(Waving hi. Real quick, just to get it out of the way, do you have any triggers?)
(At the moment, 1 or 2 characters. It mainly depends on how many people join. Just tell me what role(s) you’re thinking and use the template to make your character(s))
(Waves back excitely Nope! I pretty much -live- for angst. Thanks for asking tho!)
(Sweet! I'd love the role of second in command angwy guy, but I also love the court sorceress. Have any preferences on who I take?)
(Lol. Cool, and you’re welcome. I see I’m not the only one who lives for angst, evil grin)
(Thumbs-up. And nope, whatever works)
(swiggity swag. Ill have em up in a minute :)
(If you can’t tell, I still have trouble with figuring out the small text while within parentheses. Eye roll. It’s nagging at me)
(yeah its kind of confusing. reminds me of web development class… )
(Shit! I keep forgetting this- ‘/‘ ends it! No wonder I have so much trouble with it! Thank you!)
(Yup! No problemo! flashbacks to learning HTML)
(You know what I just realized? On’nyosh had a slightly older version of the template, so he only had ‘Gender’ instead of ‘Gender/Sexuality’. This is what happens when you copy/paste, lmao! I fixed it though)
(Could I join as the Chosen one?)
(Real quick. About how active are you? And do you have any triggers?)
(Oh yeah, activity varies, but I will almost always give a response within 24 hours (or at least try my best to) and no triggers here)
(Alright. Just use the template to make your character. And you’re going with the Chosen One, yes?)
(Sorry it is taking me a minute to get my sheets up. I work really late tonight but hopefully I can get them up by then or early tomorrow.)
(Alright. Thanks for letting me know)
(Heres one! - the second in command)
Name: Chaldoan
Aliases/Nicknames, if any: Donnie, the Manic Beast, Yenaliis’s little pet
Race: Shadow being/Banshee
Age: 53 - looks 12
Gender/Sexuality: technically genderless, goes by she/her and they/them pronouns. aroace.
Description: (Please include height) Short and stubby, she looks mostly unformidable, when you ignore her ghostly pale gray skin and their mistlike hair. Most people stay away from them, knowing better than to get close to their kind, but some unfortunate souls find themselves in the deathlike grips of this creature. Because she is part banshee, she owes her life to Yenaliis and serves her in every way because of a gift her ancestors gave to her. She comes from deep within the Alyiin Mountains, and currently follows Yenaliis wherever she goes. (Height: 4’11”)
Personality: Very manic and easily excited, she never takes any opposition to her master lightly, and seeks vengeance on her enemies. She often does things without thinking, making many mistakes and mishaps along the way.
Backstory: not much is known about them, other that they came into being within the mountains, had owed a debt to Yenaliis, and now assists her in her wicked duties
Notable Powers/Skills: able to transform into and manipulate shadows. She can also speed the effects of death and communicate with damned souls, drawing from their misery to give herself power.
(Ooh, she’s cool. Though, exactly how tall is she?)
Name: Alzayz
Aliases/Nicknames, if any: Goes by Cicada (her name in this world's English equivalent) and her common nicknames are Cada(English) and Zay(z)
Race: Half human half djinn
Age: 21
Gender/Sexuality: Female / Pansexual
Description: Alzayz has warm brown eyes that match her tanned skin and the freckles that adorn it (that if looked at closely almost look like tiny stars). She has dark red hair that is normally pulled back into a high ponytail contained by a leather cord with a simple gold charm that was a farewell gift from her family. She stands at about 5'2" and has a fairly muscular body. From the back of her right shoulder to the front spans a complex mark that bears the symbols of the deities of Ethrin with Adon’mūar's in the back, Seida’faen in the front and Halūn’zūvar in-between. As for her clothing, she is severely undressed for the weather Ethrin has, but she doesn't seem to mind. Her old brown cloak is keeping her warm just fine.
Personality: Alzayz has a fiery temperament, to say the least of it, but she is kind and often fair. Her kindness is only matched with her stubborn nature and overt outspokenness when she sees injustice happening. At least it was until she realized that on her own she needed to be a bit more discreet about how her opinions. Especially when in the presence of authority figures.
Backstory: She grew up amongst a group of traveling Desert Ssuthorai in the Mai’djēn Desert who operated as traveling entertainers specializing in belly and sword dancing after she was abandoned as a baby. They took her in as one of their own as she became a well-known sword dancer within the group whenever they performed. However, she could never stay out of trouble, and in order to cull her more, violent, tendencies (and to make sure when she did get into trouble she could get out of it) one of the protectors of the group taught her how to use a dagger. When she turned 20 she parted ways with the group and began to follow her own path unknowingly leading her towards Ethrin and her destiny.
Notable Powers/Skills: Alzayz can wave a sword around and look really pretty doing so, but she doesn't exactly know how to properly use it. A dagger, on the other hand, she does know how to use. She has always had this affinity for fire and the wind as both seem to dance around her whenever she was overly emotional. She also can tell whenever someone has a strong desire and tends to want to help that person fulfill that desire.
Other: Alzayz knows she's human, but has no idea about her djinn half.
(Oh wow, nice twist. I love her!)
(You’re welcome! Big grin)
(Oh, now I’m really curious what’s going to happen. I can’t wait to start)