forum Spooky season is nearing so spooky vibe rp?(0×0) (closed) (tw: gore)
Started by @Dirt

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I definitely fell off the face of the earth for a bit there, but that rp itch has returned and im up for ideas (:
Could be a fun super natural rp, zombies, vampires. Im down for anything. I always love a good romance subplot or if thats the main vibe im down for that too. I like detailed writing but forgive me if I'm a little rusty (: please ask before joining and then we can chat about what we think the best course of action will be (:


Hi, I haven't done rp in a LONG time and wanted to try it again and this seemed like it could be fun. If you're willing to have me I'd like to join. I don't feel comfortable with explicit sexual content and would prefer if that didn't play a part. but I'm down for most anything else romance wise


Yeah totally chill! Any specific direction you wanted to take this in?


nothing in particular! did you want a more fantasy situation or more regular life? I think it would be cool to maybe do the start of a zombie apocalypse or maybe something a bit more mystery based like finding out the secrets of an old vampire estate or something like that


Ooo i like the idea of the start of a zombie apocalypse! What kinda zombies would we be aiming for??? I think mutated ones would be kinda cool, almost human but not quite, and still seeking flesh?


that would sick! Maybe it can be really hard to tell sometimes if they're a zombie or not. Like different levels of intelligence or something? could add a distrust aspect


Oooo I like that! Sounds like we have a vague idea (: if there does happen to be any romance between the characters would you like M×F F×F or M×M ?


Works for me! I prefer writing males characters, so could I take that role? Also characters sheets? We can totally do like a basic one or just ignore it all together, im good with either or


Honestly I'm good without character sheets lol, basic age range tho? I feel like thats a little important, and would you like to start or would you like me to get the starter up?


Jaime scrolled though his phone, almost hopping his shift would go by quicker. It didn't. Night shift at the gas station was one of two things. Painfully slow, or calling the cops on some crack head. Tonight just so happened to be the first of the two. He'd originally taken the job with the hope of having time to do homework before class the next morning, thinking it would help with his procrastination. Unfortunately that didn't seem to be the case either.
His phone buzzed, dragging his mind from his doom scrolling, and hopes of getting to go home. Jaime raised an eye brow at the notification. It was some alert that he barely skimmed before hitting dismiss. The front door opened and he didn't even bother to look up, mumbling a half hearted "Welcome in," though he was sure whoever it was didn't care if he did or didn't Welcome them. It was to late at night for anyone to really mind.

(Sorry that took a fat minute, I got distracted)


Marina stepped into the ugly little convenience store. The boy at the till muttered something and then continued to scroll his phone mindlessly.
In the 10 years she'd lived in this part of town she'd only set foot on the premises one other time. Unfortunately when it's the middle of the night and you need a pick-me-up snack there aren't many other options. Marina brushed her hair out of her face and wandered down one of the ridiculously small aisles, hoping to find some sour candy to settle her craving.
She crouches in front of the product and examines the bags slowly. Her tired eyes even slower than usual to notice the great big bag of warhead candies. Checking the price, she gagged internally.
$15 bucks for this?! she thought.
"Screw it," she muttered, grabbing the bag harshly and walking towards the counter.
the boy looked up from his phone and sighed when she set the candy on the counter.
The door jangled again as he scanned her through.
Marina glanced briefly at the lady wandering the aisles. Something about her seemed a off. Probably just a druggie.
Marina reached into her pocket and pulled out some cash for the boy's extended hand.

(lol you're totally fine. I'm just as bad. also sorry for the brick)


Jaime only half counted the cash the girl handed to him, keeping one eye on the lady that had just entered. Something was serious off. The lady bumped into a shelf, knocking over most of what was on it. "Can you not?" He called. She grunted Something in response. Seriously, what was her deal?
He counted out the girls change, rolling his eyes at how much she'd just paid for candy. It was a miracle this crappy little store was even open still with its prices. He reached out to hand the customer her change and over priced candy.
"hunggrrry", the lady was now as close as she could get without actually being behind the counter. He hadn't even heard her approach. "Shit," Jaime jumped, dropping some of the coins. "I'll be right with you ma'am." He muttered, turning his attention back to the customer he was currently helping. Apparently it was going to be one of those nights. He mentally cursed himself for jinxing his peace and quiet.
(LOL you're good! I'll sometimes write bricks too)


"What the-" Marina shuddered as the unfamiliar woman was now ridiculously close to her and the counter. The boy dropped her change unexpectedly and she turned her attention back to him. Something in his eyes said they were in trouble.
The woman reached over the counter for the boy's hand, almost catching it.
"Hey!" He cried, pulling his hand away. The woman just grinned, revealing an ugly rotting smile and turned toward Marina instead.
Marina was suddenly very aware of how awful the woman smelled; like when you find a dead mouse in the laundromat. The woman took a small step towards her, bringing her directly into Marina's personal bubble.
She took an instinctive small step back from the woman.
"hunggrrrry," the woman repeated the word, licked her lips, and lunged for Marina.


Jaime moved before he could second guess himself, reaching over the counter and shoving his arm between the two, almost knocking over the girl in the process. He couldn't tell who shrieked, if it was him, the girl or the druggie now grabbing for his arm.
The woman dragged him the rest of the way over the counter with what felt like unnatural strength, sending him sprawling to the dirty floor. "Get off," his voice was more shrill then he would have liked, "or I'm calling the cops." That seemed to snap the lady out of whatever drug induced trance she seemed to be in. She released his arm, giving him a chance to stand. Jaime placed himself between the two ladies, still holding his hands up. He hoped he looked intimidating. Or atleast as intimidating as a lengthy college kid could.
She blinked, staring blankly at him with that same rotting grin. Her mouth moved soundlessly, seemingly trying to forme words that wouldn't come out. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave," he gestured to the door, refusing to take his eyes off the woman.

(You're good lol, I typically don't stay up late, last night was a bit of an anomaly for me)


Marina watched warily over the boys shoulder. The hand he had extended towards the door was trembling slightly. Whether it was from fear or the sheer shock of hitting the ground was yet to be seen.
The druggie continued to stand there, ignoring the boys order to leave.
She continued to mouth something but still no sound came out.
Marina clenched her own shaking hands and stepped a bit closer to the boy.
“Come on, Lady,” her voice shook, “he told you to leave. Get going!”
The crazy lady’s head dropped, almost comically, to her chest.
The three of them stood there for a while in a sort of standoff.
Suddenly the woman shrieked and threw herself about the area. Grasping at her head desperately.
hungrry, hungryyy, HUNGRRYYY!!!


The woman's screams had Jaime covering his ears. He didn't get paid enough for this. "Just take something," he shouted. Maybe if she had something to eat she would stop shreiking long enough for him to call the cops. That didn't seem to be the case.
The lady ignored him continuing what looked like a tempertantrum. She crashed into shelves, knocking things to the ground. A glass bottle shattered making Jaime jump. "We can lock ourselves in the bathroom and call the cops," he kept his voice low, hoping the woman was distracted enough that she wouldn't hear him. "Come on." He started twords an aisle opposite of the lady, keeping watch on her as she flopped about the floor, still screaming about her hunger.
The store was small enough that the bathroom was just right there. Probably not more then twenty steps from the entrance. Still it felt too far away.
The lady froze in place with out warning. The store suddenly to quiet. Shit. Jaime ducked below the shelves, dragging the girl to the ground with him.


Unsettled by the sudden stillness from the druggie, Marina covered her mouth with one hand to silence her shaky breaths.
The boy still had a grip on her other arm, watching the woman.
“Come on,” he whispered. They crawled slowly a few paces with the shelter of one of the shelves.
Marina glanced back at the woman briefly and froze when she locked eyes with her.
The druggies eyes were wide, red, and pinned on her.
Marina felt the boys grip tighten on her arm. Preparing to run for it maybe?
The woman abruptly started crawling and then running towards them. Marina screamed and the boy dragged her around the corner and behind another shelf. Several steps closer to the bathroom
The druggie crashed into the shelves again, spilling product everywhere. The woman was only stunned for a second before walking unnaturally towards their new hiding spot.


"ruuun," the Woman slurred. It was almost like she was mocking them. Jaime seriously started to consider the fact that maybe she wasn't on drugs, just psycho. His hands shook as he grabbed his phone from his pocket, hastily dialing 911. The phone rang loud enough to trigger the woman into a sprint. He could barely make out a faint "911 whats your emergency?" Before the phone was knocked from his grasp when the woman crashed into the shelves again.
The girl screamed and this time so did he. The woman's jaws snapped open then shut with a sickening crunch. It was almost like she'd cracked her own teeth doing so. "c…cooome heee-here." Blood dripped from her mouth.
Jaime shouted the stores address, hoping the 911 operator could hear him over the chaos.
"That way," he practically shoved the girl forward, in the direction of the bathroom. The woman lunged again, taking Jaime to the ground with her. He cried out at the impact. Her jaws snapped dangerously close to his face, her hands digging into the front of his hoodie. "HUNGGRRRY." She screamed, blood flying from her mouth.

(Lmk if this is getting a little too gory, I can definitely tone it down, and slap a tw in the description for any potential stalkers.)


Marina stumbled towards the bathroom, a this sounded behind her.
She turned and saw the deranged woman tackling the boy, screaming and spitting blood all over him.
She grabbed the nearest heavy container and threw it at the woman. The contents exploded on impact, showering the two of them in pringles.
The blow didn’t seem to really have an impact on the woman. Marina dodged for the fridge, grabbing the first glass bottle she saw.
She lunged at the woman and swung the bottle like a batter in baseball.
The woman’s head spun unnaturally with a cracking sound. Marina screamed at the horrifying angle of the woman’s head.
The boy took the opportunity to shove the crazy lady off of him and push himself and Marina to the bathrooms.
The woman was back on her feet, head still turned grotesquely the wrong way, and chased after them.
The boy slammed the bathroom door shut between them and the woman, but not before the psycho had shoved a hand into the door.
“Help me!” The boy grunted.
Marina hesitated and then pushed her body weight against the door as well.
A disgusting crunch was quickly followed by the sound of the deadbolt sliding into place.
Marina took a step back and looked horrified at the floor. Two of the woman’s fingers had been severed and fallen to the floor, the blood seeping from them an unnatural, sickly colour.
Marina covered her mouth quickly as her stomach turned.
I’m gonna be sick-