In a dystopian New York City, people known as Marked are considered criminals just by existing. If not immediately taken in, they are treated as outcasts, as less than human by society. The small marking that varies Marked to Marked, found anywhere on their bodies, is an indicator of inhuman abilities.
The Marked, despite really only having each other, tend to avoid one another, for fear of sullying their already dismal reputations more. And then two Marked find themselves locked in the same cell, waiting for an execution for crimes they didn't commit. With no choice but to help each other break out, they do just that, and decide to take matters into their own hands.
Your character isn't perfect, and can be hurt. Please, let them be hurt, let them have flaws. That's what makes a good character.
Proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization, please. I can get making a few mistakes, when you're tired, or English ain't your first language(It's mine, and even I have my issues), but if it's too common a thing, it irks the hell outta me. Call me a bitch, but hey.
Slurs, homophobia, transphobia, rascism, sexism, anything that ends in -ism and that harms or promotes the harm of other people would preferably be avoided. There are certain allowances that can be made, especially when concerning a character's backstory and things like that, but it has to be cleared with me.
Detailed-ish responses, please. Think three or more sentences. To keep it going.
Please, be on fairly often. Vacations, school, and jobs are all things I can get, but I'd like for this to have a regular pace!
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules always apply.
This is rated M, because I am, in fact, looking for someone chill w/ possible smexy stuff and the dark themes/occasional violent moment.
I have the full right to add and edit this list. I also have the right to boot you if you're causing too many problems.
Age(late teens):
Appearance(Include where their Mark is, and what it is):
Usual Clothing/Style:
Name: Anastasia "Ace" Loki
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual, but she's not too concerned about dating. Just, y'know, trying not to die.
Appearance: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/764697211709136984/ Not all that tall, but looks like she could kick your ass. Sharp grey eyes that change with her moods. Numerous scars everywhere, including four bullet wounds scarily close to her heart. Her mark is right over her heart, visible in her tank tops, and presumably that ties into the bullet scars and how she was found out. https://tinyurl.com/yyat7yst
Usual Clothing/Style: A pair of black skinny jeans tucked into black ankle boots and a long sleeved shirt, in the same color, when she needs something more presentable. When she doesn't, an old, oil-stained pair of cargo pants tucked into beat up old combat boots, and a black tank top. She keeps her hair back with a black bandana when needed, and a pair of fingerless black gloves complete the outfit. The only jacket she owns is her old air force jacket, and she wears two dog tags, one her own, the other belonging to someone else.
Power: Ability mimicking. If she touches another Marked, she can mimic their ability. If she touches someone else, the previous ability swaps to the one of the person she touched. If she really tries, she can recall previous abilities she's 'snatched', as she calls it, though it takes a lot out of her.
Fears: Dark enclosed spaces, handcuffs, being blindfolded and/or unable to see.
Other: She had, at one point, been in the Air Force. Right up until her Mark was discovered, and she was dishonorably discharged.