forum The Ghost Bride o/o open
Started by @Tired-but-passionate

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Character A was a normal woman living in China. Or at least, she was trying to. But times were hard. Her family was poor, and A herself was born deaf. Her parents wanted to marry her off, both so that she would be taken care of as an adult, and also to get her out of their hair. But no one wanted to marry a poor, deaf woman.
Until, one man came. He was a matchmaker. For a certain sum, he would help A get married. But not in the way you would expect.

Character B lived on the other side of town from A. He was just a recent college graduate whose parents were looking for a bride for him. But there weren’t many girls in the area, especially ones that B’s parents approved of. B wasn’t particularly interested in his parents’ efforts, and focused himself on starting a business. One day though, he was walking home from work. It had been a normal day. But, while he was walking, he saw something strange. A red packet, the kind he would receive on his birthdays and New Years, was lying there on the street. Confused and more than a little curious, he went over and picked it up. Upon opening the packet, he found a bit of cash, and, strangely, a lock of hair and someone’s horoscope information. Why would something that was usually just a nice gift have something like this in it? And left on the street, of all things?
Then, just out of the corner of his eye, he saw an older couple and a few others come up to him, smiling. Congratulations, they said. You are the one that has been chosen to marry our daughter.
There was just one, small thing, however.
The daughter was dead.


Hello all! I have returned! Sort of. I am trying to come back and I thought making a new rp would help. This one is gonna be a bit dark, so fair warning. I’m sort of feeling a revenge plot with a bit of romance, though that is optional. This was inspired by the real cases involving ghost marriage in China that I’ve heard about recently. There is going to be some supernatural elements.

Rules n disclaimers

  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules
  • pls be an experienced rper/writer
  • CW: this will involve death, violence/abuse (against women especially), ableism and misogyny. If you are not in the right place or are triggered by these things, then I don’t think this rp is for you
  • Ghost marriages have a lot of context to them, and I encourage researching this context in order to understand this phenomenon
  • I’m leaning towards being A, but I don’t really have a preference
  • more of the plot will be revealed as we go on, but if you have ideas, I’d be happy to listen to them
  • replies from me may be spotty, but I don’t want this to die so as long as both of us are replying, I’m happy
  • if I haven’t rped with you before, I will ask for a sample of your writing

And yeah! That’s all for now.


(Hey knight! Sure, I was actually kind of hoping you’d see this XD so yeah, you can join. Like I said, I’m leaning towards being A, but did you have a preference? Also, do you want templates?)

@knightinadream group

Name: Zhang Jiahao
Age: 23
Dead or Alive?: Alive
Gender: Cis male (he/him)
Personality: If you were to ask his parents to describe him, they would say "smart, soft, and sweet." While there's clearly so much more to Jiahao, he is a smart, soft, and sweet person. He isn't the kind of person to speak out, but he's also not confident too so who knows? Jiahao prefers to be in the corner at parties, but enjoys talking to two or three other people. Although, he would go out of his way to help a stranger or friend. Even if helping someone would make him late to something, he'd still do it. He's also an incredibly curious person. Not just in learning about bikes or history or whatever, but also in the world around him and the people he meets. Jiahao is a curious individual, but he can be oblivious too. Things pass over his head all the time. He's not perfect, and he is very aware about this, yet he tries his best to be a good person.
Likes/Dislikes: He likes rain, cooking, bikes (and other types of vehicles), repairing items, listening to music, laying on the floor, chocolate ice cream, people watching, movies, walking, video games and the color yellow. He dislikes closed spaces, disorganization, the cold, alcohol, strawberry ice cream, being lonely, frogs, running, the texture of sand, and confrontation.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Jiahao is a dexterous individual; like he can cook, sew, and fix things pretty well. Also is an empathetic person, but it can be a double-edged sword. He is someone that can be trusted in a lot of scenarios. His confidence is one of his major weaknesses. Jiahao doesn't want people to walk all over him, but he is weary about confrontation. It all bottles up inside of him, but instead of verbally letting it out, he puts that energy towards his work or ignores it some other way like reading.
Appearance: He stands at 5'11" with a slim waist and triangular body shape. His eyes are dark hazel. Jiahao has short raven black hair that is curtain styled and shapes his oval face. He has warm ivory skin. His face is sharp and he has a well-defined jaw. There are some callouses that cover the palms of his hands. Jiahao's usual outfit is a white tank top, black flannel, long cargo pants, sneakers, and a jacket. He also carries a bandana on him.
Occupation: Bike repair store owner
Backstory: There's not much to Jiahao that is out of the ordinary. He was born on a hazy evening in the middle of August. The name "Jiahao" was given to him to honor a long lost relative on his father's side. Since his parents were always working, he would spend time with a neighbor whom he called Uncle Da. The man's actual name is Xu Kai and has no relation to anyone in Jiahao's family, but he became the boy's "uncle" nevertheless. Uncle Da worked for a bicycle company before running a bicycle fixing business from his home. Bicycles weren't the only thing he fixed; he would fix cars, motorcycles, and trucks too, but he specialized in bicycles. His workshop is where Jiahao spent most of his childhood and teenage years. Jiahao even became Uncle Da's apprentice, working there to earn extra money for college. His parents didn't want him to go to school for fixing bicycles, so he pursued a degree in business and marketing with a minor in economics.

For the next four years, he lived away from home to study. His parents started looking for a bride for him by the time he was a junior in college. He tried dating throughout college, but decided to just completely focus on his studies. It was the same thing after he graduate from college; his parents were still looking for a bride and Jiahao was focused on other things. After months of planning, he opened up his own bike repair store called "Zan Bike Repair." It's been successful so far; at least he makes enough money to keep his parents off of his back for not getting a corporate job. They're still looking for a bride for their son. Maybe they will won't need to search for one any longer.
Other: There is this orange cat that chills around Jiahao's bike shop named Brad; it's like the protector of the shop. (Jiahao named the cat after it responded to Brad despite him going through a million names.) Despite bikes being his life, Jiahao prefers walking everywhere. He likes to stop and take in his surroundings while on his way to and from work.

(Sorry for the holdup, but here he is! Let me know if I should make any edits or whatever.)


Name: Xie Lingxin
Age: 25
Dead or Alive?: dead
Gender: cis female
Personality: Angry. Burning with rage. That is what you will see when you first meet Lingxin’s ghost. All there seems to be of her is grief and the burning desire for revenge. But, if you dig a little deeper, you may just find her humanity. Lingxin was, and is, a softer soul that enjoyed with smaller moments in life and who only wanted to be seen and understood. She is usually kind and compassionate to those who were not involved with her death, though at the same time can be a bit cold.
Likes/Dislikes: bird watching, cooking, being alone, sweets, wine, reading/ being interrupted, being treated like a child, spicy food, sharing things, insects
Strengths/Weaknesses: has a strong sense of justice, knows how to pick her battles (conversation-wise), genuine and honest, is immaterial and therefore unable to be harmed/ learned not to express her emotions in life, and now in death her emotions often expresses her emotions too much, untrusting and resistant towards others who offer help, gets lost in her own thoughts and gets stuck in her head, unable to let go of the past
Appearance: Lingxin has the slightly transparent, mostly human form of a ghost. She appears to be around 5’5 with a slim figure. Those who knew her would agree that she is beautiful; with her ivory skin and high cheekbones, wavy, inky hair, and large eyes, it’s a wonder no one wanted to marry her in life. Now, though, her eyes have changed. She has black sclera with white irises, which turn red when she is feeling strong emotions. She wears a white wedding dress with puffed sleeves and a wide, flowing skirt. A veil covers her head, and white laced gloves cover her hands.
Occupation: worked in a clothing store as a cleaner (in life)
Backstory: For Lingxin, life seemed simple when she was a child. For a while, she felt safe and loved in her own home. When she went to school, the other children would look at her strangely, but she was okay with playing and studying by herself. Eventually though, she grew more and more lonely, even in her own home. There was a period of time where her father was always out gambling, and her mother was left to cook and sell street food by herself. The bullying didn’t help. Lingxin would sometimes come home in cuts and bruises, but then immediately go to help her mother. This was how she grew to love cooking, despite her mother’s bossiness. When she reached middle school, things got somewhat easier. She received her first pair of hearing aids and her father stopped gambling. But, although he was physically there, Lingxin did not feel close to him. Her mother too; she always seemed buried in work and bills. Lingxin resolved to focus on her studies, but she always felt behind her peers. It was like that for a while; focusing on school while her parents focused on work. As the years went by, their relationship became more and more strained, and they certainly weren’t getting any richer. Lingxin eventually dropped out of school and started working as a cleaner for a store not far from where her parents worked. That’s also when her parents suggested the idea of marriage as well, as something to do when she was older. No one had wanted to date her while she was in school, so Lingxin didn’t really see the point. She instead just decided to live with her parents until she could save enough money for herself so she could safely move out. But their relationship was at a point where it was difficult to live in the same house as her parents. Secretly, her parents looked for a man who could take care of her. And one day, a man came. He couldn’t marry Lingxin, but he was a matchmaker, and he offered to help. He introduced himself as Feng Qiang, and after meeting Lingxin, he set up a tea for her to meet a man he had found. Unbeknownst to Lingxin, this was all just a performance. Feng Qiang was, more specifically, a ghost matchmaker. He and her parents had agreed that, if Lingxin could not find a partner in life, perhaps she would find one in death. Feng Qiang slowly poisoned her through the tea. The man, who was in on it, declined to propose and Lingxin was taken home. She died a few hours later. Slowly, her ghost awakened and she understood everything that had happened to her. Everything she had been holding inside her up until this point, the anguish and pain, suddenly burst forth. Now she can only think of getting revenge on everyone who was involved with her death.
Other: although she is dead, she still experiences the world as a deaf person, so she uses sign language. However, if need be, she can establish a sort of telepathic link between herself and another soul.

@knightinadream group

(I mean we could do where the prompt left off, but I'm wondering if it would be better/easier to when Lingxin and Jiahao meet. Would you want to go with the latter?)


At last, a groom had been found for the bride. All was going according to plan. When Xie Ming and Teng Xiuying saw the man who had picked up the red packet, well. They could only be very pleased. He was perfect. Of course, they had to grill him on everything they could find out about his family, his job, his income, his zodiac, before they could be fully satisfied. And, if had happened to refuse this marriage, they would have threatened him with bad luck. Oh, horrible things would happen to him and his family if he did not go through with this marriage, horrible things indeed, so he must. Their daughter needed someone to be with her and to take care of her.
It was a cloudy evening. The older couple led the young man, Mr. Zhang, to their small home. It was clear just by looking at the house that they were poor. It was small, the roof was broken in places, and the paint was dull and starting to peel. As they walked, they explained that their poor daughter had died of a stroke, but she was single, and she needed a husband so she wouldn’t be lonely and cause bad luck on the couple.
When they led Mr. Zhang inside, he would find a few others there, sitting down and speaking quietly. Mr and Mrs Xie introduced them; a few uncles, aunts, and cousins. They then urged the young man into a more private room, where the body was kept. Get acquainted with her, they said. We will prepare the wedding ceremony in the meantime.
The room was rather small, with the casket in the middle filling the space. Inside was the bride, dressed in white with a veil covering her face. A bouquet of flowers rested in her hands. All was still. A single window let soft, dimming light into the room, casting shadows over the space like a blanket.

Lingxin seethed, wandering the house. She hated everyone here. No one here really cared about her. None of them cared about what was happening. But what could she do? She could do nothing like this. Her eyes burned as her incorporeal form restlessly slipped in and out of rooms, occasionally trying to get someone’s attention but to no avail.
But then, she slowed. Something about everyone’s demeanor had changed. She could not hear their words, but it seemed that someone was coming. She knew her parents had left, so they must be coming back now. When she eventually saw the man that was being led through the home. Lingxin seethed once more. So, this was her husband to be? What was even the point of this? She didn’t understand.
But then, an idea came to her mind. She needed help, and perhaps this man could give it to her. She went into the room where her body was and waited.


(Okay, I’m just gonna say rn that this kind of case would not happen in real life. Like obviously the supernatural stuff isn’t real, but the whole thing of someone being killed and then married to someone alive technically would not happen in China. So just know that I realized parts of this don’t exactly make sense but I’m just rolling with it ^^;)

@knightinadream group

(Ahhh I see. Well thanks for letting me know. It'll be fine. It makes for an interesting plot!)

The walk back home was always rewarding. Jiahao would stroll along the street. His left fingers always tapped against the corresponding backpack strap. A gentle breeze would cool him down. It was nice. Nothing out of the peculiar would ever happen, but tonight, he was wrong. Once his eyes landed on an abandoned red envelope, that was it. Jiahao couldn't help but pick the envelope up. At first, he only pressed the sides to see what was inside, but two figures caught his attention. In a matter of moments, a couple walked up to him and just like that he was engaged to their daughter. Well, in a way he was. The couple gave practically gave him an interrogation first. He worried that they would judge him for being a bike repair store owner after telling them about going to a university, yet he ended up accepting the marriage.

Everything following after that felt like it rushed by. Jiahao walked with Mr and Mrs Xie to their home, listening to them talk about their daughter. He met and bowed to a few family members before the couple led him to another room. His eyes gazed around at everything they could get a glimpse of. Soon, they stopped at the coffin that laid ahead. His shoulders grew stiff. Even though he attempted to relax, Jiahao looked like a toy robot while walking into the room.

He froze as he stood at the end of the casket. With his chin tilted down, he stared at it. Jiahao tried to make the corners of his lips turn into a smile. "I do not know if you are happy to see me, but I hope I can be a good husband to you," He whispered. "My name is…Zhang Jiahao."


(Dnieckjwd I do not explain things well. What I mean to say is, someone would not be killed by a matchmaker, and then dead person’s parents would lure in a potential spouse with the red packet. Those things would happen in separate cases. Just to clarify)


Lingxin watched as he moved into the room. She inspected his body movements, his expression. She tried to read his lips. Happy. Well, happy wasn’t exactly the word she would use. At least she felt less negative about the whole situation. She could finally start doing something about it. She needed to get his attention… and she needed a plan.
Lingxin looked up. There was a light fixture on the ceiling. Perhaps, if she did it right, she could manipulate this…
She floated upwards and reached up, her translucent hand phasing through the glass to reach inside the lightbulb. When it passed through the wires, light began to flow into them. It was dim and flickering, but it seemed to work. Lingxin looked down at the man. Zhang Jiahao? Was that what he said? She tried to gauge his reaction. Would he be willing to help her? How would she explain what happened? If she could make this lightbulb work, who was to say that she couldn’t also pick up a pen? She probably could not speak. It had been difficult for her when she was alive, she doubted she could do it now.

@knightinadream group

Jiahao fell silent. He didn't know what else to say. This is strange to him; he would be lying if he said otherwise. And sure, his bride was laying in a coffin in front of him, but he truly does want to be a good husband. He wants to give her soul peace so she may rest easily. The smile had remained on his face. It felt less stiff the more he continued to smile. His hands slightly swayed at his sides. "Guess I will have to get myself a pair of black silk gloves for the ceremony, right?" He asked. "With my black gloves and yours white, we match each other's energy. Won't that be nice?"

Faintly, he heard the light bulb from above. He could see it flickering when he tilted his chin up. His brows pressed together. "Hm?" Something wasn't right. Jiahao couldn't prove it, yet he could've sworn that he faintly saw something else when the light flickered. His eyes were squinting. For a second, he looked back down at the casket. "Lingxin?" He whispered. He stared at the light bulb. In the back of his mind, he wondered if he was truly alone. What if he wasn't? Would he be crazy to consider the other option? "Lingxin? Is that you?"