. With only the sleep on his mind, he stumbled into the room, delirious with exhaustion. His hands knew to retrieve the stitched rabbitskin blanket, and his feet knew to shuffle towards the bed. But his mind couldn't steer away from thoughts of Cas and their next steps. Tomorrow…the letter! Hmm…. And break…fast… Morningtime. So much to…fucking do….hmm. Have to wake, and don't forget— what is it? Images and ideas in his mind became a slurry of twisted colours, and could hardly pull the thick fur over himself before slipping off the edge and falling into a heavy rest.


"Goodnight," Cas replied, watching Hylas leave before he turned to the bed. He gently blew out the candle, letting the shadows take over the room. Sleep came nearly as soon as Cas flopped down on the bed. His eyes seemed to have a mind of their own, closing before he could even have a chance to fight to stay awake for even five more minutes. Thoughts of tomorrow's endeavours had no chance to swarm his brain before sleep took over, pulling him into a dreamless slumber he so desperately needed. The night seemed too short. The warmth of the Valthean climate stayed steady through the dark, starry night. By the time morning came, the sun shining through the small window in the bedroom, Cas wanted to stay there for the whole day. Dawn brought the morning bird song, the sweet sounds of the morning and a bright day ahead, one that would be filled with letters and political decrees and words of the incoming war. Cas groaned as the light hit his face, rolling onto his stomach to block the bright light streaming down into his eyes and preventing him from a nice lie-in. Five more minutes, then he'd get up and start work. In the early morning haze, he wondered if Hylas had slept well, thoughts drifting back to last nights meal and conversation and subtle shared looks. He yawned, running a tired hand through the mess of hair that resembled more of a birds nest than anything. Groaning, Cas knew that an extra morsel of sleep wouldn't come now he was awake, instead rolling over and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Wonder if Hylas is up… He thought, standing and stretching out his sore joints.

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At the simmering break of dawn, Hylas found himself gasping for breath before his eyes could force themselves open. Another terror had him at his throat, stuffing his lungs with a liquid that cut him with every desperate exhale before he could tear himself from that strange world of blood and shadows. In leaving one dark world, he returned to another. Panting in the new darkness of the little room, Hylas sat up and tried to blink in the sparse light of the rising sun. It was always so hard to tell if he was still dreaming, but after so many years of nightmares, Hylas knew that if nothing happened in under sixty seconds of observation, then he couldn't still be dreaming. The soul was a mysterious thing, and every Valthean knew that the night venture through the mind towards the river of inner knowledge was a feverish, efficient journey. Not a moment would be wasted in the fleeting narrative of dreams, and so the absence of apparitions, impossible beauty, or danger could be known as reality. After his minute, Hylas looked to the filthy window of the cramped room, and spied the illuminated crown of clouds whispering to announce the rise of a new day. Dawn broke early this time of year, and doing a quick calculation, Hylas figured he'd snagged a good five hours. Feeling pleased with himself, he sat up and almost smiled, though in feeling the numb buzzing of a heavy ache in his bones, he let out a gruff sigh and dragged himself out of bed. There would be no attempt at falling asleep again, and he draped the rabbitskin blanket over his shoulders as he slipped on his shoes. Might as well get some work done before His Highness howls for breakfast. "Right," He quietly scoffed, remembering the rest of the story behind his reason for being there. Kidnapping, ugh regret, war approachinng, hurry must tell the world, yes yes yes. Breakfast. He shuffled down the hall with his blanket dusting the floor like a cape, stepping into the joined living-kitchen room with a new, sore supply of energy. He got to work unpacking, dragging out the rest of the hidden chests and filling the few shelves with tools, weapons and equipment. In the bookcase of one far corner of the room, he carefully placed a worn, leather-bound book down, staring at it for a long moment. Next to a few other volumes, it blended into the blackened wood of the bookcase. Unnoticeable? The protective layer cover of black leather had long since wrinkled into a faded grey, with scratches, wrinkles, holes, and burn marks scarring its once-glossy skin. The pages had fattened the look of it up; with some torn, folded, burned, and water-damaged after years of elemental exposure. It's important. I need to bring it with me. If something comes up while i'm out there— for gods knows how long, I'll need it. Hylas stared and then left it there, looking at it once more before returning to clean up last night's mess.


The soft pitter-patter of Cas walking through the broken down monastery was drowned out by the sounds of the early morning. The way the light danced through the broken glass and vines encompassing the windows and pillars holding the place together. Cas was quietly amazed at how the place had stayed standing all these years and not fallen to pieces. In its prime, he was sure the place would have been even more beautiful than the remnants that were left. He wondered if maybe one day Hylas had planes of building the place back up. Highly unlikely, but the amount of love he held for the place Cas wouldn't be surprised if he retired up here. Tucked away, a secret sanctuary. The stone was cold under his bare feet, but from the warm morning air, he didn't mind it. The sun was warm on his cheeks as he ventured through the place and as the prince drew closer, he could hear the soft clinking of cutlery and bowls, Hylas cleaning up from last night. In an attempt to look at least a little presentable, he shook his head to clear out and try and neaten his hair just a fraction, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt before rounding the corner to the living quarters. The sight of Hylas with the blanket draped over his shoulders like a toddler had Cas trying not to laugh, a smile rising to his face. The greatest assassin in the world, the one who had kidnapped and nearly killed him, didn't look so threatening anymore. Leaning against the door frame, for a moment he just watched as he cleaned up, trying to suppress the smile growing on his features, "Need any help there?" He asked after another short moment. Hylas had cooked, Cas knew he should be the one cleaning. It was the least he could do after what Hylas had done for him. There wasn't much to clean up, but the broken bowls and bent spoons still needed to be washed before breakfast.

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Hylas flinched at the voice behind him, turning and rapidly shifting his demeanour into something less terrified as he registered the presence of the prince. "Oh. Hello," He roughly whispered, clearing his throat as he relaxed the hand closest to his dagger. He hardly had time to think of answering "Yes" or "No" before his gaze focused on Cas' sunny features, his eyes already alive and sparkling so early in the morning; brown hair turning golden and rusty with the fiery tips of sunlight catching the roughened tips. He swallowed, nodding as he considered his own appearance self-consciously. Straight from sleep, the prince seemed effortless in his unkempt beauty, where Hylas knew that his own face would be equally worn and dull, and his hair, a dark bird's nest. With a long sigh, Hylas smiled and leaned back on the counter, rubbing his eyes as he half-turned to their dining table. "Would you be opposed to…washing a few dishes?" He asked, softly raising an eyebrow. Probability told him that there'd be no way a prince would do such a thing, or even know how to, but considering some of the skills and the observed willingness in Cas, Hylas was curious to see the real thing. "And maybe…start a fire for the stove?" The soft curve of a smile mirrored the prince's as they looked at each other, until finally Hylas nodded and shrugged the blanket off onto a chair. At the door, he turned back and nodded at the jug and basin at the counter. A sink, of sorts. "Going to fill a pail of water for some porridge and tea. I'll bring back some fruit from the courtyard. Don't reckon you've tasted blood plums before."


"Not at all," Cas moved away from the entrance, heading towards the other, "I'm happy to do so." He might be a prince, but he was always willing to help. He also didn't just want to sit around and do nothing otherwise his thoughts would turn to the letter. I don't want to think about that right now. He needed something to distract himself for now, as well as wanting to help out around the place, "Nope, they sound great though." The sweet nectar of the plums sounded delicious. Cas wanted five right that second, the early morning hunger rising as he moved to grab the dishes from the creaky old table. Or maybe the fruit cut up with the porridge Hylas spoke about, his stomach practically grumbled at the thought of it. Shaking his head of thoughts of a warm breakfast and Hylas' cooking, Cas started on the dishes, quietly humming away to himself as he did so. It had been a while since he'd done labour around the house, but then again, he'd been wrapped up in politics and new trade agreements for months with no end in sight, and his father opposed to a prince doing the cleaning. He loved his father, truly, but maybe he was a tad old fashioned at times. It was nice to so something for someone else, especially after what Hylas had done for him last night. If he could return the favour at least a little then he would. Strange to think he'd been planning on killing me a mere three days ago. Seemed so long ago now, being tied up to the little cot and begging Hylas to let him live. He sighed to himself, drifting his thoughts back to yesterday night. The shared dinner, the quiet conversation and how Hylas' dark eyes monitored every small movement made around them. Gods those eyes could kill him just as easily as his hand could.

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A prince….cleaning! Hylas smiled to himself, shaking his head as he took the rusty bucket outside and taking in a long breath of the cool, misty air dissolving into thick sunbeams shooting from the clouds. On his way back from the well, he crossed into the courtyard and looked high for ripe blood plums. The ones down low were too young: orange and bright red through their ghostly white skin. He had to look out for ones close to the size of his fist, and a deep enough colour of red that if one held it high, only a little light would pierce through the bloody globes of sweetness. They grew over the Valthean fields like a ravaging wildfire, digging their arthritic roots into the rich soil across every region. They were the only fruit of the land unbothered by disease and most animals, and the people had come to know them as a gift from the Gods. Hylas, young and starving in the wild certainly did. Soon, Hylas was filling his frail pockets with heavy Valthean plums and heading back in with their water. With a sigh, he propped the bucket on the counter and searched for a pot to boil their porridge. "How's that fire going?" He asked, returning with an armful of ingredients. He was never one to waste time when food was in question; years of hunting under burning daylight had taught him to rush such moments; as they were always a means to an end. It didn't occur to him to savour the process and take his time, because what good what that do? He'd stay hungry and vulnerable for longer, and he'd have less time for more important tasks like finding shelter or covering his tracks. But now that he had nowhere to be and no threat to escape from, Hylas felt the inclination to spare himself some time to think, and since he had company, speak. "Did you sleep well?" He asked, hoping that was a question people normally brought up. Hylas measured a few spoonfuls of grain into the pot, sighing as he noticed the sleepy rise of birdsong starting up outside. A heavy caw circling above the safehouse told him that his raven was near, eager for some breadcrumbs and attention.


By the time Hylas had returned, Cas had finished washing up and was gently coaxing the fire into a steady flame. He glanced over his shoulder when he heard the other return, nodding and humming a yes in response to his first question, "Yes, yes I did, thank you." It might not have been the feather mattress he was used to, but the straw bed was more than comfortable, and after the previous night on the ground, Cas was just grateful to sleep on anything but rocks, "Did you?" Small talk, not the most thrilling of conversation but after last night, Cas wasn't going to push Hylas into a conversation if he didn't wish. He had something to do, it was enough to keep his thoughts from wandering to any impending battles and political talks with long, long nights of work, so he was happy with a simple morning. Cas wondered if Hylas had left to go down to the river again. Maybe it was just a once-off thing from the day before, but he was still curious as to the real reason as to why he had left in the middle of the night. Fill up the water my ass. He knew, at least he hoped, Hylas wasn't up to anything that would compromise the plan. An elaborate scheme to keep him alive for as long as possible, learn what his plans would be and send it off to Zaros. An impressive plan if it was true, but after last night, he doubted it was true. Cas knew there were many secrets about Hylas he would never know, but the longer he spent with the man the more his curiosity to learn more about him grew, the more he wished to learn about his past, what went on in that intricate mind of his behind those gorgeous eyes. Cas turned his thoughts back to the fire, making sure it was still crackling away quietly while Hylas prepped breakfast.

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"I did, I think," He said with a quiet sense of pride, it had been weeks since he'd gotten that much sleep, and months since he'd slept through the night. Hylas had avoided the conflict of the last morning relating to his oversleeping and Cas' suspicion, but last night's sleep didn't guarantee anything except an extra bit of energy for the day's work. Though his body was tired and his eyes rested on violet shadows, his mind was sharp as anything and in good humour. "I woke a moment before dawn, so maybe a whole five hours straight." He nodded satisfactorily to himself, watching the pot come to a close simmer before searching for a few cubes of sugar to throw in. A few leaves of sweet herbs remained from their last meal, and with a shrug, he threw them in. "Have you got an itinerary for the day?" He asked, filling a cast-iron kettle with water and their blood plums' leaves and broken stems. It was the simplest tea to make, and if boiled for the perfect amount of time, it brought up a flavour richer than the blood plums themselves. Hylas gave the bubbling porridge a stir before grabbing two blood plums. He turned, stepping into a long beam of sunlight to throw one to Cas before greedily sinking his teeth into his own share. The clear, white skin was smooth and almost bitter, while the dark red inner flesh was tender and sweet. He chewed thoughtfully, sighing as he stared off for a moment. "I've got to…Hmm," Another bite, and red nectar spilled over his lips, bloodying his face and hand in the split-second before he found a clean rag, "Chop some firewood…do some wild harvesting. Perhaps catch something in the woods. Sharpen some knives and, of course…" Hylas smiled, his red mouth soft and sweet with satisfaction, "I've got to make sure you don't get yourself killed."


Cas caught the plum with both hands, reflexes not as sharp as Hylas this early in the morning. He inspected the plum over as if it were about to bite him before taking a bite, the juice erupting over his hands as it did so, letting the delicious nectar spill into his mouth and soothe the aching hunger growing inside of him. Not sweetness of the inside combed with the gentle tang of the biter skin was like heaven in his hands. Cas was destructed for a good second before he replied to Hylas, a gentle snort and a quiet chuckle at his last comment, "Me? Get myself killed? Now I might be an idiot but I'm not that stupid." Out here in the middle of nowhere, the worst damage he could do to himself was trip over a log or a loose stone in the courtyard and twist his ankle. He made no mention of the amount of sleep, to be far he guessed he managed the same. Not a long sleep, but a deep sleep nonetheless. Cas knew though he wouldn't be getting out much into the lovely Valthean countryside. He half-turned his head to the desk with the ink and parchment, trying not to let his face crinkle with distaste at having to actually write the letter. What did one even say on an issue such as this? 'Father, I'm sorry for disappearing from my birthday a few days ago but I was kidnapped by The Raven who had a change of heart and instead of killing me, let me go free. Coming home soon! Oh, and by the way, a war is coming - we need to gather allies and move to fight. Love you, Capsian. (he also has magic and probably the witches on his side and has most likely taken the north already).' "The main thing I'll be doing is trying to get that letter written." Cas turned back to the plum. It seemed an impossible task, a heavy task, and one he was on a time constraint for. The longer it took to write, the less time they had to plan, and the trip home would take a good day or more through the hills and forests of Valthea. Sneaking back into the castle without being noticed by any of Zaros' men was an even greater task. He'd have to put some thought into that later, too.

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As Hylas waited for the sweet porridge to thicken, he took a few meandering steps around the room. Distracted, he watched a lazy river of dust floating in piercing sunbeams, eating his plum with an absentminded reverence as slow curl of a smile crossed his face, ready to challenge the prince's claim. "Oh, but what if you are?" He teased, struggling to hide a growing grin as he wandered around the room, "What if…you go hungry and wolf down a bush of poisonous berries?" There had been a few close calls in Hylas' past where a bloomed thicket of berries stood untouched by animals in a clearing, and he'd taken it as a gift from the gods. The hungry child had hardly chewed a mouthful of the sour fruit before a burning constriction snaked around his windpipe and threatened to squeeze. Thankfully, nothing had been swallowed, and by the third unfortunate incident, he had learned how to properly identify the species. Hylas nodded to himself, remembering the acid nectar burning as it spilled down his throat. The sweet mouthful of fruit in his mouth seemed treacherous for a moment and so he finished his plum quickly, throwing the stone pit in the vague direction of an open window. "Or, you might be walking along the river before falling, tragically into a rocky rapid." Hylas felt his smile twitch at the playful suggestion, and tried hard to keep his own memories of pain from draining his running joke. That memory was taken from the only time a river had betrayed him. Though, to most Valtheans, Alvalha's Vein was not a river at all. It looked like one, sure enough, but beneath the smooth surface were the clawing hands of underworld spirits, tempting souls to savour its cool waters before crushing them in a ruthless, invisible current. "—I'd have to jump in and get all wet to save you." Hylas sighed, his expression softening for a moment before meeting Cas' gaze with a thoughtless smile. "And…what if another assassin comes sauntering by while I'm not looking, and you decide to go with him?"


Cas laughed, "I'll throw this pit at you don't tempt me." He sat down in the rickety chair from last night, grinning as he pulled a knee to his chest, "Such a gentleman, coming to my rescue like that how charming." He threw Hylas a playful wink. He sure as hell had charmed him at the ball before he'd found out who he was. Hylas might be lacking in the social skills department in some areas, but at the ball, he had been a completely different person. He could turn the charm on when he wanted, he just didn't know it yet, "I think you're just trying to get rid of me. I'm not that insufferable am I?" Cas knew he might have been a little.. pretentious, at the start, but surely he wasn't that bad, right? They were just joking around, from the gorgeous smile on Hylas' face, he knew he wasn't serious, but Hylas was a while mystery and more, he could be telling the truth under that stupid beautiful smile. Cas propped his head on his knee, slightly tilting it to one side as he watched Hylas pace as they waited for breakfast. He quietly savoured the moment, knowing that they wouldn't get many like this once they were back at the castle. They? We? Hylas wouldn't come back with him.. would he? Maybe he would. Cas hoped he would. The thought surprised him slightly. They make a surprisingly good team but an assassin willing to travel to the heart of the kingdom with a king who wanted him dead for kidnapping his son? It was an outlandish thought to think Hylas might come if he even wanted to come. Cas doubted he wished to get involved with anything more than necessary. Maybe he would though. He sighed dramatically, "Maybe I might just wander off to my death if you don't want me here."

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Hylas joined the prince's laughter with his own bashful chuckling, trying to hide his smile as he turned back to the stove and thought of Cas' smile behind him. An what about that wink, my. In truth, he was suspicious of Cas' returned warmth, questioning how the prince, a near victim of his could knowingly smile and joke with him. His mind answered with a soft conspiracy of lowering his guard and gaining his trust before enacting a plan of vengeance and justice. If that was the case, it didn't stop Hylas from enjoying the honeyed laughter stitched into the voice behind him. "Insufferable?" Hylas echoed, stirring the bubbling breakfast before throwing in a pinch of powdered mint. Smiling, he paused and looked up in mock consideration, "Well, let's see. I've known you for…what, three days? And so far you've insisted on an explanation of my plan, dragged me across the border on foot, expressed your urge to kill me— though that one's a little more understandable —and drained a month's worth of savings on a…trip through town." He peered devilishly over his shoulder, his smile half-hidden but still reaching his eyes. "What do you think, princey? Maybe just a little insufferable? Just a bit?" The prince's pouty declaration was amusing. With a few breathy laughs, Hylas was frowning sarcastically and shaking his head. "And I see what you're doing— trying to get me to say I want you here to prove a little point." A dramatic sigh, a stifled chuckle, "Well guess what? The Gods want you here." Hylas had been so stuck on the prince and his thoughtless humour that he hadn't registered how the porridge was thick and fragrant on the stove. "Oh. Bowls," He whispered, forgetting their conversation and quickly shuffling the pot off the flat furnace, "Where are the bowls?"


Cas leaned back in the chair, using the table to balance himself, "Okay well I mean… half of that is my fault but you didn't have to spend so much in town," He countered, swinging on the chair. Hylas didn't have to buy the extra sword, nor did he have to buy so much parchment and ink for him, that was in him. And he had been the one to kidnap him and nearly kill him before so expressing his own wish to do so was fair. Not that he would do it, Cas didn't stand a chance up against Hylas even if he wanted to, "And here I was thinking you liked me." Placing all four chair legs back on the ground, Cas moved to grab the clean bowls from the basin, "Maybe I will run off with another assassin." He placed the bowls on the table, the warm morning air having dried them and the spoons off just enough that it wouldn't impact breakfast. There was no one around for miles, Cas doubted the townsfolk ventured this far and even so, most likely knew well enough to not go looking for the mysterious stranger who passed through their little village every once and a while clocked in black and bloodied. Screw the Gods. They seemed to have it out for both of them these days. Two wars in one lifetime, and another cursed to kill until he died. Whatever plan they had, he wasn't enjoying living on the path that they had him going down. A life of endless meetings and declarations and dull conversations and wars to prevent. No time for a moment of peace. That's if he even survived the war that was coming, a bigger war than any the continent had seen in a millennium. Ravaging the continent like a swarm, killing whoever got in the way, and Cas would be in the heart of it.

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Hylas smiled as he clicked his tongue, shaking his head as he carried the steaming pot of porridge over to the table. "If you run off with a new assassin because you're sore over the thought of me not liking you…I think that says something about what you think of me." A playful, confused look crossed his face for half a moment as he considered Cas' statement, which surely had to be a joke. 'Like him'? He hadn't considered the entirety of his thoughts towards Cas. Cas. A kind man. Driven, like me. Smart, and occasionally funny. Those were all agreeable qualities in people, as far as he knew. And there is that strange feeling that I can't name. But I've probably just never heard of it. He did like Cas, then. But there was no way he'd confess to such a thing. His face softened back into a fonder look, and with the settled smirk of a challenger, he tilted his head to the side. "I didn't think you'd care if you were liked by your most hated one," Yours truly. The thought of the prince carding through observations and opinions of him was a strange phenomena in his mind; foggy pictures and imagined sounds of Cas' thoughts echoing through his mind. How could he do such a thing? Killing all those people while letting himself smile, after? Perhaps if I can get him comfortable I'll find a weakness. I'll sound kind and curious, and make him feel interesting and— Hylas had to tear himself away from the collapsing thought. Serve breakfast. Go on. His hand obeyed, spooning the sweet-smelling boiled grain into their wooden bowls. Though he smiled, he was dancing on the edge of self-sabotage in his rehearsed words. "You wouldn't…care if I liked you or not. I mean, you know politics; you are politics." He shrugged innocently, trying to preserve the lightheartedness of their banter in his grey words. "Kingdoms— people keep each other alive. It doesn't matter if one's a little more crooked than the other, right?"


"I like to think that the person I will be spending days with in close contact likes me at least somewhat. Makes the time less boring." He replied, watching closely as he served up breakfast and moved around the living space, noting the slight far off gaze that showed for a brief second. Cas didn't… hate Hylas, no. He might not agree with and still be cautious around him due to their past interactions but he didn't hate him. Hylas had shown he was more than just an assassin. At least, he hoped it wasn't all a ruse. Cas took a moment to ponder his last words. In a way, Hylas was right. No kingdom was ever going to be perfect, that was a dream only fools believed. Arguments and disagreements were bound to happen, people in power were greedy, selfish pricks the majority of the time, only looking out for themselves with a thirst for money. Scandals, backstabbing and lies were bound to arise in all kingdoms, even his own. As long as for the most part, kingdoms could agree and unite on one front when the time is right, no, it didn't matter deeply if one was more greedy. Cas didn't like the idea, but it was the unfortunate truth of the world around them. He'd met many men who only looked out for themselves. Who lied and cheated to get their way to the top of the ranks, the hunger for power, to command, to rule was a great demon. Politics was a ruthless battlefield. Navigating play after play and trying not to get yourself or your people in trouble was difficult at times. Cas worked hard to make Eirus a true kingdom, a kingdom of peace. He knew others didn't have the same goals at heart but… he supposed if in the end, there was peace between all, it didn't matter a whole lot, "In a way, yes, you're correct." He replied eventually, shrugging softly, "But, as long as there is peace and a sense of unity then… that's what matters, even if some men are snakes."

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"Well then it's settled," Hylas said, losing the breath in his lungs as he sat down before the prince and faced the reality of his strange objection. Hylas couldn't let himself admit the fact that he liked the prince. When he felt his cheeks beginning to warm, he took a sip from his flask, as if the sun had broken through the clouds and risen into the air of the kitchen space. The water was cool and soothing, but it was nothing for the warm uneasiness inside of him. "You agree that if…two…kingdoms can take care of each other while one is…" A gentle nod and a gesture to himself, "…rather adverse, then perhaps…they could come to a peaceful arrangement…" There was a hopeful look in Hylas' eyes as he bit his lip, hoping to all the Gods that his analogy was understood and might be accepted. "An arrangement…to ignore the worst in order to continue enjoying…the best?" The best in each other. Hylas shrugged a little shyly, holding Cas' gaze for a long moment before the green became too much and he reached for his serving of porridge. What terrible side of Cas was there to ignore? To his knowledge, he was the only guilty party at the table. With another round of quiet humiliation, he realized that beyond his need for the prince to trust and tolerate him, a part of Hylas truly wanted Cas to like him.


Cas offered a small, nearly shy smile to Hylas' words. Sure, he might have been kidnapped, nearly killed, and had to bargain with his life, not a small fact to forget so quickly, but hearing at least a little of how he felt about the whole ordeal, "Yes, that arrangement sounds perfect." Hylas had offered a sanctuary, offered to help him, bought him food, given him clothes and a bed to sleep on. It made Cas' curiosity grow even more about the man. how could someone so… so kind? commit such heinous acts? All of it just didn't add up in his mind, and he was going to find out more, he wanted to know more. To find out what lay behind those gorgeous eyes and silken laugh. Scooping up his porridge, Cas was quiet for a few moments, letting his thoughts wander about Hylas, questions forming, trying to fill in the gaps of who he was underneath the rough exterior he showed. Different to how Cas had imagined the Raven to be. He supposed on the outside, he was like the stories. Cunning, cold, heartless, but Hylas had shown he was more than that, and it still took Cas by surprise. Not even in his wildest dreams had he ever thought he would be sitting across from the most feared assassin, sharing breakfast and laughing with each other of all things. Joking like nothing had happened and everything was okay. Maybe he was going crazy, "As long as the other kingdom can keep cooking great meals, that is."

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Hylas replied in a flurry of quiet laugh and shy-smiled mumbling. "If by great meals you mean boiled grain and sugar, of course. That can certainly be arranged." He was wordless after that, looking down at his porridge with the smallest smile. Hope, He realized, his thoughts alive with sudden realization, I feel hopeful. He ate in comfortable silence. The warm, softened grain quieted his dull hunger, and the fresh smell of mint and sweet herbs billowed up in curls of steam. Hylas knew no name for this dish, but he had known it in the years before he became a killer; the happy years while he was still with his family. From the day they harvested the softgrain to the mornings they boiled it, for a child, the delightful mush of powdered mint and sweetness had brought excitement to his mornings. He could still remember the days his parents would wake him at dawn, whispering "Hylas. Hylas we're going to watch the sunrise. I've cooked your favourite. Wake up now," and quietly his father would pick him up and they would walk up a grassy hill. Wrapped in wool blankets, they fed their tired son and watched warmth erupt from the horizon. Now, under the overcast worry of death and betrayal was the rising crest of light. There were moments in his life that snuffed out the mere idea of true and genuine goodness in the world, but looking at Cas and hearing his words poked at the embers of some strange feeling. What bright eyes, what lyrical voice. Hylas had long grown out of his desperate naïveté, and after all the 'good' nobles and knights that he had found to be drug lords and slavers, he knew what a kindly facade looked like. But with this young prince he could see no malice, no matter how hard he studied the odd colour of his gaze and how pensively he considered a twitch of a smile, a gentle press of a frown, or the rising illumination of an anticipated laugh. Hylas wanted to think it was Cas' good looks that made him seem so welcoming, and yet his body language lacked the practiced consideration of a noble presence. Soon Hylas' bowl was empty and his thoughts had gone with his hunger. Warm and satisfied, he leaned back in his creaky chair and extended his arms in a catlike stretch, drunk on the dusty sunbeams filtering through the windows. He yawned and stood slowly, rotating his shoulders and hoping to wake himself up. "Right," Hylas said, "Breakfast done. Let's get to work."


The dish, though simple, was delicious that Cas' bowl was empty within minutes of digging into the bowl. It wasn't the fancy, glazed pastries and bowls of fruit delicately displayed in the dining hall, but it was good. He caught no glimpse of Hylas peaking at him over his bowl, but even if he had, he wouldn't have cared, his cheeks might have warmed, however. Hunger satisfied, Cas sighed, looking to Hylas as he spoke of work, "I'll um- clean up first." He offered, standing to move the bowels to the basin. He really did not want to start writing the letter. What if he missed something? What if the letter didn't reach home in time? What if Zaros found it? What if- Cas shook his head softly, brushing it off as trying to flick hair out of his face but really trying to stop the neverending 'what if's' starting to overtake. Calm. It would be fine, right? No need to panic in front of Hylas. Maybe after the cleaning was done he'd have some idea of how to start the letter. So many things so little time. How was he going to explain how he survived Hylas? It wasn't like he could mention his name, tell his father that he showed mercy and was the one who helped him write and deliver the letter. If there was a sure-fire way to seal Hylas' death, it was that. Cas didn't want to lie, he didn't like lying, even more so when it was to his family but he had no choice, backed into a corner like a scared dog. As he placed the bowls in the basin, reaching for the last of the water he didn't use in the morning, Cas was glad to have something to do with his hands as a distraction, "Since you cooked it's only fair." He offered a smile over his shoulder, albeit a little forced this time.

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"Oh. O– Okay," Hylas nodded, watching Cas as he headed for the kitchen corner without a second thought. He knew that for a prince, Cas was suspiciously helpful with chores and housekeeping, but offering a second time was a quiet surprise. "Well. The…ink and parchment are on the desk. I'm going to head out to the woods to set some traps and…find some dry logs to chop for firewood," He said, brushing back his hair before reaching for a dusty brown cloak that hung wrinkled over the edge of a bookcase, "If you're thirsty, there's a well around back. And there are the plums if you get hungry." Hylas made his rounds around the room, emptying his rucksack to make room for rope, wire snares, his flask, and a few knives. On his belt, he hooked a sheathed hatchet and his raven dagger. The familiar act of packing knives made feel like it wasn't animals that he was hunting, though the grave mindset only lasted for a moment before he remembered the task at hand. Standing in the doorway, he leaned on the frame as he took in the sight of the prince scrubbing a pot. "I'll be back before lunch," He said with a smile, looking over the prince's— his own wrinkled shirt and Cas' unbrushed hair turning fiery in dusty sunlight. The shirt looked better on him, oversized and effortless graceful in its clumsy gravity. His gaze swept the floor a little shyly, "So don't run off with anyone while I'm gone. Think; what if they're a terrible cook?" And with that and a breathless chuckle, he left for the woods.


Cas chuckled softly as he listened to Hylas leave. Doubt any other assassin would be as good looking, too. He focused his thoughts away from his beautiful companion, back to the dishes before his mind wandered elsewhere to the thoughts of work and letters and political strategies. In a way he was glad of the kidnapping. Without it, he never would have learned of the plot against the continent but at the same time, the months, even years, of work ahead of him had a small part of him wishing Hylas had gone through with the job. He prayed to whatever God that was listening it didn’t turn out like the last war, that he wouldn’t lose anyone he loved or cared about. Not again. Guilt sprung up faster than he could stop it, rising like a tide and consuming his emotions. Cas did his best to stop the growing thoughts and memories, trying his hardest to focus on the last of the dishes in his hands. He was glad Hylas wasn’t around to see the trembling hands and worried face as he calmed his racing heart and spinning head. Young and stupid, he wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. Not in this war, not when the entire continent was at stake. He couldn’t afford to. If only he’d known that back then. It was a good few moments before Cas rallied himself to finish his task, swallowing the lingering guilt as he placed the clean pots to the side. Letter time. There was no putting it off anymore, he had to start. What would Hylas say if he returned and had done nothing? Being suddenly aware of the need for Hylas’ approval of his work had his cheeks red hot as he moved to the desk, clearing his mind to stay focused on what needed to be done. He picked up the parchment and ink, moving so that he could sit in the sun, maybe that would help him focus.

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After setting up a few snares around rabbit trails, Hylas wandered through the wood with eyes looking out for thin, fallen trees that would be easy enough to hack through. In one of the collapsed chambers was pile of thick logs under a tarp, waiting to be split with his bigger axe. But to build a fire, they needed mid-size pieces over kindling, and soon Hylas was dragging a young river birch into a clearing and marking an arms length for every cut. Between two thick tree roots, the wood was set down and elevated. Hylas raised his hatchet to deal out a heavy chop. Soon he was bringing down his axe in hard, repetitive blows, losing himself in the foggy muscle memory of kneeling and forcefully striking a single point. He gasped when he ran out of wood to cut, and his gaze flickered left and right before realizing that he'd cut up the entire tree without a single passing thought or observation. Again, He thought, shivering and shaking his head at himself as he rounded up the thin logs. Such gaps in his thinking were common when he was stuck doing some that made him remember. Sometimes looking at a cooking knife or skinning a rabbit was enough to pull him away from reality and send him somewhere timeless. Since realizing this fact, he'd taken to counting in his head to stay present. But this time, he hadn't. With so much happening, the silence of his mind had been replaced by a dense, terrifying cloud of sharp voices and rapid colours, and so much of his routine had been disrupted. As Hylas tied the thin logs together, he was determined to sort himself out. If not for his own sake, for the sake of the continent. So he kept moving, returning to the safehouse two hours later with a rucksack full of wild vegetables and mushrooms, a heavy bundle of wood, and hare slung over his shoulder.


Using what Cas assumed was an old plank of flat wood he found in the court, he'd set himself up against the plum tree, situated in the grass as he eventually got to work starting on the letter. He was glad of the extra parchment because figuring out how to word the thing was harder than he had presumed it would be. The afternoon sun warmed him up nicely, rolling a sleeve to his elbow as he wrote, chewing on the pit of a plum he'd devoured not long before. The sweetness was a good distraction. Luckily, he'd only discarded one piece of parchment, ink scribbled on both sides and scrunched up, tossed across the court in an angry throw. After that, he didn't want to waste any of the recourses, knowing Hylas wouldn't buy him anymore was she to waste it. It was way the current piece laid out on his makeshift desk, didn't have much in the way of writing, only a few sentences which read,

Father, I am writing to inform you that I am alive, well and safe. I cannot tell you where I am in fear of this letter being found, but I can assure you I am quite alright for the time being. It is a long story, one I hope to tell you in person soon, but on the night of my birthday, I had the unfortunate encounter with The Raven, who was poised to kill me. I am safe from him now, but there is a larger matter at hand.

How he was going to explain Zaros, how he found out, and what their next moves were he didn't know. By the time Hylas returned, he was picking at the wildflowers next to him, fashioning them into a chain as he thought about what he was to write. The blue, purple and pink flowers stood out in the bright green grass, their petals soft and delicate to the touch. He knew he should get back to work, but the simple chain soothed worries of war.