forum The Kingdom of Whispers// Private OxO Rp

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The lost City of Atlantis has been found and the people who reside there are actually humans who have adapted to survive underwater. With fins for feet and gills that can be closed to breathe air, what happens when A, a human living above the surface, meets B, an Atlantean who speaks languages never been heard before. B seems to be hiding something, why do the Atlanteans look at B with fear and respect? Why does B never want to talk about their parents?

OxO Premise:
[A] is a human on the surface who has been wanting, for as long as they can imagine, to escape their monotonous life and do something exciting for once. Despite the fact that they had a good position and income at work, a decent social life, and a comfortable life, it was boring. The same routine everyday, the same people, the same boring news.

[B] is an Atlantean with a want to go explore the Over Worlds, more than just lurking beneath the humans and watching from a far, they wanted to be where the people are. (;D)

When a natural disaster (Or was it?) caused a disturbance in the ocean near [A]'s work, they looked out the window to see the tall peaks of a strange looking structure emerge from the water. Standing there in all its former, and current, glory was the lost City of Atlantis. Though, it certainly wasn't lost any longer.

A team is created to investigate what was going on but even before they could approach the bridge to the city, they were stopped. The city made arrangements to send other teams but none could pass through whatever invisable barrier that blocked them. The city then invited the public to go and try if they could enter the city. Just out of curiousity, and because their work was so dull, [A] got in the line and to the surpise of everyone there, managed to get inside the city. Why did that happen?


Name: Mavis Celeste
Nickname: Mave, Cal
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Looks: Mavis has a blue skin tone with silvery markings under her skin. Her skin is luminescent in the moonlight of a full moon and has scales on her arms, legs, part of her chest and stomach, and parts of her face. She has amber eyes, finned ears that stick in and out (Think cat-like movements), and gills on her neck. She has a silvery marking on her forehead that looks like a moon. Mavis has a slim body with long flippers for feet, webbed hands with claws, and sharp teeth. (Visual Aid:

Personality: Curious, Adventurous, artistic, responsible to an extent
Likes: swimming in new places, the overworld, music, hunting
Dislikes: Staying in the kingdom, lessons, practicing her magic with her mother
Fears: losing her siblings, having to stay in the kingdom forever, never falling in love
Backstory: (opt)

Abilties: Mavis can strengthen the scales on her body to become armour. She can use echolocation and communicates with all animals that use echolocation as well. She can make her appearance look more human, altering most things about her body except her skin tone. Mavis can also create air bubbles to help non-gills breathe underwater. During full moons, all Atlanteans gain some magic to control water.

@JustALostM book

Name: Gabriel Smith
Nickname: Gab, Gabbie
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Looks: Gab stands at around 5'10 with (sometimes) unkempt, wavy brown hair and brown eyes. To work, he usually wears a buttoned down white shirt with either black or dark blue pants. On an off day he'd usually wear a T-shirt with some sort of corny quote on it with jeans or black pants (not work pants). He occasionally wears a hoodie on colder days of the year.

Personality: If you were someone who knew Gab from his work job, you'd probably say something like timid, shy, etc. In work, Gab usually doesn't like to make himself so known. Out of work Gab is actually quite extraverted. He enjoy going out with his friends, going out to parties (though he tries his best not to be there for too long due to work) and anything that would get him out of his apartment.

Likes: Short walks around the park. Sweats are definitely up there! Any person who has good moral codes and who keep their word. Reading a good thriller/mystery book.

Dislikes: Unfair trials, unnecessary fights, anyone who acts rude, etc.

Fears: Heights, spiders, Small spaces.

Backstory: (TBD)

Abilities: "Does being able to handle a nine to five count?" - Probably Gab

Extra: (Sorry for it bein' so short. Haven't filled one of these out in a bit.)

[B] is an Atlantean with a want to go explore the Over Worlds, more than just lurking beneath the humans and watching from a far, they wanted to be where the people are. (;D)

(Hmmmmm Little mermaid?)

@JustALostM book

(lol yes XD)

I like him! I should mention Mavis is about 5'7 on land and just under 6' in the water with her fins

Ah! Cool detail! Also, really cool design (That google doc helped a lot to visualize her design!).


I'm an incredibly visual person so having those kinds of things helps me to visualize my characters a lot more. I have one for most of my current characters with the intent to have more!

I'm ready to start whenever you are! I'm fine with either of us starting, just let me know!


(Alright, I'll start from having the city pop up that way we can introduce our characters)

It had been a day like any other. Mavis had gone onto the surface to watch as the sun came up and the humans began their days. She enjoyed the sounds of the creatures paired with the strange moving things the humans rode around in. Unfortunately, this time her sister had followed her and gone to get their mother. As she crossed her arms and pouted, she was dragged below the surface yet again.

Back in her room, her mother was pacing and lecturing Mavis. Oh, how she wished she could be anywhere but here. The door flung open suddenly and she rose in her bed, perhaps something exciting was happening? No, it was only her father who looked furious. He began to lecture her again and was just about to place yet another restriction on her when they all heard a rumbling sound and the floor of her room quivered.

The rumbling grew louder and the floor shook even more. Everyone went out onto the streets in the main city and looked at the sky, it was getting much closer! Screams and shouts broke around as the tops of their castle towers broke through the water. A few minutes later, their entire kingdom was floating on the water, a thousand human eyes fixated on them, gaping. Mavis grinned, finally something exciting!

@JustALostM book

Gabriel's head was down when the floor started to rumble. The voices of his coworkers started to fill the air of the room while Gabriel stood up, trying to understand what was going on. The intercom was beeping SOS in morse, indicating that there was something going on.

"An earthquake!"
"Everyone get under something!"

There was a myriad of voices flooding the room but Gabriel tuned them out. His eyes were fixed on the water. Something was starting to rise out of the water? It seemed like towers at first but no… It's an entire Island!?

Gabriel found himself sprinting over to the elevator. Out of order? C'mon! He grunted, now heading for the stairs. He works on the 12th floor of a building so it was going to be a little while before he was going to get down to the first. Twelve, eleven, ten, nine… Gabriel was sprinting down the stairs as fast as his legs took him.

The second Gab's foot hit the concrete of the first floor, an SOS alarm went off on his phone. All it read was "DO NOT GO NEAR THE WATER!" Wow, Gab thought, now running towards the exit door. That's helpfu- His thought was cut off short due to him tripping on the doorstop.

As the light of the sun hit his face, he saw police start evacuating the area near the water and putting up barricades. Gab quickly ran past the police to get a closer look at the island? that just appeared out of no where.


The sound of screaming and sharp wailing hit Mavis and the people around her. Immediately they all covered their ears and bent over. A few seconds of agonizing pain later, the sharp sounds stopped. Mavis stood up and looked at the people confused.

"They put the shields up, Thank Xusa!"

At the simple explanation, many of the others also praised Xusa. Mavis touched the symbol on her forehead and closed her eyes. The sounds around her faded out as she focused. shortly after, her webbed hands and claws became fingers and nails, her fins became feet, and her gills closed forcing her to open her mouth and swallow. It was like a reflex and so weird. The books in the library really helped her ease into this process. Despite only having done the transformation once before, it was relatively easier this time around.

Mavis used her new appendages to clumsily walk closer to the people gaping at her. Her ears felt weird too, putting a hand up to them, she felt that the normally extended fin had shrunken and was easily hidden beneath her long wavy hair. She twisted it into a quick bun and then continued to closer to the edge of the city.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S AN ISLAND HALF THE SIZE OF OUR STATE JUST SITTING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN?!" high-pitched squeaking from the other side of the phone gave a response. "I'M NOT WAITING 6 GODDAMNED HOURS FOR YOUR TEAM TO MAKE THEIR WAY TO US FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DAMNED COUNTRY!" the man slammed the phone on the receiver then glared at the poor intern who had the misfortune of bringing this news to him. "STAND UP STRAIGHT SOLIDER! ASK MARCUS TO ASSEMBLE A TEAM NOW! THAT'S N-O-W, NOW!" he barked. The intern squeaked, literally, then ran out of the office to get Marcus. Marcus assembled his team and got them into the helicopter, flying to the base of the island thing.

@JustALostM book

When Gabriel had reached about fifty feet from the barricades, the police around the area stopped him. "Excuse me, sir. You cannot go past this point. It is dangerous for civilians to be here as of this moment." Gab caught how one of the officers looked at the one who was talking to Gab like he disagreed with them. Gab stood there for a moment, trying to think of what to say.

That's when he saw it. Well… Saw them. There were people on that island! But how? Wait… That's not a… "Excuse me sir. Did you not hear what I said? If you do not evacuate this area than there could be some serious damage done!" The office now expressed his voice in a more assertive tone.
"Yes, yes officer! Right away!" Gabriel turned around and grinned. He knew how he was going to get through, though it would be a little more difficult than he'd hope. Gabriel knew his way through the buildings near the water. They had tunnels connecting the different buildings which Gab always thought was like a bomb shelter of sorts? But never the less, that was his ticket passed the police and barricades.

Gab entered one of the buildings and headed for the stairwell. He went down about 3 flights of stairs before he was met by a large metal door which was slightly open. He opened the door and bolted down the somewhat cramped corridors which send a shiver down his spine. He never really liked small spaces but if this was his ticket to something new and interesting than why the hell not?

The corridor quickly reached a stop, another metal door identical to the first stood there, open as well. Who ever used these last are idiots… He stopped for a moment. Oh wait. It was me. He could tell that this building was already evacuated due to the lack of voices which was understandable seeing that it was one of the buildings closest to the water. He quickly made his way to the ground floor, took a look around and quickly came out of the building, making sure the officers from before did not spot him.

Finally… The shore! About one hundred feet out stood a large island. Oh crap… It seemed that he was spotted by someone. Someone who wasn't from his little city…

(It doesn't necessarily need to be Mavis but I was thinking maybe another Atlantean? If not I can always remove that part)


(No worries! I'm fine with co-leading the story, it's never fun when only one person makes all the decisions! I'm fine with altering my response to better fit yours if anything!)

As Mavis stood at the city's edge and breathed in, she couldn't help but smile. It seemed as though Xusa had heard her pleas for change. She scanned the shoreline, observing the humans watching them. She was watching a human youngling pointing and strained her ears to hear but couldn't hear a thing. At this, she frowned, upset that restrictions were already in place.

It was then that she noticed another human walking rapidly to the water's edge. She stood up with excitement and tried to jump into the water to swim to shore but whatever barrier was blocking the sounds from coming in was also blocking anything from leaving. She frowned once again. The city rumbled again and caused her to fall to the floor and hold on to something for support.

A majestic golden bridge descended from the city to the shoreline. Mavis tentatively walked to the bridge and found that she could walk down it. She jumped up and down excitedly as she ran down. In her haste, she didn't stop to think that perhaps the barrier was surrounding the end of the bridge too. She came to that realization when she slammed face-first into the barrier and nearly broke her nose. She fell back onto the bridge floor in pain, holding her nose which was leaking blue blood.

@JustALostM book

Looking at the humanoid creature that stood on the island. For some reason, when he first spotted these things, Gab didn't realize how different their skin was. It was a weird shade of purple that made her stand out from the normal human.

Gabriel took a deep breath. Fear started to creep into his body and to be honest, he thought he was dreaming. He kept opening his mouth to try to speak to her but there were no words being said. Just little awkward noises that made him a little flustered. There's some sort of shield around the island? Interesting. Defense perhaps? Probably.

As he watched this purple skinned woman slowly start walking down the bridge (Which I guess he noticed? I forgot to add that detail lol) which turned into a slight run and then a full run and then! Bang

The next thing Gab saw was the lady holding her nose in pain while it started to leak a blue substance. Gab's first reaction was to run towards them, which he did. But than he realized that if the lady couldn't go through the shield than what was different about him? All he could do was stare, which was awkward, so he decided to lean on the shield, trying to get a closer look at the… alien?


Mavis cursed and ripped a piece from her tunic to use to try and stop the bleeding. It worked…partially. As she finished tending to herself, she looked up and almost jumped back in fear, there was a strange human creature peering at her. She felt a bit uncomfortable as if she was a creature that the scientists were studying back in the labs under the palace. She walked up to the barrier and put a hand up, trying to feel the human. As soon as they both touched the barrier, a faint but noticeable shock went through their bodies. Mavis pulled back and looked at the human with a scared look. Was he nice? But then why did he shock me? she took a few steps back and held her hand.

The symbol on her forehead flashed and a piercing headache flooded her mind. She was glad that her hair had hidden the mark, it didn't seem like the human had noticed anything unusual, except the obvious of course. She held onto the side of the bridge for support as another wave of blinding pain flooded her mind. Angrily, she clutched her head and kicked the bridge. She waved to the human and made a gesture she hoped meant she'd come back. As another wave of pain came, she screamed and angrily made her way back up the bridge.

Marcus arranged his soldiers around the shore, getting all civilians away from the thing. by this point, Mavis had already disappeared into the city so when Marcus' men rounded the corner, Gab was the only one they could see.


(Marcus is a free-for-all character. Essentially he's the main man who makes the decisions about what's going to happen and you're welcome to control him and make him, or his men, do whatever you want)

@JustALostM book

When Gab felt the shock, he took a quick step back. He noticed that the atlantean had done the same. He put his hands into his pockets and made a fist. Ow. that kind of hurt?

As the Atlantean held their head, in what looked like pain, Gab took a step closer to see if he could help her. But than he remebered that there was a large barrier between the two. Seeing how the Altantean had stuck her hand out and left, Gab didn't know weather this was a sign of “Please wait” or a sign of “Nice meeting ya! Bye now.” so truthfyully, he wanted to wait and see.

But curiosity got the best of him. He stood there for a moment, but as he did, he heard some voices behind him.Shit

When Marcus noticed Gabriel standing by the shore, he didn't hesitate to send some solders to retrive him. As the solders walked up to Gabriel, it crossed his mind that if they saw him while he was next to the Atlantean, they could possibly think they were in cahoots of sorts. But this was Gabs anxiety creeping. Couldn't be.. I didn't hear them befo-

“Excuse me sir?” One of the solders said, now looking at Gab up and down. “Please exit this part of the shore. We do not know what this ‘Island of Atlantis’ holds.” Those last words sounded more metaphorical but to Gab it made more sense than ever.

“Oh. I'm sorry! My wife went to the water a bit ago. I was hoping to find her here.” Nice going Gab. Totally believable..

“I understand but the most probable thing that happened was that your wife was evacuated with every other person by the waters.” The solder looked at the other with a slight nod and the other walked away. “But she wasn't home… I just wanted to make sure!” Gab put on one of his best “please pitty me” voices.

The solder seemed to feel the words that Gab had said, but still didn't budge. “Sorry sir… They are most probably in one of the bunkers in the city. We need you to go or there can be possible consequences. Gabreil wanted to say something back but thats when he noticed a man in a genral uniform (I'd assume) was giving him the side eye.

The symbol on her forehead flashed and a piercing headache flooded her mind

(Harry Potter 🤨)



Marcus looked the man up and down and sighed. "Look son, it's getting late and I don't want to have to do anything that would cause you to become afraid or upset but I will if I have to. I will not be repeating myself. Get off the beach, it is now private property." Marcus looked at him with a stony look and waited for him to move.

Mavis put one hand to her head and walked into her house. "What father. What do you want." She cracked open one eye and glanced at him in anger. Her father glared at her and grabbed her arm, dragging her to her room and throwing her on the bed. "You will no longer have the freedom to go as you please Mavis. Not without a guard or a sibling. How dare you use the traumatic event to escape and try to go and do as you please? I will have a guard posted outside your door at all hours of the day and night." He growled and shut the door behind him as he walked out.

With an angry cry, Mavis threw herself onto the bed and thrashed around before stopping and lying in despair, sobbing.

"Move it move it, keep it coming….That's it, set her down here!" Marcus called to the forklift operator. The man put down the box and used a crowbar to pop the top. a few different military-grade weapons lined the insides with a variety of other weapons. Marcus picked up a long taser rod and clicked the button, hearing the prongs at the end buzz to life with electricity. "This will be fun. Alright, pop the rest of them and grab whatever you want then organize yourselves according to the groups you were assigned back at base! Let's go people, time's wasting!" Marcus yelled and the soldiers jumped into action.

@JustALostM book

Gab huffed. He definitely did not want to piss off the general but at the same time he needed to know more about Atlantis. He looked at Marcus with eyes that were confused. He didn't want to listen yet he knew he had to.

“Look. I know I cannot be here for too long but… What if help you? What if I can help you..” Gab caught a glimpse of the crate of weapons and paused for a second. “Uhhh..” He lost his train of thought. “Oh! I can help you research the place. I can connect the dots? All I'm saying is that I can be a valuable part of the team? Unofficially? Or if you make me a part of your team, officially?” Gab realized that he was talking way too much to sound official and even have a hope of joining their team. Yeah… That was a stupid try. Gab kept a serious face the entire time he talked to Marcus.

(Bit short. Hopefully I'll feel better and I can actually put my mind to it)


(No worries, I'm not feeling too well either so I get where you're coming from)

Marcus looked at the man like he was a fish out of water. "Alright then. Boys! Get this civilian-" He spat the word civilian like it was a disease, "Out of here! Move it, Now!" His team saluted and three men came to Gab. Two held him by the arms while one picked him up by the legs and they marched him off the beach. They gently tossed him onto the pavement then turned back around and walked to the beach.

As soon as the three men returned, Marcus rubbed his temples and then began barking orders once again. "Team one, move into the area and use all weapons to protect yourself from whatever those things are!" The group of men to his right marched up to the bridge and only managed to get one step on before being thrown back onto the sand, just a couple of feet away from Marcus. "What in the hell?" Marcus jerked back and looked at the groaning group.

"Team two! Proceed with caution!" He commanded, an anxious note slipping in. The next group walked slowly to the foot of the bridge but not one person moved from there. "What's going on team, move it!" he called. One man tentatively moved to the bridge but he too was thrown back. "Alright, that's it. Move into a single file line! Right now, move it!" all the groups scattered on the beach lined up. it was a long winding thing, zig-zagging along the edge of the water. "One at a time you will approach the bridge. Let's go, First one up!" and so the fight to get onto Atlantis began.