forum So What Now? (OxO with just_gabs)
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@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Oh boy. Sandra thought for a minute. "Uh… well, town-wise, this is Newart. Or the outskirts at least. We don't have much. Country is Chasan, we're an island.
"I've got friends in another Island country to the south of here. Anywhere you need to travel by sea and don't mind getting annoyed on the way, I know a guy. Need a horse trained or a swordsman, I know a guy. Need legal or court advice, I know a girl. And for hunting, archery, terrain navigation, I'm the best to talk to."
She loosely crossed her arms. "How did you end up here?"

Deleted user

"You know a lot of people," Shaziri joked, "Sounds like I ran into the right person."
Her smile dropped as she registered Sandra's question, and she let out a frustrated sigh, "I'll be honest, I have no idea. Like I said, one minute I'm minding my own business; the next, a swirling glowy blue hole opens up and drops me straight into this field." she shrugs, "So far the weirdest thing that's happened to me, which is saying a lot."

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

"Like… like magic?" Sandra shook her head in confusion. "Magic is just a maid's tale, everyone knows that. I'm a healer, I've had so many people tell me that they needed help for a magic injury or illness and every time it's just something boring."

Deleted user

Shaziri stared at Sandra for a long time.
"No… No magic?" she blurted out, "Are you serious?! What kind of dannan world are you—"
She stoped as a thought struck her, and her body went cold.
"Oh my Sheasa," she whispered, "I'm not on my world anymore."

Deleted user

Shaziri snorted, then laughed openly. She bent double, hugging her sides as she struggled to contain her amusement.
"I… I'm sorry," she snickered in response to Sandra's sour look, "But magic doesn't work that way. There are different fields; different auras; different abilities depending on different people. It's not like I can shoot fire from my fingertips or teleport at will. The most magic I can do is summoning my rochim. The highest form of magic comes from wizards; people who have studied decades to gain any kind of significant power. Even then, they have to have a knack for it."

The woman suddenly realized she was rambling, and she sighs, "Point is, magic is delicate and mysterious even to those of us who can wield it. Whatever sent me here is certainly no kind of power I'm familiar with."

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Shaziri blew a raspberry, "Obviously not. The best thing I guess I can do is start moving."

Her eyes drift off into the distance, and a frown creeps across her face as she ponders her predicament. Despite the chipper facade she was still putting on for Sandra, the woman was… concerned. She thought being brainwashed by her own brothers was bad enough, but this was a whole new level of crazy. How was she supposed to get home if she didn't even know where home was… or how she was sent away from it in the first place? The only logical solution was to move. Find something, anything, that might hold magic, or at least answers. But for a journey like that, she would need a guide; preferably a guide with connections.

But would Sandra even be willing to consider such a venture with a stranger she just met?

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Sandra groaned. "And here I was thinking I'd never top my Acara trip." She sighed and picked up her archery gear. "Come on, my cabin's not far and my mentor isn't home. You should be safe there for a bit to figure out a plan."

Deleted user

Shaziri blinked, then flashed a grin, "Ka'ae. Thanks."
Picking up her daggers, she slid them back into their sheaths before she trotted after Sandra.

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Sandra stashed her weaponry in the shed as she passed and led Shay inside. "We don't have an extra room but if you need to stay overnight there's an inn about five minutes walk from here." She put a pot of water on the stove and scanned the small shelves mounted in the kitchen area of the living space. "Are you feeling okay? Any injuries or anything?"

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Shaziri shook her head, "Nah. I am pretty famished, though. I was on my way to supper when I feel through the dannan floor."

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Sandra nodded. "I got a few grouse earlier I was gonna make. If that's not your style, I don't know what the tavern is serving but you could try there." She selected a few bundles of herbs from the dry rack on the wall. "Lavender, chamomile, and lemongrass tea. Want some?"

Deleted user

Shaziri shrugged, "Grouse and tea would be great."
While Sandra prepared the meal, the woman let her gaze drift, drinking in the cabin's interior.

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Sandra finished up the meal and set a plate and mug down in front of Shay. She gathered the meat scraps and poked her head out the door. “Basil!”
A collie came trotting up to the porch and sat down, waiting for her dinner. Sandra set the tray down and returned to the table.

Deleted user

(The chicken chat is wearing me out, goodness…)

Shaziri gave Sandra a nod of thanks before she dug in. The food was mediocre, but hey; who was she to complain? As she munched on her meal, she stared absently at the wall, pondering over her next course of action.

First things first, she needed to learn a little more about this world. There had to be some kind of magic; something to help her get home. Then, of course, she needed to find it. She wondered if Sandra would know anything… Judging from their conversation earlier, it seemed the girl had connections. Well, only one way to find out.

Swallowing a bite, Shaziri turned her eyes to Sandra and asked, "So, about magic; you sure your world doesn't have any? Not even stories, or old legends?"

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Shaziri hummed as she cradled the warm cup of tea in her hands, "All stories have a grain of truth somewhere, even fairytales. You just have to know how to look. Do you know any having to do with magical travel? That might help me get started on finding a way home."

She wondered briefly if she should perhaps be worrying more about why instead of the how she ended up in this world, but she preferred to focus on what would actually get her somewhere.

Deleted user

Shaziri took a sip of the tea as Sandra was talking, but at the girl's response, she huffed and put the cup down on the table.
"I told you, I have no idea," she said, her foot tapping against the floor in slight irritation. They were talking in circles at this point, and it was making Shaziri impatient.
"A hole opens up under my feet, and suddenly, I'm falling from the sky," the woman continued, "That's all. I don't know anything or…" her voice trailed off as she was suddenly struck with a thought, and she stared fixedly over Sandra's head.

Deleted user

"Holy Emerelm!" Shaziri burst out, slapping her hand against the table and causing the dog to perk up in alarm, "I just remembered! There's this old Sheodorian legend–one of my friends was just telling me about it the other day. It's about this crystal called, well… the Emerelm, that can grant whoever wields it the ability to cross realms. Normally, I'd think that's a load of esda, but now I'm here, so obviously it's got to have some merit to it…" she snapped her fingers and slapped the table again, "I bet you anything somebody found the actual Emerelm and sent me here. That somebody most likely being my brothers," she added to herself in undertone.

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Shaziri tapped her foot against the floor rapidly as she frowned in thought.
"Not really," she admitted finally, "Even if this were true, it's not like I have any way to connect back to my world and figure it out. Which brings us back to square one; figuring out some kind of lead from this end."

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Sandra hummed and racked her brain.
“I don’t know if anything like that.” An idea crossed her mind. “I have a friend- he’s been all over the known world as a sailor. He may know of something, but it’s a long shot. I don’t even know if he’s in the country.”