Aha- I love my baby boy and I wanna practice with him a bit more.
Some basic rules:
- I am better at writing LGBT+ relationships, it's just easier for me? So this will probably be gay.
- If smut becomes a thing, it will be moved to pm. Let me know at the beginning of the rp if you're okay with this or if you want to skip it.
- This will be bloody, gory, there will be mentions of sensitive topics so please for the love of god tell me what your triggers are. I don't want to hurt anyone.
- If I am not familiar with your style of roleplaying, or it has been a while, I will ask for an rp style.
*Please no one liners, I'm not a huge fan of them. I understand if you're tired, or not up to it. Your replies can be short but please don't make it a habit. - Don't be a dick, I think this should be self-explanatory.
- Have somewhat decent grammar? Okay? Okay.
- If you have an idea, let me know! Chances are, I'll want to hear it!
“Where words fail, music speaks. ”
Full Name: Axel Valentino Belmont
Nicknames: Ax, the mysterious painter
Meaning: “Peace”/ “Strong”/ “Beautiful Mountain”
Age: 22
Gender/Pronouns: Male/He, him, his
Zodiac: Scorpio- Sagittarius cusp
Sexuality: Gay, oh so very gay.
“Who I love does not define me as a person.”
Appearance: Soft brown hair that curls around his shoulders in uncontrollable waves. Usually it’s pulled back from his face in a half up, half down situation. His eyes are a light brown with flecks of gold and deep emerald green colors. A barely noticeable tan, leaning on the pale side, like a warm beige kind of color. (if you can access Pinterest) Image
Height: 5’7
Build/type: Hourglass, more lean muscle.
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Just a tongue piercing
Other markings: (Scars, birthmarks, etc): Has a few scars along his back, the biggest one is on his shoulder, which is a bunch of prominent scars.
“Music is comforting company.”
Personality: Axel is very much a work-a-holic, he will work himself to the bone to get something done. It's to the point it's worrying, really. He is fiercely loyal to those he cares for. He is incredibly smart, diligent, responsible, and calm. He holds his composure better than most. He works well under stress. He's calm and composed, rarely expressing emotions. He tries to shove a lot of things down. He is very polite and humble, however he won't hesitate to call people out for something they're doing. He also has a strong analytical side that makes it easy to quickly decide on something. He keeps his opinion to himself and has walls in place. He’s very anxious and quiet, craving affection and becoming attached, however he has trouble trusting others.
Likes: The cold, playing violin, cooking, sleeping, painting, the stars, taking hikes in nature, exploring, reading (he’s a sucker for fantasy and romance), learning languages, nature, astrology, origami
Dislikes: Storms, specifically lightning storms, quitters, his father, people coming into his studio, the smell of smoke (specifically cigarettes), seafood, arguments, small children, heights
Hobbies: Painting, cooking, violin
Habits: fiddling and cracking his fingers, humming to himself, falling asleep practically anywhere, swearing in different languages, muttering to himself, tapping out the rhythm if he hears music.
“The stars are beautiful… I wonder what it is like to dance between them.”
History: Art is really the only way he can express himself. It makes life easier for him. He could spend hours in his studio. He picked this up from his mother, who was very similar to him. He is considered a bastard's son, since he never met his father. His mother passed away when he was around 16, so he's been on his own for a while.
“Some things cannot be fixed. Only carried.”
- Axel plays four instruments: the violin, the piano, bass and harp. The most meaningful instrument that he plays (to him at least) is the violin
- He is ambidextrous, he uses his left for practically everything, however; he writes and plays instruments with his right.
- He knows how to dance
- He learns by ear, he can hear a piece played once and can play it.
- He has eidetic memory (Photographic memory)
- He often conveys his emotions through music
- He has a cat, Snow.
“Music heals the soul where medicine cannot.”
Theme songs:
- Cradles - Sub Urban
“Leave it be.”