//yes ok I shall change it super quick
//yes ok I shall change it super quick
//okey dokey :D
Anya woke up in her usual place. She rolled off the narrow bed, her mission on the forefront of her mind: Infiltrate. Get info. Get out.
(Great, thanks!)
"Attwood! Get up, the boss wants to see you!" a deep, demanding voice called from the doorway.
Spencer groaned and rolled out of bed, running a hand through his hair. He made his way out the door, straightening as he passed the tall, dark-skinned man who'd called him. The man ignored him as he walked past and started toward the gang leader's "office."
//so just to clarify: Anya is a spy, Spencer is an actual gang member?
Also they are in the same gang right???
Anya walked to the derilect kitchen, joining the majority of the gang there in the usual routine. She noticed that one guy— Attwood, she thought his name was, though nobody ever called him anything else… maybe a nickname?— wasn’t there, but she couldn’t just get up and leave, so she continued to eat the stuff the gang called breakfast.
(Yes, yes, and yes.
Attwood is his last name, btw.)
"Spencer Attwood, take a seat," Anthony Guilvera said, gesturing to the seat in front of him.
Spencer sat down warily. You weren't called to Guilvera's iffice for nothing, and sitting down was definitely not a good sign.
"I assume you are wondering why you have been called here." The gang leader waited for Spencer to nod before continuing. "I need you to do something for me, and you need to take a newer member."
"Yes, sir," Spencer said with a nod.
"There's somebody who owes me money, and I need you to… persuade him to get it to me. Soon. If I don't have that money within twenty-four hours, he, you, and your partner, will be dead by sundown tomorrow."
//i figured lol
Anya finished breakfast and made a noncommittal comment about doing her rounds. She did indeed begin to do her rounds, but not in allegiance with the gang: she began exploring the base. She’d been here for a while, yes, but she’d hardly ever had a chance to look around. Now that she had one, she took it.
Anya walked around corners and through numerous hallways until she reached a door at the end of an empty hall. She heard two voices— presumably male— coming from inside, and decided to eavesdrop.
"Yes, sir. I think I know who to take," Spencer said.
"Good. Remember, twenty-four hours, or else…" Guilvera motioned with his hand. "You are dismissed."
Spencer nodded once and stood, making his way out the door.
Anya heard the end of the conversation and turned around, then began walking towards the door. She pretended not to see Attwood, and bumped into him. “Watch it,” she said, no trace of an apology in her voice.
"Watch it yourself. Look where you're going next time," Spencer shot back. He looked at her for a moment, she looked oddly familiar… Of course she did, she lived in the same building as he did. "You're new, right?"
“Yeah,” Anya shrugged. “Not that it’s any buisiness of yours.” She kept walking down the hall, and, without turning to face him, said, “See you `round.”
Spencer cocked an eyebrow and followed after her. He placed a firm hand on her shoulder and made her turn to face him.
"I need a newbie for a mission, and you're the first one I've run into, so guess what? You get to join me," he said, his voice not allowing for argument.
Anya crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. “Darling, I have a task already. I don’t need you to get on the map.” She turned back around. “Touch me again, and you’ll lose the hand.”
"Well, you can bring that up with Guilvera, then," Spencer declared, raising an eyebrow as he crossed his arms. "I'm sure he'd love to know that a new member refused a mission."
“I did not refuse,” Anya hissed, whirling back around. “I told you that I already have one. There is a rather large difference.”
"And what, pray tell, is that mission?" Spencer asked, giving her a look.
“You must’ve been here long enough to know that missions are classified,” Anya smirked.
"Not if the clash with one directly from the boss himself," Spencer countered, his calm expression unwavering.
“Hun, I got mine directly from the boss himself. There’s a cute new chick in the break room— why don’t you chase after her?” Anya said, already walking away.
Spencer watched her walk away, curious and furious. Did she think he just wanted her to join him because she was nice to look at? Well, that did help, but he had also seen her practicing, and she was good.
"Well, have fun with your secret mission, Romanova," he called after her, the use of her name showing that he knew more about her than he let on. "I'll be waiting if you want to join me for that mission."
“Good to know, Attwood,” Anya scoffed, not intimidated in the slightest. “Let me know if you need help… if you tone down your ego, I might be more inclined.”
Spencer blinked at the use of his name. Her tone cut him in a way he couldn't describe. It was an odd feeling, that one of feeling like he'd met her before but knowing that it wasn't possible. At the back of his mind, though, he wondered if it was true.
//so what now
(Um… Maybe they go to their rooms, Spencer's character lapses back into his own somewhat, and he goes to find her?)
//okey dokey
Anya walked back to her room, the anger that had simmered in her chest dying down somewhat. Why did that feel so… ugh. Wow, great description, me. Why does it feel like I know him?
(Wow, great description, Turtle. lol. Jk.)
Spencer sat in his cot and tore a hand through his hair. He just couldn't shake the feeling that he'd met her before, that he knew her. But that was ridiculous.
Shaking his head, he stood. He was on his way to her door before he even knew where his feet were taking him.
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