@Mojack group
Welcome to Zion.
It’s one of the busiest places in the world, and with good reason. Zion is notable for its high population of supers- super powered beings.
People were always born with abilities. They’ve only increased in frequency since ancient history, and the experts believe we’ll only see an increase in the super population from this point on. Supers are known to become superheroes - the people who work to protect our world. Usually on a smaller scale of course, as not one hero is going to defend the entire planet. But together? Heroes are quite powerful, as a force protecting us.
Not all supers go to become heroes, though. Some, we know as criminals. Villains. Supervillains. There’s a hierarchical thing in the whole Super scene, not just with villains either; although with heroes, it is lesser known. You’ve got criminals, the ones who might rob a store or two, maybe a bank. Do arson. You know. The usual criminal stuff.
The villains, who might employ criminals to do their stuff. Villains are seen as a stronger threat - it’s also the stage where you decide if you’re staying on the bad guy’s side, or get knocked out of the game. Completely. That’s a politer way to say jailed, imprisoned, etc. In rare cases, killed. But they don’t exactly report about that, do they? Not for villains. Only for heroes.
Supervillains are in the big league. They’re the ones who stuck through, survived, escaped, etc. Zion has one big supervillain. They’ve had the spotlight for several years now, maintaining firm control over certain areas of Zion. They’ve escaped time and time again. They’re the reigning Zion supervillain, and the name they go by is…
..well, we’ll get to that later.
Villains (also can be used as an umbrella term overall) sometimes interact with another. More often than you’d think. Sometimes it’s to form alliances, or deals. Other times, it’s not a very friendly meeting - sometimes, they fight. Sometimes the heroes don’t have to worry about the villains - they might just take each other out.
Especially when you have a seemingly new villain strut into the light, confident enough to challenge the strongest villains for power and territory. Those are usually the fellas who get knocked right off their high horses, just so you know.
And speak of the devil- it seems like Zion may have one of those new villains after all. A new villain, challenging the top supervillain in Zion. Well? What are you going to do?
Been digging a RP with more action, so…RP in which people with powers exist. Although they’re more common than ancient times as mentioned before, less than half of the world are Super.
Two things:
- it is highly unusual for a Super to be born in a family with no history of superpowers at all.
- usually, superpowers appear at 18 at the latest.
Two characters in this RP: the supervillain, and the ‘new’ villain. Maybe not new to the business, but new to Zion. Clarification: whoever joins this RP will be the supervillain from Zion, while I will be taking control of the fella who’s going to be arriving in Zion very shortly…
If I do not recall your style, I will ask for a sample.
- Do not autohit, but don’t dodge everything either. Play to your strengths, but remember your weaknesses.
- This will probably be a mature RP in terms of violence n blood. Though there’s a time and place for those two.
- And as always, swear to your heart’s desire!
- Ask questions as needed. I’ll be pleased to answer.
- Response time may vary, from same day to several days later. Please keep that in mind!
- Absolutely no one liners.
I’ll swing you into the sun if you do one even though you’ve read this rule - Please try to have good grammar/punctuation!
- Say the sexytimes somehow happen in this, it’ll probably be a fade to black sort of thing. Sorry. I’m not good at writing that stuff, nor am I extremely fond of reading it.
- If you have any ideas for this..let me know.
- This list may change (most likely won’t, but I always mention this just in case).
And the template….remove brackets.
Alias: (Most Supers have them! They’re the names they go by, when they’re out and about. With good reason, they keep their true identities hidden. Aliases can be just about anything, relating to their abilities or not, or have a deeper meaning.)
True Identity: (Their real name. Make sure to list if anyone knows their identity, or just how many people.)
Age: (20-24)
Nationality: (although Zion is a fictional city in the United States, your character may have originated from elsewhere, or at least had family history of different nationalities. or not, your choice.)
Orientation: (sexual/romantic orientation)
Affiliations: (are they affiliated with anyone else? their own group/business, someone else’s business, another villain?)
Normal/civilian clothes: (some villains/heroes do not have a difference between their Super outfit and their civilian outfit. It’s rare, but can happen.)
Super outfit:
Background: (can be short or as long as needed.)
Powers: (the most amount of powers to be recorded in one person was five. three powers is the average, though.)
Drawbacks: (what drawbacks do their powers have? drawbacks may be minor to severe.)
Other: (anything else)