(Okay, cool! Thanks for letting me know!)
Calen almost flinched when he realized that a little boy knew his name… how did he know this? It made his worried and wary. He pursed his lips.
"I-uh… no. No, I don't." He tried his best not to notice the poison that was slowly emptying from the room, and how small the space was. "Do you have any ideas?"
"I do," Vesuvius squinted, trying to show that he was smiling under his gas mask. "We're in a place that helps people like us control and understand our abilities." He gestured to Mavi. "This is my sister, she also has a power. It's the poison thats currently filling the room, but don't worry it wont harm you." much.
Mavi wished he wouldn't suger coat everything so much. The poison could in fact hurt Calen. Heck it could gurt them all, even with the gas masks.
Mavi took a calming breath and could have sworn she tasted the poison. But that could have just been the fact that she was said poison.
"How do you know where we are?" Calen was wary of these two strangers. He didn't trust them, not when he had just been trapped in a room and kidnapped.
So, he didn't trust them at all. They could be spying on him.
Vesuvius tapped the mask that was secured over his mouth and nose. "They same way i got this." Mavi could tell he was already starting to lose his cool.
"We're with the people who are responsible for bringing you in," kidnapping. "and me and my sister are here to welcome you to our organization."
There was a reason Vesuvius was always there to welcome new power holders. And that was because he could get in their minds, change memories and feelings. And if he wanted, completely destroy one's mind.
By the faint glow of Vesuvius' eyes Mavi could already tell he was going in.
"But," she cut in breaking her brothers foucous, "We're not here to hurt you. We know of your ability and what you can do. Like Vesuvius said our organization helps people like us. They give us the training we need to be able to safely control our powers, and to keep those powers secret." Speaking for taining, Mavi was severely undertrained.
The room was spinning and not because she could smell her own poison, no the mask did a good job of keeping it out. But because she was releasing to much.
Actually, the room was doing much more then spinning. The floor seemed to be getting closer, and the last thing she heard before promptly falling face first into the concrete ground, was a string of curses coming from her brother.
"I already know how to control my powers," Calen cut in, his voice sharp and angry. "I don't understand why that requires me to be kidnapped by a bunch of strangers." He glanced at the girl in the room, who seemed to be letting out the poison, and tensed even more.
She was dangerous. And so was the boy, from the feel of it.
But he couldn't get out.
Vesuvius snapped his attention back to Calen. The poisonin the air already starting yo seep back into Mavi.
"Listen, you have a very valuable gift, and there are people out there who would use it for wrong. Hell, as far as the people we work for know, you could use it for wrong." He spared a glance twords his sister who had obviously overdone it. "So I'm giving you two options right now," he had to get this over with quickly so he could take her to a nurse. "You agree and basically sell your soul in order to survive. Or I replace every memory you have." He wasn't actually strong enough to do that, but it seemed like a good enough threat.
Calen flinched at that. He had some bad memories of mind manipulation, and he really didn't want to have to deal with it again. He gave a rueful smile, but behind it was cold steel. "I suppose I don't really have a choice, do I?" He asked bitterly.
(Hey sorry I'm gonna be dropping this rp)
(That's totally fine, I understand!)