Some people walk around everyday hiding something that changes their life for forever. For Blake Martinez, she hides something that changes the lives of everyone around her. She hasn't told anyone, her best friend doesn't even know, and she tells him everything. The catch? She's incredibly inlove with him, and he knows it. Little does she know, he's just as in love with her. She knows she has to tell him about her "little" secret eventually. Who tells their secret first? And what will it do to their friendship?
Hello there, I've been working on this idea for a couple weeks now and I think I've gotten exactly what I want. This, as stated in the title, is a one on one roleplay. I will be Blake, and you will be the boy best friend. You can make whomever you want to be her best friend, my only requirement is that he's compatiable with Blake. I will post the charater template when someone joins, and of course fill out my own for Blake.
As far as rules go, I don't have many. I ask that you're respectful, please don't try to take over my roleplay and do whatever you want. Also, cursing is fine, just have some decency. Don't curse every other word and don't use curse words as a form of hate, both in character and out. Other than that i'm open to just about whatever you have to offer. If you have questions at any point just ask. And if you have anything else you'd like to add please feel free.