forum Tear Down the Sky (One on One)(Closed)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

A God of War type thing, where two people go on a rampage and kill all of the Greek Gods, but in modern times. I'd prefer going in blind, but I can post a template if/when someone joins.

Deleted user

Actually, I have a character I want to use for this. Lemme get my Anti-hero in here

Deleted user

Dope, I don't have to write one out. A starter will be written in the next…..15, maybe 30 minutes?

Deleted user

"That motherfucker." It was the only thing that broke the deathly silence that drenched the apartment like a cold shower. It was like everything was afraid to move, afraid to even creak in its old age. And for good reason. Kaz probably would've broken it.
A woman laid in a pool of blood at his feet. She had nearly gotten to the door. Just one more step and she might've escaped, might've gotten to him. But the Fates were cruel in in their ways, and offered no apologies for it. His teeth gritted audibly in the dark. Why hadn't he headed Aphrodite's warning and left Deimos alone? A car crash was nothing to Kaz: nothing could touch him. Yet, he pressed the issue and fucked with a god. A minor god, but still a god none the less. He felt frozen in place as footsteps made their way up the stairwell to his floor and stopped on his level. How weird would he look, staring into a dark apartment with a body at his feet? He spared a glance over at the owner of the footsteps, raising an eyebrow when it was a vaguely familiar face.

Deleted user

(Maybe our two characters could've worked together on a hitjob or something?)

Deleted user

(See, the difference is that this'll be in modern times, not ancient Greece)

Deleted user

Is god of war a video game? I'm sorry, I'm an idiot.//

Deleted user

(Yes, it is. It's fine, not everyone's into video games like me)

Deleted user

(The story is about Kratos, a Spartan warrior tricked into killing his wife and daughter by his former master, the Greek God of War Ares. He then vows vengeance, and goes on a murderous rampage against the Greek pantheon in revenge for it)

Deleted user

(Huh, so this is the one time where Zues isn't the asshole, good to know.)

Deleted user

(But, when Kratos takes Ares' spot as the god of war in the 2nd game, Zues betrays him, imao)