forum The Bird and The Sun
Started by @Demigod_Fenrir

people_alt 53 followers


A is a decendant of Icarus, the man who flew too close to the sun and lost his wings. From then on, any decendant born with wings were said to a blessing and were brought up as royalty in Itral.

B is the lost prince of Solria, Kingdome neighboring Itral. B has been working as servant for the prince of Itral ever since he was sent away for an unknown reason from Solria.

Since B had started personally serving A since they were teens, A has had a crush on B but also knows he's the prince of Solria, and as the legend goes, if Icarus flew too close to the sun, he'd lose his wings. Will A sacrifice his wings for love or risk breaking the heart of the one he loves most for his own kingdom?


  • no one or two liners, give me so.ething I can build off of.
  • be kind
  • no smut
  • drama! Please, I was hopefing for this to angsty
  • LGBTQ friendly - was thinking m/m but am open to any other pairing


I would, if you'll have me! If we have to keep at M/M pairing that's cool with me, but I don't do M/F often so if you don't think it changes too much, would you be interested in trying it that way instead? If not I'm still interested. Which character will you be playing, A or B?


I'd love to have you! I'm absolutely fine with have a M/F pairing. I'm fine with playing either character so that's up to you. A template will be up in about an hour since I gotta go do some stuff and will be offline but if you have a character in mind go ahead and throw them up!


Aight, aight, thank you very much! Take all the time you need. I think I'd like to do Character A. Do you have a pref as to whether you'd rather be the male or female character?


I think I'll do female for B if that's alright. Here's a template!

Name -
Age -
Gender -
Sexual Orientation -
Status -
Appearance -
Personality -
Backstory -
Abilities? -
Likes -
Dislikes -
Other -


I think I'll do female for B if that's alright. Here's a template!

Name -
Age -
Gender -
Sexual Orientation -
Status -
Appearance -
Personality -
Backstory -
Abilities? -
Likes -
Dislikes -
Other -


Name - Evers Glass
Age- 20
Gender - female
Sexual Orientation - pansexual
Status - personal maid to the Prince
Appearance - stands 5'3 ish, nicely tanned skin and bright green eyes, dark brown hair with lighter brown highlights (all traits from her people in Solria) freckles All over. She prefers to wear pants instead of dresses, since it makes it easier to maneuver around. She wears loose blouse tops, usually with a secure corset abd knee high boots
Personality - outgoing a and happy, but can have a short temper. Can have an attitude and doesn’t care what others think of her, especially the prince. Often feels as if she's missing something from life since she can't really remember much of her early childhood before she came to live in Itral.
Backstory - Evers was brought to Itral as a young child for reasons still unknown to her. Her kingdom, Solria, was at the cusp of a war with Garleigh (other neighboring kingdom) so for her protection and hope that'd she'd come back and properly rule one day, Evers was sent away. She's served the king, queen and prince loyaly ever since, often training with the healers then with some of the guards to learn as much as possible.
Likes - swordplay, animals (can often be found in he armory or the royal kennels.) Loves the library the most
Dislikes - thunder, being cold or alone
Other - skilled with a knife, mostly used as protection


Name- Samson Kir
Age- 22 years
Gender- Male
Sexual orientation- Demisexual maybe
Status- Prince
Appearance- Samson stands at approximately 6'3", with broad shoulders and a narrower waist. He has long-ish limbs, and his arms are roped with strong, wiry muscles that give him an somewhat lanky but solid appearance. One of the most important features of his appearance would be the massive pair of elegant angel-like wings protruding from between his shoulder-blades; they are a cream-white color with reddish and yellow-tan speckles towards the tips (similar to the color scheme of his hair). He has fair skin and soft-masculine facial features. His hair is a strawberry red-blond color, thick and straight, hanging down almost to his shoulders; it is well-kept, often with a small braid or two that gives off a soft-viking sort of hairstyle vibe. He has pale blue eyes, with light eyelashes. He has straight, white teeth. His expressions are often blank and hard to read, but when he does smile, his entire expression lights up. He always dresses in nice clothing, regal and majestic, and takes his appearance seriously.
Personality- Samson gives off a quiet but stern vibe upon first meeting him, like you might expect from a more silent-leader type. Despite this, he is far from cold, and can actually be quite engaging in conversation if you can get him on a subject that he's interested in. He doesn't have many people that he considers friends and is slow to trust, but when he is around those he's fond of, he is a huge softie and sweetheart. In general, he is slow to anger, very patient— but he's like a stick of dynamite with a very long fuse. It takes a lot to get to him, but once you set him off, it's best to stay away from him for awhile. He's very protective of the people he cares about. He thinks strategically, logically, and is obsessed with "what makes sense," sometimes to the point of overthinking everything. He has anxiety sometimes but hides it well. He is actually incredibly pessimistic, though he tries to act like he's not.
Backstory- Not much to tell, really. He has lived a relatively good life thus far as the Prince of Itral. His parents are decent, though he and his father have had a bit of a rocky relationship— but they make it work. He enjoys the company of his personal maid, Evers, who is by far his favorite of his staff.
Likes- Old books. Archery. Falcons. The finer things in life. Star-gazing. The sunlight, especially in the early morning. Contemplative conversations. Warmth. Optimists, because they remind him the world isn't as bad as he worries it may be. Cats.
Dislikes- Mud. Obnoxious know-it-alls. Water (he cannot swim).
Other- He is not the best as a swordsman but his archery skills are impressive. He owns both crossbows and long-bows. He is decent at hand-to-hand but prefers long-range fighting.


(I love him! Here's a starter!)
The fall of her footsteps and the clinking of tea set on the tray resting at her hip was the only sound through the empty halls as Evers made her way to the Prince's quarters. As always, Evers awoke far before the sun with her fellow maids and servant boys to begin the day, helping out in the stables after changing into her usual attire before hurrying off to the kitchen to begin breakfast with the head cook. She smiled to herself as she turned into the Eastern wing of the castle, full well knowing she'd have an earful from the older cook for stealing a few tarts for the prince's breakfast.
She swiftly curtsied to a lady passing by as she stopped at the Prince's door and waited for her to leave the hallway before lightly knocking on the door and stepping inside the darkened room, trying her best to avoid the squeaks in the floorboards as she made her way around throon. She glanced over at the shape on the bed, breathing in and breathing out slowly. She breathed a small laugh before setting down the breakfast tray. She slid open the curtains, letting a small peek of warm sunlight through to the room. "If you plan on sleeping in all day, I'm definately not going to complain, but you know how the coucil gets when you're absent." She cooed, gently nudging Samson's shoulder.


Samson stirred a little, pulling his blanket up to his chin and wrapping his wings around himself. He muttered some incoherent string of words— something along the lines of, "The council will be alright for five more minutes…"— before cracking open an eye. Ah, Evers— she was definitely his favorite person to see in the morning. It was ethereal, the way the sunlight bleeding into the room formed a bright silhouette around her form. How ironic that she reminded him of an angel when he was the one with wings.

He unfurled his wings from around his body and shoved aside the covers, blinking the sleepiness from his eyes. "Good morning, Evers. What time is it?"


"Good morning indeed, Your Highness." Evers replied with a short bow. "Currently? Hm, I'd say quarter to 8:00. Enough time to eat and dress before you are toert with your father and the council." She said, bringing over the tray with the breakfast and tea and setting it down on Samson's lap once he had sat up. She shuddered slightly at the thought of being in the same room as the king, having never really had the best relations with him. The amount of times he had threatened to cast her out or replace her was enough to cement a roooted fear in Evers whenever the king was around.
Shaking herself from thoughts of the king, Evers strode off towards the closet while the prince are, pulling a simple royal blue tunic and dark pants from the array of clothes. When those were out, she drew a warm bath and found towels.
"Have any idea what the meeting is about? She asked, dropping the formal time with a relieved sigh. She peeked outside the room to the hallways to make sure it was truly empty. If anyone had heard just how casually she spoke with the prince now she'd surely get beheaded. "The maids were going on about a ball in the next coming weeks." She smirked over her shoulder "surely to find a bride that will treated you." She mused with a chuckle