(of course!)
“Shit, man. That sounds rough as hell. But maybe you all don’t need him. You’ll probably be fine,” Yeong hummed deeply. “If not, I could always fill in. Never played in my life but it couldn’t be too hard, right?”
He said the last bit with a playful wink before glancing back over to where his friends were now sitting on the field and chatting. “Hey, want me to walk you home? Been meaning to ditch these guys and grab a shower anyways.”
"Nah, not too hard at all! I mean it's not like we've all been training since freshman year or anything." Eugene winked back, it's starting to be a habit since meeting Yeong. He sees it as a way to respond to the other without needing to say anything, although most of the time they're in the middle of a conversation. "That would be great actually!" He smiled brightly, glancing back at the other boys.
(Did we ever decide if they were dormmates?? I don't remember lol)
(I don’t think so, but we can say that they are lol)
Yeong nodded his head with a grin and called to his friends in Spanish that he was leaving with Eugene. “¡Háganos saber si tiene suerte con el niño!“ Milo called out to him with a roar of laughter. It was another one of his dirty little things, telling him to let them know if he gets lucky. He raised his middle finger at the chuckling group with a shake of his head. They knew of his interest in men , but that comment just annoyed him. Eugene was his friend, it was uncalled for. “Let’s get out of here,” he said, picking up his duffel bag and beginning to walk to their place.