forum || Territory Nine RP with CW-POOF || Closed ||
Started by @Moriarty

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Greetings friends and strangers.

I've created a role-play called Territory Nine, and I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in doing a one-on-one based off of the general overview of this world? If you have any other plot ideas, I'm open to those too. The same rules still apply to this for the most part. Please let me know if you're interested! ^u^

Note: the group RP is open as well, but I'm also looking for one-on-one role-plays, whether based off of Territory Nine's universe or not. ^u^


Of course you may! Have you read the description of Territory Nine's world, or would you like me to tell you what it is? We don't have to do one based off of this, but that was my idea. If you have other ideas or suggestions, we can try those too!


Also, do you want to just do a one-on-one, or would you like to wait and see if there is anyone else interested? In which case, we would do a small group. I am absolutely fine with either! ^u^


No need for apologies! I was hoping for a one on one, as I have the same problem. I just know some people do prefer a group, so I thought I'd offer. Alright! Great. I think this will be a lot of fun. So, let's see… do you want to do it directly based off of the same plot as Territory Nine (the roleplay, not the universe), or would you like for us to come up with a different plot located in the same universe? If that makes any sense…
Either works for me! ^u^
Also, how many characters would you like to start with? I usually do anywhere from two to six each, but that varies, and I honestly don't mind either way. :)


Could we just do the same plot? My brain is a bit dry at the moment lol.

I could manage to do two characters, but I haven't role played multiple people at once for a while so I might not be the best since I'm a little rusty.


No worries! I know how it is to be busy, so it's not going to be a problem if you can't post immediately every time. >u<
So, what all do we need to establish before we begin?🤔😁
We already know the plot and stuff. We'll just see how it goes as we RP. Do you need some time to think about your characters or do you already know which ones you'll use?


Sure! A short bio (or a bio or whatever length you prefer) would be fine! ^-^ It's late here, and I have classes in the morning, so I will probably send information on my characters tomorrow. I'll start with two also, to keep it even. I may even start with one, because I'm one of those people who gets attached to random side characters and sometimes makes them important later on. 😂


Okay, thanks!!

Sheena Ramone: The loud, awkward, stubborn chick that, despite not wanting to grow up, always ends up be the tired mom friend. Rebellious, but do not mistake that for confidence. She hides a very deep seated self hatred hidden under layers of yelling, stubbornness, pure rage, swear words, and a whole lotta coffee.

Anarchy Lyndon: Intellectually? Very smart!!! Knows a lot!!!!! Creative as hell!!!! Impulsively? A dumb ass. Needs constant supervision, mainly from her childhood friend Sheena. Six feet of rage and sarcasm. Has one mouth and two hands and she uses them to say the fuck word and make rude gestures at authority figures.


I love the characters. I think this will be great. The only thing I ask is that maybe you could try not to use the really strong language? In essence, the f word. Maybe go with the alternative of @!#$ it out.

I'll be posting my characters as soon as I get home. ^-^


To sum him up, Nicodemus Pike is a kind-hearted guy with anger issues and a constant struggle between getting close to people and distrusting them. He's a bit impulsive at times, intelligent, good with his hands, and competitive. I will make a second character too, but this is my first boyo.