forum The Iron Guard ~3/3, CLOSED~
Started by @PrettyLittlePyro

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Street fighting in Constance City is very common. There are so many people who participate that the authorities can't do anything about it, and have given up trying. Street fighting has grown, and now people are fighting in groups of three, the supposed magical number. Most of the groups aren't very harmful, but the really good ones own entire sections of the city, and rule their domains with angry vengeance.

The Iron Guard is probably the most powerful of the street fighting groups in the history of the city. Powerful, ruthless and cunning, they beat every foe with a brutal ease. There are many who want to take down the Guard… but for one problem.

No one knows who the members are. They are always masked, and disguise their voices. So no one knows who they are. Any of them.

It's become quite a problem, as the Iron Guard now owns most of the city. And many people, powerful people, want the name and the fame. They are willing to do anything to get the Guard… anything.

But first, they have to find out who they are.

And it won't be easy.

We will be playing the members of the Iron Guard. Make up as much as you want about them

  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules apply.
  • I do not give a single fuck what you say in terms of language. Except that you can’t say racial slurs.
  • I’m going to go ahead and put up a warning for excessive gore and violence. This is gonna be angsty as hell, if we play our cards right.
  • Put! Effort! In! Be active! I’m really rooting for this RP to not die.
  • Got ideas? Put ‘em in. You can clear them with me if they’re brutal, but otherwise? Just try to worm them in.
  • I’d prefer to avoid anything explicitly sexual, sorry.
  • Shipping is absolutely allowed. In fact, I welcome it with open arms.
  • These characters will be college age, between 18 and 22. Please keep that in mind.
  • ASK TO JOIN!!! And I'll need a sample of your writing.

[] @PrettyLittlePyro - Kali (Tarantella Hunt)
[] @Ghost_Spider_The_Tired_Pansexual - Peregrine (Cress Ambrosia Montgomery)
[] @megandawnkorain - Viper (Jaxxon Kai Kim)

I'll post a template once someone is interested.


May I join if my writing is good enough? Sample of writing:
Reaching behind him, Will grabbed the hand he knew was there and pulled, bending over to hurl the redhead over his shoulder.

He opened his eyes to find the red face of Damien staring up at him, darkening in anger. Will stepped around Damien and continued on his way, milking the stunned silence for all it was worth.

The others made sure Damien was okay while Will smiled internally at his revenge. He kept his facade up, however, and only let his shoulders slump when he rounded the corner. Will glanced at his watch and picked up the pace; the fourth period would start in three minutes, and Mr. Wilson took no prisoners when it came to attendance.

Deleted user

(oh god, i dont even remember if pyro is the type of person to make it bigger)


(You can add links to this! Actually, it’s encouraged!)


  • General face claim (links only!):
  • Height/Weight:
  • Build:
  • Skin tone:
  • Face shape:
  • Hair color:
  • Eye color:
  • Hair texture:
  • Hairstyle/cut:
  • Facial Hair
  • Noticeable marks:
  • Piercings(?):
  • Clothing style:
  • Preferred weapons(?):


  • Traits:
  • Fears:
  • Likes:
  • Dislikes:
  • Strengths:
  • Weaknesses
  • Hobbies:
  • Talents:


  • Family:
  • Pets?:
  • Social Class:
  • Country of Origin:
  • Other:

(Note, rate these from 1-20)

  • Strength:
  • Speed:
  • Intelligence:
  • Wisdom:
  • Dexterity:
  • Charisma:
  • Constitution:

Deleted user

("I can create seperate chats, since so many people want to join" –Please do! I like this idea!)


(I brought two samples!

"Aw, did we miss the chick-flick moment?" The girls heard from behind Mia. Mia giggled at her brother as he and Aiden walked up to them.

"Please say yes," Aiden groaned in fake despair. Mia rolled her eyes at the boy.

"Be quiet or you're taking the bus home." She warned, earning a snort from Jax, a loud giggle from Calypso, and a wide-eyed salute from her victim.

"Shutting up, ma'am." And without another peep, Aiden slid into his backseat on the driver's side.

(and here's a second one bc I'm self-conscious about my writing)

"Everything okay?" He called from his seat. He heard a startled yelp and a quiet curse, one that he'd forgive for now, but use as blackmail later. His son's face peeked into the kitchen and walked to join him at the island.

"You scared me, Dad." He said tiredly. The man raised his eyebrow at him.

"And just what are you doing up at this hour, brat?" He asked. If it was daytime, he would've paired it with a harsh tone and a slap to the back of the head. But at this hour, his kid wouldn't be up without a reason.

hope those are ok! I like writing sarcastic stuff, but usually, I can write anything.)


NAME (FULL): Jaxxon Kai Kim (birth name: Kim Jeongkai)
AGE: 18
OCCUPATION: he works at a taco bell bc he couldn't get a better job


General face claim (links only!):
Height/Weight: 5' 11", 136 lbs
Build: Jaxxon has this sort of runner's/swimmer's build. He's still muscular and holds himself strongly, but he's slender and more flexible than the average person.
Skin tone: Light Tan
Face shape: Oval
Hair color: Naturally, black. But he dyes it all the time. Right now it's a deep red.
Eye color: Dark Brown
Hair texture: kinda wavy, like only a little bit
Hairstyle/cut: something like this ( but with an undercut (there should be underscores on either side of AC, but the coding messed it up)
Facial Hair: N/A
Noticeable marks: He's got a birthmark on the back of his right shoulder
Piercings(?): both of his ears are pierced and his left ear has two cartilage piercings
Clothing style: anything on here, he'd wear,online_chips:street+fashion&bih=665&biw=1310&rlz=1CASOCH_enUS758US758&hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwi494XIjbboAhVW_qwKHckmBAgQ4VZ6BAgBEBY&safe=active&ssui=on
Preferred weapons(?): He's not opposed to using guns, but he prefers knives and daggers because they're much more up close and personal


Traits: He's real cocky, and sarcastic to hide the fact that he has no self-preservation and no self-esteem. he's also baby but that's only behind closed doors
Fears: Spiders (severe arachnophobia), and he's not afraid of the dark, but he gets really jumpy when it's pitch black.
Likes: Red, music, loyalty, warmth, trust
Dislikes: s p i d e r s, silence, the color yellow
Strengths: he's fast, agile. very loyal. he's strong too, not a noodle. he's a good actor, good at deceiving others, making them believe what he wants them to believe.
Weaknesses: S P I D E R S, he's a loyal boi and that can be used against him so, since he's more built for speed rather than strength, he's not as strong as others in the Iron Guard
Hobbies: Singing, acting (he a theater nerd), he knows how to play the guitar, learning TikTok dances, watching Netflix/Hulu/disney+
Talents: Singing, acting, guitar, Tae Kwon Do (he was bullied as a kid, learned self-defense), he's a fast boi, he used to do gymnastics too so flexible boi is here as well.


Family: His mom died his senior year so she's not around anymore. Any other family he has are back in Daegu, except his father. His dad is a man named Vincent Kim and Jaxxon would rather die than visit him. His dad was the whole reason it took them so long to get to the working-class, and he was the one driving the car when his mom died in the accident.
Pets?: he's got a black schipperke named Onyx, but most just call her Nyx
Social Class: His family was a lower class family for most of his life, but they managed to move up to working-class while he was in high school
Country of Origin: his parents are immigrants from Daegu, South Korea
Other: N/A

(Note, rate these from 1-20)

Strength: 12
Speed: 19
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 13
Dexterity: 16
Charisma: 17
Constitution: 15